Shrewsbury—Situation; foundation; etymology. | ANCIENT HISTORY. | State under the Britons; Stephen besieges the Castle; town taken by Llewelyn; Royal visits; Supreme Courts of Justice; the Great Parliament; Battle of Shrewsbury; Owen Glendower; Birth of Richard and George Plantagenet; Proclamation of Henry VII.; Tradition of the phrase “Proud Salopians;” Pageant in honour of Sir Henry Sidney; Council House the residence of King Charles I.; King James II.; Loyally of the Inhabitants; Visit of their Royal Highnesses the Duchess of Kent and Princess Victoria. | 13 | THE CASTLE AND FEUDAL STATE. | Foundation and early account of the Fortress; Interior Gateway; General Description; Watch Tower; Prospect from the Castle Mount; Gates and Towers; Feudal Picture of the Town. | 18 | PRESENT STATE OF THE TOWN. | Distant appearance; salubrity; Domestic architecture; Act for Improving Streets; Gas Company; Population, &c. | 21 | ECCLESIASTICAL BUILDINGS. | Prefatory observations; Saxon foundations, lands, possessions, &c.; cursory notice of the Conventual Churches, Ancient Chapels, Chantries, and appropriate decoration of the Sacred Buildings. Old St. Chad’s Church.—Fall and account of the ancient edifice, dawning light of the Reformation, first exercise of the Protestant Religion, Bishop’s chancel, present remains of the fabric. New St. Chad’s.—Site, architectural description, chancel window, monuments, bells, lecture, &c. St. Mary’s.—Interesting variety of the architecture, south portal, noble effect of the interior, genealogical window of stained glass, stone organ screen, biographical notice of the Rev. J. B. Blakeway, transepts, curious font, chantry chapels, monuments, bells, flight from the spire, &c.St. Alkmond’s.—Demolition of the ancient church, modern edifice, eastern window, elegance of spire, first mayor of Shrewsbury, &c. St. Julian’s.—Present fabric, stained glass, monument to Archdeacon Owen, &c. free lecture. St. Michael’s Parish within the Castle.—Ancient history and trial respecting, parochial limit, etymology of Derfald. The Abbey Church.—General description, fine west window, north portal, solemnity of the interior, armorial bearings and figures in stained glass, organ screen, font, ancient cumbent effigies, altar tombs and monuments, old painting of the Crucifixion. St. Giles’s Church.—Antiquity of the structure, primitive appearance of the interior, stained glass, sepulchral stones, reflections and prospect from the cemetery. St. Michael’s Church.—Western view, consecration, stained glass, &c. St. George’s Church.—Consecration, interior decoration, old hospital, free chapel. Trinity Church.—Foundation and description. Religious Houses.—Chapel of St. Mary Magdalene, Spel-cross. Dissenting Meeting Houses.—Roman Catholic Chapel. | 96 | ROYAL FREE GRAMMAR SCHOOL. | Endowment, its state and pre-eminence, present to Dr. Butler from his pupils, appointment of Dr. Kennedy, annual prizes, royal visits, school buildings, chapel, library, exhibitions, &c. | 104 | LOCAL GOVERNMENT, CHARTERS, &c. | Municipal Body; Ancient Seal; Sessions; Courts of Record and Request; Members of Parliament; Trading Companies; Merchant Guild; Pageant of Shrewsbury Show. | 111 | PUBLIC BUILDINGS. | County Hall, Courts of Justice, Guild Hall and Exchequer, Market House and Statue of Richard Duke of York, Old Welsh Bridge, Old East or Stone Bridge, English Bridge, Lord Hill’s Column and fine panoramic prospect, Town and County Gaol, Poultry Market, Butter and Cheese Markets. | 130 | CHARITABLE INSTITUTIONS. | | Introduction; the Salop Infirmary, Eye and Ear Dispensary, St. Giles’s Hospital, St. John’s Hospital, Drapers’ Almshouses, St. Chad’s Almshouses, House of Industry, Humane Society; the Prison, Parochial, and Town Charities. | 143 | CHARITY SCHOOLS. | Bowdler’s or the Blue, Millington’s, Allatt’s, Public Subscription, Lancasterian, St. Mary’s and St. Michael’s, St. Chad’s Ladies’, Infant, and Sunday Schools. | 147 | WALK WITHIN THE WALLS. | Introduction; Market Square, Mercers’ Hall, the Sextry, Shearmen’s Hall, Maypole Festivities, Occupation of Shearmen, Wyle Cop, Residence of the early British Settlers and the Saxons, Lion Hotel, Beeches Lane, Town Walls, the Crescent, Ancient Tower, St. John’s Hill, the Austin Friars, Initial Letter of a Charter from Edward III. the Welsh Bridge, Quays and Warehouses, Mardol, Rowley’s Mansion, Hill’s Lane, ancient Houses, the Bell Stone, Shutt Place, Shoplatch, the Stalls, Ireland’s Mansion, Pride Hill, the High Cross, Castle Street, St. Nicholas’s Chapel, the Council House, Court of the Marches of Wales, Loyalty of Thomas Lyster, Esq. Farquhar’s Recruiting Officer, Character of Salopians, the Drapers’ Hall, Dogpole, Church Street, Jones’s Mansion, view of an ancient timber House, Butcher Row, Fish Street, Belmont, Judges’ House, ancient College of St. Chad, Vaughan’s Place, Talbot Hotel. | 169 | LITERARY AND SCIENTIFIC INSTITUTIONS. | Natural History and Antiquarian Society, Subscription Library, Choral Society, Horticultural Society, Mechanics’ Institution, Newspapers. | 171 | WALK WITHOUT THE WALLS. | Shrewsbury Quarry, Remains of Amphitheatre, Kingsland, Stury’s Close, Grey or Franciscan Friary, Site of Alderman Jones’s Mansion, Dominican Friary, ancient Vineyard, the Water Gate, account of the Entrance of the Parliamentary Army, River-side Walk, Derfald, Shrewsbury Park, Murder of Prince Alfhelm, Canal, Prospect from the Gaol Terrace, Howard-street, Colossal Figure of Hercules, Dana Walk, Breidden Hills, the Town Walls. | 181 | RECREATIVE. | The Drama, Theatre, Circus, Horse Races, Assembly Room, Salop Hunt, Angling, Aquatic Excursions. | 185 | THE SUBURBS—COTON HILL. | Water Works, Spring Water, the Royal Baths, Birth-place of Admiral Benbow, Coton Hill, Site of St. Catharine’s Chapel, Berwick, Ancient Course of the Severn, View from Cross Hill. | 189 | CASTLE FOREGATE. | Linen Factory, Canal (communicating with London, Liverpool, &c), Coal Wharf. | 180 | SUBURB OF FRANKWELL. | Ancient Domestic Habitations, the Mount Fortification, Site of Cadogan Chapel and Cross, Monk’s Eye, Township of Shelton, Glendower’s Oak. | 192 | THE ABBEY FOREGATE. | Merivale, Monastic Remains, Ancient Stone Pulpit, Monks’ Infirmary, Guest Hall or Hospitium, Site of Chapter House, Earliest authorized Assembly of British Parliament, the New Road, Reflections suggested by its formation, Abbey Precinct, Destructive Fire, the White Hall, Race-ground, Lord Hill’s Column, Sutton Spa, Analysis of the Water, Anglo-Norman Church. | 201 | SUBURB OF COLEHAM. | Situation; Iron Foundry, notice of the Menai Bridge. | 201 | TRADE AND MANUFACTURES. | Welsh Webs and Flannel, Communication between London and Dublin, Railway, Thread and Linen Yarns, Malting Business, Restoration and Perfection of the ancient art of Glass-staining, Shrewsbury Cakes, Brawn, eulogy of the Ale, Markets, Fairs, and Navigation of the Severn. | 207 | THE ENVIRONS. | Variety of landscape scenery; Battlefield Church, Grinshill, Hawkstone, Haughmond Abbey, Haughmond Hill, Village of Uffington, Albrighton, Albright Hussey, Meole, Ancient Encampment at Bayston, Condover, Pitchford, Acton Burnell, Atcham, Longner, Attingham, Wroxeter (the Roman Uriconium), The Wrekin. | 225 | Vignette View of Shrewsbury Admir’d Salopia! that with venial pride Eyes her bright form in Severn’s ambient wave; Fam’d for her loyal cares in perils tried; Her daughters lovely and her striplings brave. Shenstone.