

Introduction, 5
General Principles, 5
The Management, 10
The System, 12
Advertising, 15
The Buying Organization, 25
Receiving Goods, 32
Taking Care of Stock, 34
Serving Customers, 35
Exchanging Goods, 38
Floor Managers and Ushers, 40
Making out Checks, 43
Inspecting, Checking and Parcelling Goods, 46
Collecting Goods for Delivery, 48
Delivering Goods, 51
Stables, 54
Cash Office 57
Check Office, or Auditing Department, 58
C. O. D. Business, 60
The Mail-Order Business, 62
Catalogues, 73
Receiving and Opening Mail, 95
Book-keeping, Buying, Checking, etc., 100
Assembling and Packing Mail-Order Goods, 106
Goods sent by Mail, Correspondence, Paying for Goods, etc., 110
Filing Correspondence, 117
Special Orders, 119
Returned Goods, Exchanges and Complaints, 121
Samples, 123
Keeping Employees' Time, 125
Employing Help, 128
Paying Wages, 130
Watchmen, 131
General Rules for Employees, 133
Mechanical Section, 139


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