l#Page_134" class="pginternal">134 Bird-Thompson, Mr., 304 Bison, North American, 376; habits and chase, 377; extinction, 403 Black bear (Ursus americanus), 351, 353-357, 369-375 Black-tail (Cervus columbianus), 419, 423 Blue buck, 309 Boers, 97; their manner of killing elephants, 111; influence over the black races, 151; English attitude towards, 151 Bomas (zerebas), 173 Boots, English shooting, 18 Borili (rhinoceros), 42, 44 Boscowitz’s store, Victoria, British Columbia, 361, 371, 375 Brayos river, North America, 369 Bridge River country, British Columbia, 391 British Columbia, bears in, 23, 347, 351, 354, 359, 369, 371, 375, 390; moose, 398; wapiti, 403; woodland caribou, 415; mule deer, 419; white-tail, 421 British Columbian Museum, 416 British Museum, 426 British South Africa Company, 333 Bubalis leucoprymnus (hartebeest), 291 Bucking horses, Cape, 105 Buffalo, South African, herds of, 41; courage, 51; baffling attack by lions, 52; its charge, 54; vengeful nature, 54; stampeding, 55; three lions attacking one, 90; its tender spot, 95; a swarm of, 96; — East African, destroyed by anthrax, 186, 217; vitality, 203; ferocity, 214; hunting, 216; large numbers formerly, 217; habits, 218; stalking, 327 Diseases in East Africa, 312 Dodge, Colonel, on buffalo, 376, 378; on the wapiti, 406 Dogs used in hunting, 24, 64, 66, 69-71, 120, 123, 126, 332, 372, 430-434; native, tricking alligators, 133 Doreta, East Africa, 290 Dress, sporting, 158-161 Duck, 187 Duruma country, East Africa, 311 Duyker, 167, 285, 308, 309 Eagles, 395 East Africa, sport to-day in, 154; guns suitable, 155-158; game districts and routes, 160-172; camp gear, 161-163; stores, 163; goods for barter, 165; elephant stalking, 166-168; length of marches, 172, 173; water, 173; details of a sportsman’s caravan, 176-184; hints on stalking, 185-203; the wind, 187; early morning, 195; elephant hunting, 204-213; buffalo hunting, 214-235; the lion, his appearance, habits, and chase, 236-250; stalking and killing rhinoceros, 251, 268; hippopotamus, 269-274; giraffe, 275-277; ostrich, 277, 278; stalking antelopes, 279-284; list of antelopes, 285; eland, 11; secret of their success, 13; mode of packing venison, 15 Interpreters, 313 Ishah (steinbuck), 301 Jackals, 75, 108, 196 Jackson, F. J., on stalking the rhinoceros, 3; on the battery for sporting in East Africa, 155-158; on dress, 158-161; on camp gear, 161-163; on stores, 163-165; on game districts and routes, 166-175; on the caravan and its adjuncts, 176-184; his hints on stalking and driving, 185-203; stalking bull eland, 190-193; driving antelope, 198-200; device of the imitation ostrich, 200; on where to place the shot, 202; hunting elephants, 205; in a typical elephant hunt, 208; in company with Mr. Hunter, 209-213; shooting buffalo, 214-230; a buffalo hunt in the Arusha-wa-Chini district, 230-235; lion killing, 236-250; personal experiences of the rhinoceros, 251-268; views on hippo-hunting, 269-274; on ostriches and giraffes, 275-278; description of East African antelopes, 279-311; on the climate of East Africa, 311 Jackson’s hartebeest, 166, 291 Jaguar, South American, 426, 427 James, H. A., 421 Jenner, Mr., 292, note Jilori, East Africa, 270 John (Selous’ waggon driver), 335-343 John Thomas (Oswell’s Africander servant), sketch of his career, 56-59; sporting incidents connected with, 68, 69,
84-h@48584-h-2.htm.html#Page_83" class="pginternal">83, 88, 100, 110, 115, 131 Lion, South African, native mode of killing, 47; Livingstone’s adventure, 47; a woman’s courage with a lioness, 48; attacking buffaloes, 52, 90; killing oxen in camp, 64, 66; bayed by dogs, 64, 69; Mr. Oswell’s narrow escape from, 69; the question of its courage or cowardice, 92, 315-319; fear of man, 93; not so formidable as the North African, 94; quickness and strength, 94; cries and bark, 98; at a typical breakfast, 108; Oswell’s encounter again with one, 119; fear of the horse for, 120; attack on a Kafir, 121; starving, 122; chasing oxen, 127; killing baby elephant, 128; maneless, 131; instances of its boldness and ferocity, 319, 320; dangerous nature of old animals, 320; not a clean feeder, 321; burying paunch and entrails of prey, 322, 323; cannibalism, 323; mode of killing prey, 324; physical appearance, 327; mane, 327; weight of, 328; measurements of, 329; its roar, 331; behaviour when wounded, 332; guns for killing, 332; Selous’ kill of the largest in his experience, 333-344; — East African, stalking eland, 191; conduct when wounded, 215; his ‘kingly’ title questioned, 236; appearance, 236; habits, 237; attacking camps, 238; attacks on man, 239-242; charging, 242; the maneless, 243; animals on which he preys, 243-245;<
="pginternal">294 Oryx, East African, stalking, 281, 270 Roan antelope, 292 Rocky Mountain goat (Haploceros montanus), habitat, 390, 391; stalking, 391; measurement, 392 Rocky Mountains, buffalo in, 378; bighorn, 381, 384; goats, 390-392; moose, 397 Rombo plains, East Africa, 200, 245, 298 Rooyebuck, 60 Rooyen, Cornelius van, 327 Sabaki river, East Africa, 270, 291, 293, 300, 304 Sable antelope, 293 SacoclÈ mountain, Alaska, 367 Sadala (tent-boy), 276 Safari (caravan), 176 St. Lawrence river, 369, 396, 397 Sala (Gazella Petersi), 299 Sala or Swara (Grant’s gazelle), 298 Salisbury, Mashonaland, 318, 333, 336 Salmon, 360, 366 Salmon river, Vancouver Island, 407 Sambur leather leggings, 160 San Francisco, grizzly of, 360 San Juan, Straits of, 392 Sand-grouse (Pterocles decoratus), 186, 197 Sasaybye, the, 50 Saskatchewan, the, 378 S-cheeked curb-bits, 105 Schoverling & Daly, of New York, 414 Sclater, Mr. (Secretary of the London Zoological Society), 351 Scotch red deer, 403, 404 Scotland, 426 Sebitoani (South African chief), 114, 143; narrates his career to Livingstone, 145; encounters a cannibal race, 146; compact with slave traders, 148,149 SechÉlÉ (South African chief), 119 Sechuana language, 116, 124, 147 Secomi (chief of the Ba-Mungwato), 72, 173, 201 Waterbuck, the, 89, 122, 169, 230, 231, 303 Water calabash, the, 178 Water-holes, 201, 202 Waterproofs in a sporting expedition, 160 Water-tins, 172 Webb, W. F., of Newstead Abbey, 31, 135 Wells, Sam (meat hunter), 404, 408, 410, 412 Weri-weri river, East Africa, 167, 230, 303 Westley-Richards 12-bore, 33 White-tail (C. virginianus), habitat and haunts, 421; weight and head, 423 ‘Wild Beasts and their Ways,’ 257, 324, 328 Wild cattle, 425, 426 Wild dogs, 71 Wildebeest, 60, 93, 112; brindled or blue, 289 Williams, Capt. W. H., R.A., 311 Williamson, Andrew, on wapiti, 406, 407 Willoughby, Sir John, 293 Wilson (a trader), killing lions with Oswell, 132 Winchester rifle, 182, 361 Wind, the, in East Africa, 187 Winnipeg, 376 Wissmann tent, the 161 Witu, 309 Wolf, Joseph (artist), his sketches, 32, 91 note, 129 note Wolseley valise, the, 162 Wolverton, Lord, his bag of lions in Somaliland, 316, 327 Wood buffalo, 379 Wood, Mr., 317 Woodland caribou (C. tarandus), 396; size and weight, 415; haunts, 416; food, 417 Wrangel, Alaska, 361, 362, 365 Wrey, G. B., 414 Wyoming, PRINTED BY SPOTTISWOODE AND CO., NEW-STREET SQUARE LONDON |