PART I | | | CHAPTER I | Venice and her Art | | 3 | | | CHAPTER II | Primitive Art in Venice | | 11 | | | CHAPTER III | Influences of Umbria and Verona | | 21 | | | CHAPTER IV | The School of Murano | | 29 | | | CHAPTER V | The Paduan Influence | | 33 | | | CHAPTER VI | Jacopo Bellini | | 39 | | | CHAPTER VII | Carlo Crivelli | | 44 | | | CHAPTER VIII | Gentile Bellini and Antonello da Messina | | 48 | | | CHAPTER IX | Alvise Vivarini | | 58 | | | CHAPTER X | Carpaccio | | 68 | | | CHAPTER XI | Giovanni Bellini | | 81 | | | CHAPTER XII | Giovanni Bellini (continued) | | 92 | | | CHAPTER XIII | Cima da Conegliano and other Followers of Bellini | | 103 | | | PART II | | | CHAPTER XIV | Giorgione | | 121 | | | CHAPTER XV | Giorgione (continued) | | 132 | | | CHAPTER XVI | The Giorgionesque | | 140 | | | CHAPTER XVII | Titian | | 144 | | | CHAPTER XVIII | Titian (continued) | | 157 | | | CHAPTER XIX | Titian (continued) | | 173 | | | CHAPTER XX | Palma Vecchio and Lorenzo Lotto | | 184 | | | CHAPTER XXI | Sebastian del Piombo | | 198 | | | CHAPTER XXII | Bonifazio and Paris Bordone | | 203 | | | CHAPTER XXIII | Painters of the Venetian Provinces | | 212 | | | CHAPTER XXIV | Paolo Veronese | | 228 | | | CHAPTER XXV | Tintoretto | | 243 | | | CHAPTER XXVI | Tintoretto (continued) | | 254 |