Foreword v
I. Tells of how Professor Ranney Purchased an Ancient Manuscript and of What He Found Therein 1
II. A Fall Down Thirty Centuries 16
III. Enana the Magician, Would Prove that a Resemblance between a Queen and a Priestess may be Turned to His Advantage 33
IV. How Bhanar Came to Thebes 45
V. The Pleasure Barge of Thi, the Queen-Mother 53
VI. How Bhanar Found a Home in Egypt 66
VII. How Renny The Syrian Escaped the Crocodiles 83
VIII. N?fert-?ri Dances before Pharaoh 91
IX. The Luminous Book 119
X. Pharaoh Seeks to Exalt a Foreign God 138
XI. The Statue of Amen Disappears 152
XII. Enana Calls to his Aid the Gods Justice and Vengeance 165
XIII. Ramses and Sesen 172
XIV. A Rash Promise 187
XV. A Statue of Hathor, Goddess of Love 200
XVI. The Curse of Huy, Great High Priest of Amen 208
XVII. Why Menna’s Chairbearer Staked his All 218
XVIII. What Happened When Menna, Son of Menna, Went A-wooing 228
XIX. The Hittites Advance 239
XX. How Bar and Renny Meet for the Last Time 247
XXI. Of the Capture of Belur, the Hittite 256
XXII. The “Double” of Hanit 266



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