
Acklen, Joseph A.S.,
plantation home of
rules of, for overseers
Africa, West, see Guinea
Agriculture, see cotton, indigo, rice, sugar and tobacco
Aiken, William, rice plantation of
Aime, Valcour, sugar plantation of
Amissa, enslaved and restored to Africa
tribal traits of
revolt of
Antipathy, racial,
Jefferson's views on
in Massachusetts
in North and South compared
Northern spokesmen of
Arabs, in the Guinea trade
Azurara, Gomez E.

Baltimore, negro churches in
emigration from,
to Carolina
to Jamaica
founding of
planters' committee of
slave laws of,
sugar culture in
Belmead plantation
Black codes,
administration of
attitude of citizens toward
local ordinances
origin of,
in Barbados
in the Northern colonies
in Louisiana
in South Carolina
in Virginia
tenor of,
in the North
in the South
Bobolinks, in rice fields
BorÉ, Etienne de, sugar planter
Bosman, William, in the Guinea trade
Branding of slaves
Bristol, citizens of, in the slave trade
Burial societies, negro
Burnside, John, merchant and sugar planter
Butler, Pierce,
the younger,
slaves of, sold

Cain, Elisha, overseer Cairnes, J.E., views of, on slavery Calabar, New Calabar, Old Cape Coast Castle Capers, William, overseer Capital, investment of, in slaves Charleston, commerce of, free negroes in industrial census of racial adjustments in, problem of slave misdemeanors in Denmark Vesey's plot Churches, racial adjustments in, rural urban Clarkson, Thomas, views of, on the effects of closing the slave trade Columbus, Christopher, policy of Concubinage Congoes, tribal traits of Connecticut, slavery in, disestablishment of Cooper, Thomas, views of, on the economics of slavery Corbin, Richard, plantation rules of Coromantees, conspiracy of, tribal traits of Corporations, ownership of slaves by Cotton culture, sea-island introduction of, methods and scale of upland, engrossment of thought and energy by improvements in methods and scale of stimulates westward migration Cotton gin, invention of Cotton mills slave operatives in Cotton plantations, see plantations, cotton Cotton prices, sea-island, upland, chart facing Cottonseed, oil extracted from used as fertilizer Covington, Leonard, planter, migration of Creoles, Louisiana Criminality among free negroes among slaves Cuba

Dabney, Thomas S., planter, migration of Dahomeys Dale, Sir Thomas Davis, Joseph and Jefferson, plantation policy of Delaware, slaves and free negroes in forbids export of slaves Depression, financial, in Mississippi in Virginia Dirt-eating, among Jamaica slaves Discipline, of slaves Diseases, characteristic, in Africa among Jamaica slaves venereal Doctors, black, in Jamaica in South Carolina in Virginia "Doctoress," slave, in Georgia Drivers (plantation foremen) Driving of slaves to death, question of Dutch, in the slave trade Dutch West India Company

Early, Peter, debates the closing of the foreign slave trade
East India Company, in the slave trade
Eboes, tribal traits of
El Mina
Elliott, William, planter
economic views of
Ellsworth, Oliver
Emancipation, see manumission
Encomiendia system, in the Spanish West Indies
England, policy of, toward the slave trade
Epitaph of Peyton, a slave
Evans, Henry, negro preacher

Factorage, in planters' dealings
Factorage, in the slave trade,
in American ports
in Guinea
free negro
in the Piedmont
in the plantation colonies
segregation of
in the westward movement
Federal Convention
Festivities, of slaves
Fithian, Philip V., observations by
Foremen, plantation
Fowler, J.W.,
cotton picking records of
plantation rules of
Franklin and Armfield, slave-dealers
Free negroes,
antipathy toward
criminality among
discriminations against
emigration projects of
endorsements of
kidnapping of
legal seizure of, attempts at
mob violence against
occupations of, in Augusta
in Charleston
in New Orleans and New York
prominent characters among
processes of procuring freedom by
qualities and status of
reËnslavement of
secret societies among
slaveholding by
French, in the slave trade
Fugitive slaves, see slaves, runaway,
rendition, in the Federal Constitution,
act of 1793
Funerals, negro

Gaboons, tribal traits of Gabriel, insurrection led by Gadsden, Christopher Gambia, slave trade on the Gang system, in plantation work Genoese, in the slave trade Georgia, founding of, free negress visits slave imports forbidden in, permitted in restricted by uplands, development of Gerry, Elbridge Gibson, Arthur H., views of, on the economics of slavery Godkin, Edwin L., on the migration of planters Gold Coast Goodloe, Daniel R., views of, on slavery Gowrie, rice plantation Grandy King George, African chief, wants of Guiana, British, invites free negro immigration cotton culture in Dutch Guinea, coastal explorations of life and institutions in slave exports from, beginnings of, volume of tribal traits in See also negroes and slave trade

Hairston, Samuel, planter
Hammond, James H., planter and writer
Hampton, Wade, planter
Harrison, Jesse Burton, views of, on slavery
Hawkins, Sir John, adventures of, in the slave trade
Hayti (Hispaniola)
Hearn, Lafcadio, on sugar-cane harvesting
Helper, Hinton R., views of, on slavery
Henry, Patrick
Henry, Prince, the Navigator
Heyward, Nathaniel, planter
Hodgson, W.B., planter
Holidays, of slaves,
Hundley D.R., on slave traders

Immigrants, in the South
See also Irish
Importations of slaves
prohibition of
Indians, enslaved,
in New England
in South Carolina
in West Indies, subjugated by Spaniards
Indigo culture,
introduction of,
in Georgia
in South Carolina
methods of
Insurrection of slaves, see slave plots
Irish, labor of, on plantations

capture and development of
maroons of
nabobs, absentee
plantations in
runaway slaves in, statistics of
Jefferson, Thomas,
on the foreign slave trade
on negroes and slavery
Jennison, Nathaniel, prosecution of
Job Ben Solomon, enslaved and restored to Africa

Kentucky, settlement of
Kidnapping of free negroes
King, Rufus
Kingsley, Z., plantation experience of

Lace, Ambrose, slave trader
Lalaurie, Madame
Lamar, John B., planter
Las Casas, Bartholomeo de la
Laurens, Henry, factor and planter
Lincecum, Gideon, peregrinations of
Lindo, Moses, indigo merchant
in the slave trade,
types of ships employed
Lodges, negro
London, in the slave trade
London Company
Loria, Achille, views of, on slavery economics
Louisiana, cotton culture in,
slave laws of
sugar culture in
L'Ouverture, Toussaint
Lucas, Eliza

M'Culloch, J.R., views of, on slavery McDonogh, John, manumission by, method of Macon, Nathaniel Madagascar, slaves procured from Malaria, in Africa in South Carolina Mandingoes, tribal traits of Manigault, Charles, planter rules of Manors in Maryland Manumission, of slaves Maroons, negro, in Jamaica on the Savannah River Martinique Maryland, founding of free negroes in manors in plantations in slave imports prohibited by slaveholdings in, scale of slavery in, projects for the disestablishment of Massachusetts, in the slave trade slavery in abolition of Matthews, Samuel, planter Medical attention to slaves Mercer, James, planter Merolla, Jerom, missionary Middle passage, see slave trade, African Midwives, slave Migration Mill, John Stuart, views of, on slavery Miller, Phineas, partner of Eli Whitney Misdemeanors of slaves, in Charleston Missouri, decline of slavery in settlement of Mississippi, depression in product of long-fibre cotton in sale of slaves from Mobs, violence of, toward free negroes Mocoes, tribal traits of Molasses Moore, Francis, Royal African Company factor Moors Mulattoes Mules

Nagoes, tribal traits of
Negro traits,
Paw Paw
Negroes, see antipathy, black codes, church adjustments, free
negroes, funerals, plantation labor, plantation life, slave plots
slave trade, slaveholdings, slavery, slaves
New England,
in the slave trade,
type of ships employed
slavery in,
disestablishment of
New Jersey,
slavery in,
disestablishment of
New Netherlands, slavery in
New Orleans, as a slave market,
free negroes in
New York,
negro plots in
slavery in,
disestablishment of
Nicholson, J.S., views of, on slavery
Nobility, English, as Jamaica plantation owners
North Carolina,
early conditions in
sentiment on slavery
Northrup, a kidnapped free negro, career of
Northwest Territory, prohibition of slavery in

Oglethorpe, James,
administers the Royal African Company
founds Georgia
restores a slave to Africa
Olmsted, Frederick L., observations by
Overseers, plantation, functions, salaries, and experiences of

Panics, financial, effects on slave prices
Park, Mungo, in Guinea
"Particular plantations," in Virginia
Paths, in Guinea, character of
Paw Paws, tribal traits of
Pennsylvania, slavery in,
disestablishment of
Peyton, a slave, epitaph of
Philips, Martin W.,
planter and writer
slave epitaph by
Pickering, Timothy
Plantation and Frontier, citation of title in full
Plantation labor
Plantation life
Plantation management
Plantation mistress
Plantation rules
Plantation system,
cherishment of slaves in
as a civilizing agency
gang and task methods in
severity in, question of
soil exhaustion in
towns and factories hampered in growth by
westward spread of
Plantation tendencies
Plantations, cotton, sea island
J.H. Hammond estate
Butler's Island
Gowrie and East Hermitage
Jehossee Island
in Barbados,
Drax Hall
in Jamaica,
Worthy Park
in Louisiana,
Valcour Aime's estate
James Mercer's estate
absenteeism among
concern of, for slaves
dietary of
in J.A.S. Acklen
in William Aiken
in John Burnside
in Robert Carter
in Christopher Codrington
in Thomas S. Dabney
in Jefferson and Joseph Davis
in Samuel Hairston
in James H. Hammond
in Wade Hampton
in Nathaniel Heywood
in W.B. Hodgson
in Z. Kingsley
in John B. Lamar
in Henry Laurens
in Charles Manigault
in Samuel Matthews
in James Mercer
in A.H. Pemberton
in Martin W. Philips
in George Washington
in David R. Williams
gentility of
homesteads of
innovations by
management by
migration of
purchases of slaves by
rules of
sales of slaves by
sports of
temper of
Poor whites,
in the South,
Cairnes' assertions concerning
Portugal, activities of, in Guinea,
an appandage of Spain
negroes in
Preachers, negro
Procter, Billy, a slave, letter of
Providence, "Old," a Puritan colony in the tropics, career of
Puritans, attitude of, toward slavery

Quakers, relationship of, to slavery
Quincy, Josiah

Railroad companies, slave ownership by Randolph, Edmund, disrelishes slavery Randolph, John, of Roanoke, on the coasting trade in slaves on depression in Virginia manumits his slaves Randolph, Richard, provides for the manumission of his slaves Rape, by negroes in the ante-bellum South Rats, a pest in Jamaica Rattoons, of sugar cane Religion, among slaves, rural urban Retreat, cotton plantation Revolution, American, doctrines of effects of, on slavery Negroes in radicalism of, waning of Rhode Island, in the slave trade resolution advocating the stoppage of the slave trade slavery in, disestablishment of Rice birds (bobolinks), damage from Rice culture, introduced into Georgia into South Carolina methods of plantations in, scale of Rishworth, Samuel, early agitator against slavery Rolfe, John, introduces tobacco culture into Virginia Roustabouts, Irish, qualities of negro Royal African Company Ruffin, Edmund, advocates agricultural reforms views of, on slavery Rum, product of, in Jamaica rations issued to slaves, in Jamaica in South Carolina use of, in the Guinea trade Runaway slaves, general problem of George Washington in Georgia in Jamaica in Mississippi Russell, Irwin, "Christmas in the Quarters," Sabine Fields, rice plantation Sahara, slave trade across Saluda factory, slave operatives in San Domingo, emigration from, to Louisiana revolution in Say, J.B., views of, on slavery Sea-island cotton, introduced into the United States methods and scale of culture Seasoning of slaves, in Jamaica Secret societies, negro Senegal, slave trade in Senegalese, tribal traits of Senegambia Serfdom Servants, white indentured, in Barbados in Connecticut in Jamaica in Maryland in Massachusetts in Pennsylvania in South Carolina and Georgia in Virginia revolts by Servitude, indentured, tendencies of Shackles, used on slaves Shenendoah Valley Ships, types of, in the slave trade Sierra' Leone Slave Coast Slave felons Slave plots and insurrections, general survey of disquiet caused by Gabriel's uprising in "Old" Providence in New York proclivity of Coromantees toward San Domingan revolution Stono rebellion Nat Turner's (Southampton), revolt Denmark Vesey's conspiracy Slave trade, African, the asiento barter in chieftains active in closing of, by various states, by Congress effects of drain of funds by Liverpool's prominence in the middle passage reopening, project of Royal African Company ships employed in, types of care and custody of slaves on tricks of Yankee traders in Slave trade, domestic, beginnings of effects of methods in to Louisiana scale of Slave traders, domestic, Franklin and Armfield methods and qualities of reputations of, blackened maritime Slaveholding, vicissitudes of Slaveholdings, by corporations by free negroes, scale of, in the cotton belt in Jamaica in Maryland in New York in towns in Virginia on the South Carolina coast Slavery, in Africa in the American Revolution in ancient Rome in the British West Indies in Europe in Georgia in Louisiana in the North disestablishment of in South Carolina in Spanish America in Virginia See also black codes, negroes, and plantation labor, life and management Slaves, negro, artizans among as factory operatives birth rates of branding of "breaking in" of breeding, forced, question of capital invested in children, care and control of church adjustments of conspiracies of, see slave plots and insurrections crimes of crops of, private dealers in, see slave traders discipline of diseases and death rates of driving of, to death, question of earnings of private felons among, disposal of festivities of food and clothing of foemen among hiring of to themselves holidays of hospitals for labor of, schedule of laws concerning life insurance of manumission of marriages of annulment of medical and surgical care of plots and insurrections of police of preachers among prices of property of protection of, from strain and exposure punishments of purchases of by themselves drain of funds, caused by quarters of sanitation of rape by religion among revolts of, see slave plots and insurrections rewards of rum allowances to running away by sales of shackling of social stratification among speculation in stealing of strikes by suicide of suits by, for freedom, concerning temper of torture of town adjustments of undesirable types of wages of in the westward movement women among, care and control of work, rates of working of, to death, question of Smart, William, views of, on slavery Smith, Adam, views of, on slavery Smith, Captain John Smith, Landgrave Thomas Snelgrave, William, in the maritime slave trade Soil exhaustion Southampton insurrection South Carolina, closing and reopening of the foreign slave trade in cotton culture in emigration from founding of indigo culture in rice culture in slave imports, prohibited by reopened by slave laws of slaveholdings in, scale of uplands, development of Spain, annexation of Portugal by asiento instituted by negroes in police of American dominions by policy of, toward Indians and negroes Spaulding, Thomas, planter Spinners, on plantations Spratt, L.W., views of, on conditions in South Carolina Staples, see cotton, hemp, indigo, rice, sugar and tobacco culture and plantations Steamboat laborers, Irish negro Sugar culture, in Barbados in Jamaica in Louisiana methods and apparatus of plantations in, scale of types of in the Spanish West Indies

Task system, in plantation industry
Taylor, John, of Caroline, agricultural writings of
Telfair, Alexander,
plantations of
rules of
Tennessee, settlement of
Thomas, E.S., bookseller, experience of
Thorpe, George, Virginia colonist
Tobacco culture,
in Maryland
method of
in North Carolina
plantations in,
scale of
types of
in the uplands of South Carolina and Georgia
in Virginia
Towns, Southern,
growth of, hampered
slaves in
Tucker, St. George, project of, for extinguishing slavery in Virginia
Turner, Nat, insurrection led by

Utrecht, treaty of, grants the asiento to England

Van Buren, A. de Puy, observations by
Venetians, in the Levantine slave trade
Vermont, prohibition of slavery by
Vesey, Denmark, conspiracy of
Vigilance committees
founding and early experience of
free negroes in
plantations in,
servants, indentured, in
slave crimes in
slave imports, prohibited by
slave laws of
slave revolts in
slaveholdings in, scale of
introduced in
disestablishment in, projects of
tobacco culture in

Walker, Quork, suits concerning the freedom of
Washington, George
apprehensions of, concerning slave property
desires the gradual abolition of slavery
imports cotton
as a planter
West Indies,
prosperity and decline in, progression of
servile plots and insurrections in
slave prices in, on the eve of abolition
colonization of
negro slavery in, introduction of
Weston, P.C., plantation rules of
Westward movement
Whitney, Eli, invents the cotton gin
Whydahs, tribal traits of
Williams, David R., planter
Williams, Francis, a free negro, career of
Women, slave,
care of, in pregnancy and childbirth
difficulties in controlling
Working of slaves to death, question of
Worthy Park, Jamaica plantation, records of

Yeomanry, white, in the South


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