WITHIN THE GATES ACT I., SCENE I. FICTION AND BIOGRAPHY ——— THE GATES . 16mo, $1.50. BEYOND THE . 16mo, $1.25. THE GATES . 16mo, $1.25. WITHIN THE . A Drama. 12mo, $1.25. MEN, WOMEN, AND GHOSTS. Stories. 16mo, $1.50. HEDGED . 16mo, $1.50. THE SILENT . 16mo, $1.50. THE STORY OF . 16mo, $1.50. SEALED . 16mo, $1.50. FRIENDS: A Duet. 16mo, $1.25; paper, 50 cents. DOCTOR . 16mo, $1.25. AN OLD . 16mo, $1.25. THE MASTER OF THE . Collaborated with Herbert D. Ward. 16mo, $1.25; paper, 50 cents. COME FORTH! Collaborated with Herbert D. Ward. 16mo, $1.25; paper, 50 cents. FOURTEEN TO . Short Stories. 16mo, $1.25. DONALD . 16mo, $1.25. A SINGULAR . 16mo, $1.25. THE SUPPLY AT SAINT . Illustrated. Square 12mo, $1.00. THE MADONNA OF THE . Illustrated. Square 12mo, boards, 75 cents. JACK THE . Illustrated. Square 12mo, boards, 50 cents. THE SUCCESSORS OF MARY THE . Illustrated. 12mo, $1.50. LOVELINESS: A Story. Illustrated. Square 12mo, $1.00. CHAPTERS FROM A . Illustrated. 12mo, $1.50. THE STORY OF JESUS . Illustrated. Crown 8vo, $2.00. The Same. Popular Edition. Illustrated. 16mo, $1.25. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. WITHIN THE GATESBY
This drama has so departed from the plan of the original story, “The Gates Between,” published by me long ago, that it is, in fact, a new work, and has therefore received a new title.—E. S. P. W. |