Employing Help.


The hiring of help is largely centered in one individual for the entire store. Departments requiring additional help should notify the employment office, and give particulars of the kind of help required, which fact should be noted and filed for reference, a preference being given former employees seeking reËngagement. The hours for engaging help are usually from 8 to 10 A. M., after which no applications are considered for that day. All applicants must be treated with courtesy. Even though no immediate help is required, applicants in many cases are permitted to fill out application, which should be placed on file for reference, and a satisfactory applicant may then be notified as soon as a position is open. All applications should contain, as far as possible, full particulars concerning applicant. It should show the date of engagement, name, address, whether married or single, nationality, church denomination, where previously employed, for how long, and reasons for leaving. References should be given, who may be communicated with, and whose replies should be attached to application. Application blank should show salary agreed upon and for what particular department employed. Space should be provided for percentage record, and for transfer from one department to another, for increased salary recommendations, which are usually signed by heads of departments and passed by those appointed. They should be at all times a complete and permanent record of each employee. All help is usually engaged upon the distinct understanding and agreement that they are privileged to leave any day, or their services may be dispensed with at any time. A new employee, when given a time card or key, and the time-keeper has explained the system of registering time, etc., and allotted cloakroom space, is conducted to the head of the department or assistant.



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