- Sacred tree with its supporters, from St. Mark’s, Venice Frontispiece
- 1, Rudimentary and conventionalised forms of the sacred tree 5
- 2, 5
- 3. 5
- 4. Sacred tree with its supporters, surmounted by the winged disc, from an Assyrian cylinder 6
- 5. Sacred tree, from the Temple of Athena at Pryene 6
- 6. The same, from a sculptured slab in the Treasury of St. Mark’s, Venice 7
- 7. A Ba or soul receiving the lustral water from a tree-goddess 10
- 8. Sacred tree with worshippers, from eastern gateway at SÂnchi 15
- 9. Sacred tree, from a Mexican manuscript 17
- 10. The goddess Nu?Ît in her sacred sycamore bestowing the bread and water of the next world 26
- 11. Sacred tree of Dionysus, with a statue of the god and offerings 27
- 12. Sacred pine of Silvanus, with a bust of the god, and votive gifts 28
- 13. Fruit-tree dressed as Dionysus 31
- 14, Forms of the TÂt or DidÛ, the emblem of Osiris 34
- 15. 34
- 16. Apollo on his sacred tripod, a laurel branch in his hand 36
- 17. Coin of Athens, of the age of Pericles or earlier, showing olive spray 38
- 18. Coin of Athens, third century B.C. 38
- 19. The Bodhi-tree of Kanaka Muni 41
- 20. Wild elephants paying their devotions to the sacred banian of KÂsyapa Buddha 42
- 21. Sacred sycamore, with offerings 44
- 22. Sacred tree of Artemis, hung with weapons of the chase 45
- 23. Sacred laurel of Apollo at Delphi, adorned with fillets and votive tablets; beneath it the god appearing to protect Orestes 50
- 24. Imperial coin of Myra in Lycia, showing tree-goddess 87
- 25. Sacred tree and worshipper, from a Chaldaean cylinder 88
- 26. Sacred tree as symbol of fertility, from an Assyrian bas-relief 89
- 27. Yggdrasil, the Scandinavian world-tree 115
- 28. From a Babylonian seal 130