- Spellings left as found except as noted below:
- the Apennines (was ‘Appenines’); to alarm them by
- the state of knowledge, in an era (was ‘Æra’) when
- and Ruins of old buildings, must frequently (was ‘frequenty’)
- Hartley, esq. a son of the illustrious (was ‘illustrions’) writer
- progressively (was ‘progresssively’) augmented; and then acting
- different (was ‘differents’) parts of the kingdom, taken at
- A. necessarily and simultaneously (was ‘stimultaneously’) negative
- Chelsea buns (was ‘bunns’) — two times
- Nell Gwyn (was ‘Gwin’)
- Items noted in the Errata section have been repaired.
- Index items are in order as printed.