Shrewsbury has received a succession of thirty-two royal charters from the time of King William the First to the first year of the reign of James the Second. The earliest charter preserved in the corporation archives is dated Nov. 11, 1189, being the first year of King Richard the First, which recites that a previous corporation had existed. The last governing charter of the town was granted the 16th of June, 1639, by Charles the First. The component parts of the corporation were a mayor, recorder, steward, common clerk, twenty-four aldermen, forty-eight assistants or common councilmen, two chamberlains, sword-bearer, serjeants at mace, &c. The mayor was elected annually by the majority of aldermen and assistants, in council assembled, on the first Friday after the feast of St. Bartholomew, and sworn into office the first Friday after Michaelmas-day. Robert Burton, jun. Esq. was the last mayor chosen under the old charter. The aldermen were elected by the mayor and aldermen from the assistants, and the latter from the burgesses at large. Burgesses obtained their freedom by descent, or birth, or by serving a bona fide apprenticeship of seven years within the ancient limits of the borough to a freeman of one of the ancient incorporated companies. On the 26th of December, 1835, each of the wards returned six members to form the new Town Council, who elected to their number, on the 31st, ten aldermen, which constitutes the municipal body of the town, from whom William Hazledine, Esq. was elected Mayor. To assist in the local government, the Secretary of State has subsequently appointed eight magistrates. Under the provisions of the above cited act, the annual election of mayor is fixed for the 9th of November. The ancient Common Seal of the municipal body is very curious, representing a view of the town,—its churches, domestic habitations, fortified gates and walls, beneath which the river is seen flowing under a bridge; above the latter is a shield bearing the arms of England, and on each side are similar shields charged with the cross of St. George and the town arms,—Azure, three leopard’s faces Or. The inscription round this seal is—Sigilin • commune • libertatis • ville • Salopesburie • factu • ano • gre • m cccc xxv. |