
It would be superfluous to offer any observations on the importance of the two senses of Vision and Hearing, or on the prevalence of the various disorders to which the organs of those senses are liable; and whilst a general resource has been provided for the poor in the noble institution just noticed, for such diseases and accidents as they might be afflicted with, it has been thought expedient to form separate institutions for the relief of such disorders or defects in the human frame as are found more prevalent; since by directing medical and surgical skill to one particular object, efficient results may be the more easily obtained. To further this design, the Shropshire Eye and Ear Dispensary was established in 1818. During seventeen years of its progress 3583 patients have been admitted, and, as among these several have been restored to the blessing of sight, the institution is deserving of public support.

The dispensary is held in Castle-street, under the care of a surgeon. Annual subscribers of one guinea have, according to the original resolution, the right of recommending two patients within the year; but this is not in all cases strictly adhered to.



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