No edition of the Poetical and Prose Writings of John Greenleaf Whittier is complete and authorized which does not bear the imprint of Houghton Mifflin Company. COMPLETE WORKSRiverside Edition. In 7 volumes. POETRY1. Narrative and Legendary Poems. 2. Poems of Nature; Poems Subjective and Reminiscent; Religious Poems. 3. Anti-Slavery; Songs of Labor and Reform. 4. Personal Poems; Occasional Poems; Tent on the Beach; Appendix. PROSE1. Margaret Smith's Journal; Tales and Sketches. 2. Old Portraits and Modern Sketches; Personal Sketches and Tributes; Historical Papers. 3. The Conflict with Slavery; Politics and Reform; The Inner Life; Criticism. Each volume, crown 8vo, gilt top; the set, $10.50. With "Life of Whittier" (2 vols.) by Samuel T. Pickard, 9 vols., $14.50. PROSE WORKSRiverside Edition. With Notes by the Author, and etched Portrait. 3 vols. crown 8vo, gilt top, $4.50. POEMSRiverside Edition. With Portraits, Notes, etc. 4 vols., crown 8vo, gilt top, $6.00. Handy-Volume Edition. With Portraits, and a View of Whittier's Oak Knoll Home. 4 vols., 16mo, gilt top, in cloth box, $4.00. Bound in full, flexible leather, $10.00. Cambridge Edition. With a Biographical Sketch, Notes, Index to Titles and First Lines, a Portrait, and an engraving of Whittier's Amesbury Home. Large crown 8vo, gilt top, $2.00. Library Edition. With Portrait and 8 full-page Photogravures. 8vo, gilt top, $2.50. Household Edition. With Portrait and Illustrations. Crown 8vo, $1.50. Cabinet Edition. From new plates, with numbered lines, and Portrait. 16mo, gilt top, $1.00. SEPARATE POEMSSnow-Bound. A Winter Idyl. Holiday Edition. With eight Photogravures and Portrait. 16mo, gilt top, $1.50. The Tent on the Beach. Holiday Edition. With rubricated Initials and 12 full-page Photogravure Illustrations by Charles H. Woodbury and Marcia O. Woodbury. 12mo, gilt top, $1.50. At Sundown. With Portrait and 8 Photogravures. 16mo, gilt top, $1.50. Legends and Lyrics. 16mo, gilt top, 75 cents. COMPILATIONSBirthday Book. With Portrait and 12 Illustrations. 18mo, $1.00. Calendar Book. 32mo, parchment-paper, 25 cents. Year Book. With Portrait. 18mo, $1.00. Text and Verse. For Every Day in the Year. Scripture Passages and Parallel Selections from Whittier's Writings. 32mo, 75 cents. EDITED BY MR. WHITTIERSongs of Three Centuries. Library Edition. With 40 full-page Illustrations. 8vo, gilt top, $2.50. Household Edition. Much enlarged. Crown 8vo, $1.50. Child-Life. A Collection of Poems for and about Children. New Edition. Finely Illustrated. 4to, $1.50. Child-Life in Prose. A Volume of Stories, Fancies, and Memories of Child-Life. Finely Illustrated. Crown 8vo, gilt top, $2.00. Many of the above editions may be had in leather bindings of various styles. HOUGHTON MIFFLIN COMPANY Transcriber's NotesContents: Added listing for Footnotes. Some illustrations have been moved to avoid breaking up poems and paragraphs of text. The List of Illustrations displays the original page numbers, but links to the images. Spaced contractions have been retained from the original book. Omitted lines of poetry are indicated by a row of 5 dots. Index: Corrected page references for: |