
“Diaz, the Dictator”

In thanking all who by their advance subscriptions made possible the publication of “The Friar’s Daughter,” I wish to announce the preparation of another book, entitled “Diaz the Dictator.” It will be somewhat longer than this work, and will be even more dramatic, fuller of action and intrigue, and will bring events practically to the present.

The real story of Diaz has never been written understandingly. Why and how he became a dictator; how the masses of the people of Mexico were made peons; the motives behind his action; the development of capitalism and the fall of feudalism in Mexico, have not yet been touched on understandingly. They are told in the fascinating story which I announce. The near relationship of the United States to Mexico through it all is made clear.

Not many know that the French government, at the instance of the Roman hierarchy, after the confiscation of the church lands in Mexico, overthrew the republic in 1863, and established as a form of government “a temperate and hereditary Catholic monarchy.” Not many know that Jaurez, the Mexican president who was forced from his position by a foreign army, appealed to the United States for aid, but that this country, being in the midst of a big war, was unable to lend him succor. Not many know that just as soon as there was prospect of the American armies being released from war, congress, on April 4th, 1864, warned France that America would not, under the Monroe doctrine, permit an European power to establish a monarchy on American soil. Not many know that on February 9th, 1869, Abraham Lincoln issued an ultimatum to France that she must either withdraw her troops from Mexico or fight the United States—that France withdrew, and the monarchy went to pieces. Not many have thought that the plotting against Lincoln’s life, by Catholics exclusively, began on March 6th, 1865, and culminated on April 15th, 1865. All this time Diaz was fighting with the Mexican patriots. Do you know what caused him to change?

These are only a few of the things brought out in the work. If “The Friar’s Daughter” is an eye-opener, then “Diaz the Dictator” will prove the thunder clap.

Will you help to bring out this work, as you so generously helped with “The Friar’s Daughter”? If so, I ask you to fill out the enclosed blank and mail it to me, WITHOUT SENDING MONEY. The prices will be the same as with this work:

Ten copies, $3.00; 100 copies, $22.00; single copy, 40 cents.

Enclose in envelope and mail to me, and when the subscription reaches 1,000 work will be begun on printing “Diaz the Dictator.”

C. L. Phifer, Girard, Kansas.


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