1454(circa). | Date of birth. |
1482. | Goes to Rome |
1487. | Paints the Palazzo di SS. Apostoli |
1492. | June. Recommended to the Chapter at Orvieto, by one Messer Cristoforo |
1492. | Receives 50 ducats for work done at Orvieto |
1492. | Protest from the Cathedral authorities on the too lavish use of gold and ultramarine |
1492. | November 17. In a legally drawn-up paper frees himself from any responsibility for not fulfilling his contract within the stipulated time |
1492. | December. Begins work in the Borgia Apartments |
1492. | December 14. Order placed on minutes of Orvieto Cathedral for raising funds to buy more blue and gold for ceiling |
1493. | March 29. Brief from Pope Alexander asking the Orvietans to await Pintoricchio’s return till the work in the Vatican is finished |
1494. | March 9. Brief from Pope Alexander to Orvietans asking that Pintoricchio be allowed to return to finish work in the Vatican |
1495. | January 17. The Papal Court leaves the Vatican on the entry into Italy of Charles VIII |
1495. | June. The Pope flies to Orvieto and Perugia |
1495. | Obtains a grant from the Pope of two pieces of land at Chiugi, near Perugia, for an annual payment of thirty baskets of grain |
1496. | February 14. Signs a contract with the monks of Santa Maria degli Angeli, to supply an altar-piece |
1496. | March 15. Contracts with the Chapter at Orvieto to paint two figures of doctors for 50 ducats |
1496. | November 15. Last payment made for this fresco |
1497. | July. The rooms in Castel Sant’ Angelo being restored, he went back to Rome and painted the frescoes there |
1497. | July 28. Letter from the Cardinal di San Giorgio, in answer to a petition from Pintoricchio, reducing the annual tax on land to two pounds of wax for three years. 1497. Tax again enforced by the authorities of Chiugi. |
1497. | First Sunday in August. Restitution made by the authorities of the money extorted |
1498. | May. The exemption from taxation extended from three years to end of lease |
1498. | In Perugia. Painted altar-piece for Santa Maria dei Fossi |
1498. | October. A brief from Alexander VI. confirms possession of the lands at Chiugi to him and his descendants, even though he should omit the yearly payment of wax |
1500. | October 14. Visits CÆsar Borgia’s camp at Deruta. An order from the Duke requests the Vice-Chancellor to get permission for Pintoricchio to sink a cistern in his house in Perugia |
1501. | April. Elected Decemvir of Perugia in place of Perugino |
1501. | Contract in archives of Spello for work undertaken for Troilo Baglioni |
1501–1502. | May. Painting at Spello. |
1502. | June 29. Contract signed with Cardinal Piccolomini for decorating the Library at Siena |
1503. | Spring. Painting Library at Siena |
1503. | October. Pope Pius III. dies |
1504. | August 23. Paid 700 ducats for painting eight frescoes in St. John’s Chapel in the Cathedral at Siena. |
1504. | September 8. An altar-piece unveiled in the Piccolomini Chapel in the church of San Francesco at Siena |
1504. | Buys land to the value of 200 florins from Lucrezia Paltoni, widow of the painter Neroccio |
1504. | End of. Continues Library for six months |
1505. | March 13. Is paid for the cartoon of Fortune for the pavement of Siena Cathedral. |
1505. | June. Cardinal Andrea Piccolomini dies; work again stopped |
1505. | June. Leaves for Rome. Paints choir of Santa Maria del Popolo |
1506. | February. Back in Siena |
1506. | Matriculates at the College of Painters, Perugia |
1506. | March. Recommences work in Library |
1506. | March 24. Acknowledges a debt of 100 ducats to Eusebio di San Giorgio of Perugia |
1506. | August 18. A further grant of land at Chiugi by Julius II |
1506. | November 30. A son born in Siena, named Giulio Cesare |
1506. | December 15. The magistracy of Siena approves the donation of 20 moggie of land. |
1507. | March. Appeal to the Council to remit all taxes upon it |
1507. | March 26. A favourable answer from the Council, omitting all but the gate-tax. |
1508. | April 24. Letter from Gentile Baglioni to him at Spello, begging him to return to Siena |
1508. | Autumn. Short visit to Rome |
1509. | January 7. A son born at Siena: Camillo Giuliano |
1509. | January 18. Receives of heirs of Pius III., 15½ ducats, being the last payment for the Piccolomini frescoes |
1509. | Siena. Painting for Pandolfo Petrucci |
1509. | October 8. Sells to Pandolfo Petrucci and Paolo di Vannoccio Biringucci, a house in the third ward of the city of Siena, for 420 florins |
1509. | Record of his inhabiting in the ward of San Vincenzo in Siena |
1509. | November 1. Makes first will |
1510. | January 27. A daughter born in Siena: Faustina Girolama |
1511. | September 20. Sells land at Chiugi to a lawyer named Giulio Cesare, godfather to his son |
1511. | November 21. Buys of Antonio Primaticci, of Siena, a piece of land called the Cloister, at Pernina |
1513. | May 7. Being in corpore languens, makes his last will. |
1513. | September 13. A codicil |
1513. | October 14. A second codicil |
1513. | December 11. Dies in Siena, and is buried in the church of SS. Vincenzo and Anastasia, now the oratory of the ward of the Ostrich |
1514. | Sigismondo Tizio gives an account of his last illness and death |
1516. | Grania, his widow, sells to Sigismondo Chigi two-thirds of sundry pieces of land |
1516. | Grania petitions to sell part of the land forming the portion of her daughter Faustina |
1518. | May 22. Grania makes her will A daughter, Egidia (year not known), marries Girolamo di Paolo, a soldier of the Piazza of S