@html@files@48816@48816-h@48816-h-12.htm.html#Page_283" class="pginternal">283 Bengal, 213 Bezo
class="pginternal">51; Hircus Ægagrus, 52; modes of hunting tÛr, 53; clothing for, 56; mountaineering necessaries in Ossetia, 57; stalking tÛr, 58; a tÛr shooting adventure, 59-63; mountain mists, 62; superstitions of natives, 63; the aurochs, 65-72; ibex, 321 Cayuses, 380, 392 Central Alps, 117 Central Asia, 363, 373 Central India, bear in, 188, 190; lions, 195; method of hunting tigers in, 203; notes on game in, 211, 213, 219, 222, 224, 228, 240, 253, 254, 259, 265, 267, 353 Central Indian horse, their method of panther-hunting, 221 Central Provinces, India, 360 Ceumern, Governor-General de, 169, 172 Ceumern, Madame de, 169 Ceylon, game in, 196, 218, 221, 228, 240, 253, 257, 262, 288, 328 Chakrata, India, 219 Chamba, Himalayas, 219, 325 Chamois, Caucasian, 50, 51 Chamois, Spanish (Antilope rupicapra), 175, 176, 179 Chamois, Swiss, 77 Chamois, Tyrolean, 77; sport in peasant shoots, 78; poachers and keepers, 80; shooting season, 80; heads and horns, 81; preserves and peasant-shoots, 82; cost of a preserve, 83; rights of chase, 277 Harness for leash hounds, 138 Harpooners, 12 Harpoons, 9 Harput (snow bear), 186 Hati (elephant), 228 Hedemarken, 125 Hemlock for brush bedding, 386 Henry Express, 160, 169; double, 371 Heran (Thibetan antelope), 335 Himalayas, the: best weapon for hunting in, 182; tents, 183; transport, 183; expenses, 184; rule regarding shooting grounds, 185; game in, 215, 218, 240, 257, 261, 262, 265, 274, 299, 303, 309, 319, 325, 329, 332 Hindu Kush, 374 Hinlopen Straits, 8, 9, 18 Hinter Authal, Tyrol, 105 Hinter Riss, Tyrol, 81, 101 ‘Hints to Travellers,’ Royal Geographical Society’s, 377, 395 Hircus Ægagrus (ibex), 52, 53 Hoang-ho river, 292 Hobbles for horses, 380 Hodgson, B. H., on the horns of the Sikkim stag, 283; on the early breeding of musk deer, 287; on the burrel, 299 Hog, the pigmy (Porcula salvania), habitat, 237; measurements, 238 Hogdeer (Axis porcinus), 261; habitat, 262; method of shooting, 262; measurements, 271 Hohe GeschnÜrr, Tyrol, 95, 96 Hohenlohe, Prince Hermann, 105 Holland & Holland, gunmakers, 13, 98 HopenÖerne, 9 ‘Horn measurements,’ Mr. Rowland Ward’s. See, largely cited, under Measurements Horns, different manner of twisting, between wild and domestic animals, 315
rwee (a jungly growth), 243 Khatmandu, 253 Khelat, 309 Kherdecht (wild ass), 362 Khokand, 364, 365 Khyenhsen (rhinoceros), 234 Kielang, India, 223 Kilmorey, Earl of, 155; his account of a bear drive in Russia, 161-167 King’s Bay, Spitzbergen, 9 note Kinloch, Colonel, his ‘Large Game Shooting,’ 183; on the snow and black bear, 187-215; panther, 221; wolves, 226; elephant, 232; disbelieves in wild gayal, 248, 255; thinks the Sutlej the boundary of the sambur, 257; describes the hogdeer as the rabbit of Indian battues, 261; swamp deer, 266; musk deer, 288; kakur, 289; supports the theory that markhor eat snakes, 309; and that there are four varieties of it, 313; on the horns of the markhor, 315; on ther, 327; serow, 333; and the Thibetan antelope, 339; on nylghao, 354; on ravine deer, 356. See Measurements Kirghiz, the, 73; as hunters, 366, 370, 376 Kirghiz yourts, 374 Kishengunga river, India, 275, 277 Kishtwar, 325 Kitchen gear for a sporting expedition, 395 Klapjagt (an elk drive), 135 Knife fastenings, 388 Knives, 388 Kodor, the, 39 Kolenati, cited, 44 Koulan (wild ass), 362 Kras (ther), 325 Kraus Haven, Spitzbergen, 15 Kuban river, 30, 31, 33, 35, 37, 38, 39 Kuch (oorial), 304 Kuda-ayer (Malay tapir), 236 Kuenluen mountains, 299 Kumaon, 288
/a> Nerbudda, the, 253, 266 NicolaÏevitch, Alexei (Russian bear hunter), 164, 165 NicolaÏevitch, Dmitri (Russian bear hunter), 164 NicolaÏevitch, Ivan (Russian bear hunter), 164 Nilghao (nylghao), 353 Niti Pass, 250, 253, 300, 339 NordenskjÖld, on Polar bears, 17 Nordland, 125 Nortalash (Russian Lapps), 154 North Africa, 228 North America, clothing for, 387; method of transporting freight in, 379 North Cape, Spitzbergen, 12 North East Land, 8, 9 North-West Provinces, India, 222, 345, 353 Norway, elk in, 124, 125, 127, 128, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 144, 148; brown bear hunting in, 155 ‘Nouveau voyage vers le Septentrion,’ quoted, 123 Novaya Zemlya, 1 Novgorod, 163 Nowgong, India, 228 Nyan (Ovis Ammon), 291 Nylghao (Portax pictus), 353; haunts, 353; hunting, 354; in captivity, 354 OllÈn (Caucasian red deer), habitat of the, 35; characteristics, 36; growing scarcity of, 37 Oorial (Ovis cycloceros), habitat, 304; measurements, 307; best mode of hunting, 308 Oorin (shapoo), 302 Orissa, 265 Ossetes, the, 49, 50 Ossetia, 41, 57 Oude, Nabob Vizier of, 210 Oudh, 265 Ounce, or snow leopard (Felis uncia), 223; fierce enemies of ibex, 224; measurements, 225 Overalls, canvas, Rib-faced or barking deer. See Deer Rice, Colonel, 269 Richters, Dr. F., Transport of camp equipage, 379 Triggers, 405 TromsÖ, 2, 3, 5 Trondhjem, North and South, 125 Trophies, the trade in, 415; forwarding home, 418; systems of measurement, 420 Tscherek, the, 41 Tschuddi, on chamois, 81, 104 Tsoing (Burmese wild ox), 248 TuapsÈ, 40 Tungmar (clouded panther), 221 TÛr, Caucasian, habits and chase of, 51-63 Turatch (sand-grouse), the, 44, 45 Turnscrews, 405 Turkestan, 226, 283, 291 Tyrol, the, chamois in, 77; poachers and keepers, 80; shooting season, 80; preserves and peasant-shoots, 82; cost of a preserve, 83; rights of chase, 84; chamois stalking, 85-97; rifles and kit for stalking, 98-100; chamois driving, 100-109; 282, 289, 322 Tyrolese keepers, 102 Tytler, Major, on the wild ass, 362 Unthia Bagh (lion), 194 Ursus arctos (bear of Northern Europe), 114 Ursus maritimus, 15-21 Urup, the, 38 VÆrdal, 125 Vaillant, M., his exploits in South Africa, 232 Valasjok river, 154 Veerubof, Colonel, 31 Victoria Lake, Pamir, 374 Vladikavkaz, 23, 24 Voroneze, 23, 24 Wa (burrel), 299 Wales, Prince of, elk hunting in Sweden, 136 Walker, Colonel C. S., 128, 132 Walouieff, M., 168 Walrus, the, 1; wanton destruction of, 2; size and weight, 3, 4; utilisation of blubber, 4; feeding grounds, 4; Spottiswoode & Co. Printers, New-street Square, London. |