Where there are several references and one is of chief importance, that one is printed in heavy figures.
@24810-h@24810-h-2.htm.html#Page_69" class="pginternal">69 Elswick, 7 Emden, 19, 25, 27, 29, 49, 51, 52, 56, 57 Jealousy, English, of Germany, 252 Jens, FrÄulein, 136 Johnson, Capt. Benjamin, 13 Journalists Condemned, 232, 238 Kaiser, 207 Kerensky, 225 Kindness, Order Against, 196 Kirchhoff, Frau, 136 Klein, Albert, 238 Klein, L’AbbÉ FÉlix, 194 Kluck, General von, 203, 206-7 Knockaloe Camp, 114-17; Accommodation at, Compared with Ruhleben, 115-16; Prisoners’ Aid Society, 136-7 Kolb, Annette, 232 KÖlnische Zeitung, 148, 167, 168, 171, 178, 226 KÖnigsbrÜck, 49 Kothe, Oberst, 56 La Guerre vue d’une Ambulance, 194, 196 Labour Leader, 117, 175, 186, 189, 198, 235, 249 L’Action FranÇaise, 211 Landrecies, 31 Langen Halbach b/Haiger, 54 Laurie, Principal, 250 Leonhard, Rudolf, 229 Letters, German Soldiers’, 237ff Lichnowsky, Prince, 12, 133 Lichtstrahlen, 235 Liebknecht, 236 Lille, 153-7, 255ff; Hospital at, 156-7, 258ff Limbau, 57 Limburg, 21 Lissauer, 231 Literature, German War, 228-12, 53, 64, 96, 132, 158, 161, 166, 178, 198, 201, 205, 216, 217, 218 Times Literary Supplement, 207 Torgau, 23, 24, 32, 33 Treatment of Prisoners—See under Prisoners. Tourcoing, 258 Turkey, Prisoners in, 71 Uhlans, 37, 206, 209 Unruh, Fritz von, 229 Vermin in Camps, 41, 43 Vienna Newspapers, Advertisements in, 222 Visits Outside Camp, 35, 52, 55, 57, 105, 142 VitrÉ, 43 Volksstimme, 210, 222 VorwÄrts, 159, 175, 179, 186, 222 Vossische Zeitung, 237 Wahn, 18 War and the World’s Life, 209 Warmington, Mrs. K., 214 Webster, J.P., 56 Weissen BlÄtter, 231 Wells, H.G., 252 Werfel, Franz, 230 Wesel, Lazarets, 48 Westminster Gazette, 158 Wilson, Capt. A. Stanley, 26 Winchester, Bishop of, 12, 132-3 Wittenberg, 1, 50, 62, 129 Wolff, Theodore, 176-7 Woman’s Dreadnought, 117 Women, French, and German Soldiers, 208 Working Camps, 48, 51 Wounded— Brotherhood Among, 182- The National Labour Press, Ltd., Manchester and London. Transriber’s Note: The table below lists all corrections applied to the original text. - p. vii: par L’AbbÉ Felix Klein ? FÉlix
- p. 2: lights out at 10-45 ? 10.45
- p. 9: [normalized] visited camps at Hollyport ? Holyport
- p. 14: [removed extra comma] insufficient, light ? insufficient light
- p. 16: [added opening quotes] “Clothing is furnished when required
- p. 26: his intercourse wth the German delegates ? with
- p. 40: [added closing quotes] cereals is impossible.”
- p. 44: [normalized] Of Casabianda ? Cassabianda
- p. 53: the occurence mentioned ? occurrence
- p. 58: it seems very probable that ? It
- p. 74: most trivial beaches of discipline ? breaches
- p. 95: contsantly progressing ? constantly
- p. 100: recreation and asembling room ? assembling
- p. 107: [added closing quotes] skits on the camp, etc.”
- p. 112: [added closing brace] (Editor of the Journal de GenÈve)
- p. 112: official negotiaions ? negotiations
- p. 121: Even in neutral interment camps ? internment
- p. 128: [added period] by no means supports these charges.
- p. 139: so well satified ? satisfied
- p. 144: No interment camp ? internment
- p. 154: delapidated and without fire ? dilapidated
- p. 155: sme of them were so impertinent ? some
- p. 157: [added closing quotes] thanking me for my care.”
- p. 159: grande loterie de Noel ? NoËl
- p. 160: troops entered Centinje ? Cetinje
- p. 163: [added closing quote] go forward with our hands up.’
- p. 161: [added comma] from the Daily News, May 17
- p. 167: herioc bravery? heroic
- p. 170: bullets in safe reatreat ? retreat
- p. 170: This is a singuarly fair ? singularly
- p. 194: par L’AbÉe FÉlix Klein ? L’AbbÉ
- p. 198: [added period] to conceal them ever since.
- p. 205: [added opening quotes] “On the whole it cannot be said
- p. 207: imagination this aid-de-camp ? aide-de-camp
- p. 207: [added opening quotes] reviewer in the Nation, “that Herr Major
- p. 232: Deutschlands Jugend und der Weltkreig ? Weltkrieg
- p. 255: Francoise Lafitte Cyon ? FranÇoise
- p. 269: GÜstrow Î-Mecklenburg ? GÜstrow i/Mecklenburg
- p. 269: Klein, L’AbÉe FÉlix ? L’AbbÉ
- p. 271: Tourcoing, 258 ? Tourcoing