ef="@public@vhost@g@html@files@41743@41743-h@41743-h-5.htm.html#Page_144" class="pginternal">144, 157; (San Gemignano), 146, 160 Madonna della Pace (San Severino), 143, 160, ill. 142 Mantegna, his description of Prince Djem, 84; painting of children at Padua by, 87 Mariotto, Bernardino, Pintoricchio confused with, 4, 112, 140, 142, 146 Masolino, 81 Matteo di Giovanni, 110 Melozzo da Forli, court painter to the Vatican, 36; influence of on Pintoricchio, 53, 60, 71, 88 Morea, Christoforo, portrait of, 136 Morto da Feltre, 61 Moses, The Journey of (Sixtine Chapel), 36, 38, 41, 42, 151, 159, ill. 42 Music (Borgia Apartments), 90, 158, ill. 92 Nativity, The (S. M. del Popolo), compared with Fiorenzo’s Adoration of the Child, 23, 61, 159; (Borgia Apartments), 69, 70, 158; (Spello, Baglioni Chapel), 101, 102, 161, ill. 102; (San Girolamo, Spello), 104, 161 NiccolÒ da Foligno, 12 Nelli, Ottaviano, 21 Ormanni, Antonio, 107 Orvieto, Pintoricchio’s work at, 5, 6, 7 Osiris and Isis, The Story of (Borgia Apartments), 84 Pacchiarotto, 123 Paleologos, Andrea, 81, 83 Perino del Vaga, 66 Perugia, Polyptych at, 139-142, 157, ill. 140 Perugino, 13; assisted by Pintoricchio, 17, 148, 157 San Bernardino, 2, 48; frescoes of the life of, by Fiorenzo di Lorenzo, 25, ill. 24; frescoes of the life of, by Pintoricchio, 50-53, 102, 151, ill. 50, 54 Santa Barbara, Scenes from the Life of (Borgia Apartments), 76, 80, 102, 158 St. Catherine (National Gallery), 109, 144, 155 St. Catherine, The Canonisation of (Siena, Library), 16, 123, 136 St. Catherine, The Dispute of (Borgia Apartments), 16, 80, 125, 158, ill. 80, 82 St. Christopher (Borghese Gallery), 26, 27, 139, 158 San Gemignano, Madonna at, 146, 160 St. Jerome, Scenes from the Life of (S. M. del Popolo), 61 St. John, Birth of, 109 St. Louis of Toulouse, 53 St. Michael (Leipzig), 148, 156 St. Sebastian (Borgia Apartments), 78, 79, 82, ill. 78 San Severino, Altar-piece at, 142, 160, ill. 142 Seitz, Signor Lodovico, 65 Sforza, Giovanni, 80, 84 Sibyls, Paintings of (Borgia Apartments), 93, 94, 158; (Spello), 101, 113 Siena, Pintoricchio at, 10, 13; frescoes in the Chapel of St. John, 109, 160; pavement of the Cathedral, 110, 161, ill. 110; frescoes in the Library at, 107, 108, 111, 115- |