- Absurdities in perpetual motion, 42
- Accuracy of modern methods of squaring the circle, 17
- Adams, perpetual motion, 71
- Ahaz, dial of, 133
- Air, liquid, 65
- Alkahest, or universal solvent, 104
- Altar of Apollo, 30
- Angelo, Michael, finely engraved seal, 136
- Angle, Trisection of, 33
- Apollo, Altar of, 30
- Approximations to ratio of diameter to circumference of circle, 17
- De Morgan's Illustration of, 18
- New Illustration of, 19
- Archimedean screw, 49
- Archimedes, area of circle, 13
- Ratio of circumference to diameter, 14
- Archimedes and his fulcrum, 171
- Arithmetic of the ancients, 15
- Arithmetical problems, 163
- Chess-board problem, 163
- Nail problem, 164
- A question of population, 165
- How to become a millionaire, 166
- Cost of first folio Shakespeare, 168
- Arithmetical puzzles, 170
- Archimedes and his fulcrum, 171
- Army Medical Museum, 142
- Ball, Prof. W. W. R., 39, 129, 133, 134
- Balloons for conveying letters, 147
- Balls—proportion of weight to diameter, 32
- Bean, jumping, 128
- Bells kept ringing for eight years, 41
- Bible in walnut shell, 136
- Bible, written at rate of 22 to square inch, 141
- Boat-race without oars, 129
- Bolognian phosphorus, 102
- Boots—lifting oneself by straps of, 128
- Boyle and palingenesy, 107
- Bramwell, Sir Frederick, 38
- Brick, to look through, 151
- Buckle and geometrical lines, 119
- "Budget of Paradoxes," De Morgan, 6, 18, 118
- Carbon bisulphide for perpetual motion, 67
- Capillary attraction, 53
- Carpenter, Edward—fourth dimension, 122
- Catherine II, 118
- "Century of Inventions," 74
- Chess-board problem, 163
- Child lifting two horses, 131
- Perpetual motion by a, 64
- Circle, squaring the, 9
- Supposed reward for squaring the, 9
- Resolution of Royal Academy of Sciences on, 10
- What the problem is, 12
- Approximation to, by Archimedes, 71
- Adams, 71
- Redhoeffer, 72
- Lukens, 72
- How to stop the machine, 73
- Marquis of Worcester, 74
- Dircks' model, 75
- Orffyreus, 77
- Possibility of, 78
- Peters' micrographs, 141
- Philosopher's stone, 97
- Phosphorus, discovery of, 101
- Pigeon-post, 146
- Population, a question of, 165
- Power, the, of the future, 40
- Ptolemy, on the circle, 15
- Puzzles, arithmetical, 170
- Railway carriage, self-moving, 63
- Ramsay, Sir William, 80, 98
- Ratio of diameter to circumference carried to 127 places, 17
- Redhoeffer's perpetual motion, 72
- Rosicrucius, 100
- Rutherford, 16
- Schott, Father, and palingenesy, 107
- Schweirs, Dr., 52
- Scott, Michael, and his slave demons, 6
- Scott, Sir Walter, legend of the great Wizard, 6
- Self-moving railway carriage, 63
- Senses—illusions of, 148
- Taste and smell, 149
- Heat and cold, 150
- Hearing, 150
- Touch, 150
- Sight—size of spot, 152
- Length of lines, 153
- Direction of lines, 154
- Objects seen through hand, 156
- Looking through a brick, 158
- Sense, possibility of a new, 123
- Shadow going backward on dial, 133
- Shakespeare, cost of first folio, 168
- Philosopher's stone, 97
- Witchcraft, 114
- Shanks—value of ratio carried to 707 places, 16
- Sharp, Abraham, 16
- Sight, sense of, deceived, 152
- Smith, James, on squaring circle, 28
- Snake lifted by spider, 130
- Solvent, universal, 104
- Space enlarged by cutting, 126
- Spider lifting a snake, 130
- Sun-dial—shadow going backward, 133
- Taste and smell—illusions, 149
- Tides, clock moved by, 40
- Will be the great source of power of the future, 40
- Time it would take Archimedes to move the world, 171
- Touch, sense of, deceived, 150
- Transmutation of the metals, 79