An asterisk (*) preceding a reference indicates that the entire article or a part of it has been reprinted in this volume. BibliographiesKansas. State University. Extension Division. Bulletin. Vol. XI. No. 10. July, 1910. Kansas High School Debating League, Announcements, 1910-1911. pp. 26-8. United States. Library of Congress—Division of Bibliography. Select List of References on the Parcels Post. 5p. Typewritten. 15c. Supt. of Doc. Virginia. Dep’t of Public Instruction, State University, and the Co-Operative Education Ass’n. Bulletin. Ser. I. No. 3. March, 1911. Parcels Post. pp. 18-21. Wisconsin. State University. Extension Division. Bulletin. Ser. No. 204: Extension Ser. No. 18. March, 1908. Parcels Post. pa. 5c. General ReferencesBooks, Pamphlets and DocumentsBennet, William S. Freight, Passenger and Intelligence Post: The Public Need. 14p. pa. Govt. Ptg. Office. Address William S. Bennet, Representative, Washington, D. C. *Bennet, William S. Post-Office, Our Mutual Express Company: Speech in the House of Representatives, May 13, 1909. 8p. pa. Govt. Ptg. Office. Reprinted from the Congressional Record. 44: 5174-6. Ag. 5, 09. [Address William S. Bennet, Representative, Washington, D. C.] *Carr, D. M. Up to Members of Congress. 8p. pa. March, 1908. Address D. M. Carr, Editor “The Winning West,” Omaha, Nebr. Congressional Record. 32: Appendix. 208-10. F. 21, ’99. United States Parcels Post. James L. Cowles. Printed in connection with a speech by Senator Butler, in the Senate, F. 20-21, ’99. Congressional Record. 43: 1866-8. F. 4, ’09. Parcels Post System. Cowles, James L. General Freight and Passenger Post: Practical Solution of the Railroad Problem. G. P. Putnam’s Sons, New York. 1898. *Cowles, James L. Our Postal Express. 2p. Postal Progress League. Address the Postal Progress League, 125 E. 23rd St., New York City. *Lewis, David J. System of Postal Express to Include Both Country Merchants and Farmers: Speech in the House of Representatives, June 8, 1911. 32p. pa. Reprinted from the Hearings before Sub-Committee No. 4, of the Committee on the Post-Office and Post-Roads, June, 1911. pp. 10-38, 48-52. [Address David J. Lewis, Representative, Washington, D. C.] Monthly Consular and Trade Reports. No. 326. p. 37. N. ’07. Parcels Post from United States. Govt. Ptg. Office. *Monthly Consular and Trade Reports. No. 329. pp. 104-6. F. ’08. German Parcels Post. Govt. Ptg. Office. Monthly Consular and Trade Reports. No. 334. p. 192. Jl. ’08. Parcels Post from United States. Govt. Ptg. Office. Monthly Consular and Trade Reports. No. 335: 179-80. Ag. ’08. Parcels Post. Monthly Consular and Trade Reports. No. 357. Je. ’10. pp. 109-11. Parcels Post. Germany and Australia. Govt. Ptg. Office. Postal Progress. 1907-1911. Post Office: The Minister of Peace. 4p. Postal Progress League. Address the Postal Progress League, 125 E. 23d St., New York City. *United States. Congress, House of Representatives. Parcels Post: Hearings before the Committee on the Postoffice and Post Roads. April 20-29, 1910, 322p. pa. 25c. Supt. of Doc. Recommended for purchase. United States. Congress. House of Representatives. Parcels Post: Hearings before Sub-Committee No. 4 of the Committee on the Postoffice and Post Roads, June, 1911, 390p. pa. Supt. of Doc. Recommended for purchase. *United States. Post-Office Dep’t. Data Relative to Proposed Extension of Parcel Post. (60th Cong., 1st Sess., Senate. Doc. 366.) 15p. ’08. Govt. Ptg. Office. Reprinted from the Congressional Record. 42: 3041-5. Mr. 6, ’08. World Almanac, 1911. Postal Information, pp. 99-105. A summary of the present governmental regulations respecting foreign and domestic mails. Magazine ArticlesArena. 34: 113-9. Ag. ’05. European Parcels-Post. J. Henniker Heaton. Reprinted in condensed form in the Review of Reviews. 32: 345-6. S. ’05. Bulletin. Pan American Union. 32: 365-8. F. ’11. Parcels Post Convention between the United States and Haiti. Contains the text of the convention adopted by Haiti and the United States in 1910. Catholic World. 81: 353-61. Je. ’05. Parcel-Post System of Germany. J. C. Monaghan. Chautauquan. 64: 7-8. S. ’11. Parcels Post Next. Cosmopolitan. 35: 3-10. My. ’03. Governmental Parcel-Post in Great Britain. J. Henniker Heaton. Cosmopolitan. 36: 217*-19*. Ap. ’04. Postal Parcels Delivery One Cent a Pound. John B. Walker. Dun’s Review. 14: 12-4. F. 24, ’06. Parcels-Post System of Germany. J. C. Monaghan. Reprinted in the Hearings before Subcommittee No. 4 of the Committee on the Post-Office and Post-Roads, House of Representatives, June, 1911. pp. 70-3. Nineteenth Century. 25: 894-901. Je. ’89. Agricultural Parcels Post. Henry P. Dunster. Nineteenth Century. 54: 981-4. D. ’03. Cash on Delivery, or Shopping by Post. J. Henniker Heaton. Arguments for and against the extension of the parcels post system in England to admit the cash on delivery feature. North American. 187: 330-6. Mr. ’08. Parcels Post. George von L. Meyer. Outlook. 72: 147-8. S. 20, ’02. Cheap Parcels Post from England. Outlook. 79: 148. Ja. 14, ’05. Comparison of Postal Rates. James L. Cowles. Postal Progress. Vol. I. No. 6. pp. 1-4. Ag. ’07. Common One-Cent-a-Pound Postal Rate. James L. Cowles. Clippings from American Industries, June 15, 1907, and Iron Age, July 4, 1907, form a part of the article. Scientific American. 98: 455. Je. 27, ’08. Reduction of Foreign Parcel Postal Rates. Scientific American Supplement. 48: 20008. D. 2, ’99. Parcels Post Exchanges with Germany. Survey. 25: 121-2. O. 22, ’10. Parcels Post Made in Germany. Affirmative ReferencesPamphlets and DocumentsCongressional Record. 42: 3081-4. Mr. 7, ’08. Post-Office Appropriation Bill: Speech in the House of Representatives, March 3, 1908. James M. Griggs. Congressional Record. 42: 6567-8. My. 15, ’08. Special Parcels Post. George von L. Meyer. Congressional Record. 45: 2958-9. Mr. 8, ’10. Amendment for the Parcels Post. Mr. Hardwick. Congressional Record. 45: 3223-4. Mr. 14, ’10. Extension of Parcels Post: Letter to John M. Stahl. George von L. Meyer. Congressional Record. 45: 9310-4. Je. 24. ’10. General Deficiency Bill: Speech in the House of Representatives, June 21, 1910. William S. Bennet. Reprinted in the Congressional Record. 45: Appendix 382-6. Congressional Record. 46: 1243-5. Ja. 21, ’11. Proposed Parcels Post: Speech in the House of Representatives, January 17, 1911. Ralph W. Moss. Congressional Record. 46: 1273-6. Ja. 21, ’11. Limited Parcels Post. Congressional Record. 46: 1443-5. Ja. 25, ’11. Why the People Favor a General Parcels Post: Speech in the House of Representatives, January 17, 1911. William Sulzer. Congressional Record. 46: 1881. F. 2, ’11. Resolution Adopted by Nebraska Farmer’s Congress in Favor of Parcels Post. *Congressional Record. 46: 1941-7. F. 3, ’11. Star Routes and Rural Parcels Post: Speech in the House of Representatives, January 19, 1911. F. W. Mondell. Congressional Record. 46: 2773-4. F. 9, ’11. Parcels Post: Speech in the House of Representatives. Ralph W. Moss. Consists mostly of quotations from the Price Current and other trade journals. Meyer, George von L. Address at the Banquet of the New England Postmasters, October 12, 1907. 14p. pa. Govt. Ptg. Office. *Sulzer, William. Our Postal Express: Speech in the House of Representatives, June 9, 1910. 8p. pa. Govt. Ptg. Office. Reprinted from the Congressional Record. 45: 8287-97. Je. 15, ’10. [Address William Sulzer, Representative, Washington, D. C.] *Sulzer, William. People Demand a General Parcels Post: Speech in the House of Representatives, February 6, 1911. 15p. pa. Govt. Ptg. Office. Reprinted from the Congressional Record. 46: 2094-7. F. 6, ’11. [Apply to William Sulzer, Representative, Washington, D. C.] United States. Post Office Dep’t. Annual Report of the Postmaster General. 1907. pp. 9-11. Extension of the Parcel Post. 10c. Supt. of Doc. Magazine ArticlesArena. 23: 103-6. Ja. ’00. Needed Postal Reform. Louis E. Guillow. Arena. 35: 212-3. F. ’06. England’s Magnificent Postal-Service Record. Arena. 37: 308-9. Mr. ’07. Postal Service in Japan. Cosmopolitan. 36: 379*-81*. F. ’04. Aid Which the Post Office Department Might Render to Commerce. John B. Walker. *Cosmopolitan. 36: 497*-9*. Mr. ’04. Who Will Be Benefited by a Parcels Post? John B. Walker. *Craftsman. 14: 592-4. S. ’08. More Efficient Postal Service. Gustav Stickley. *Good Housekeeping. 53: 2-10. Jl. ’11. Housekeeping by Parcels Post. Isabel G. Curtis. *Hampton’s. 26: 261-4. F. ’11. Let Us Have a Parcels Post. *Housekeeper. 31: 11-35. Ag. ’08. Parcels Post. George E. Miller. Independent. 53: 2607-8. O. 31, ’01. Parcels Post. Independent. 56: 306-9. F. 11, ’04. Post Office, Our Mutual Transportation Company. James L. Cowles. Independent. 63: 1185-7. N. 14, ’07. Parcels Post. Independent. 67: 986-7. O. 28, ’09. It Must Come. *Independent. 70: 105-7. Ja. 12, ’11. Parcels Post Once More. Nation. 90: 345. Ap. 7, ’10. For a Parcels-Post. Reuben G. Thwaites. Nineteenth Century. 53: 253-63. F. ’03. Agricultural Parcel Post. J. Henniker Heaton. Outlook. 90: 801-2. D. 12, ’08. Postal Deficit and a Rural Parcel Post. Outlook. 96: 567. N. 12, ’10. Express Monopoly versus a Parcels Post. Postal Progress. Vol. I. No. 4. pp. 1-2. Ap. 1, ’07. Foreign Parcels Post Necessary. Scientific American. 102: 274. Ap. 2, ’10. Need of an Improved Parcels Post. World’s Work. 21: 13978-86. F. ’11. Post-Office: An Obstructive Monopoly. Don G. Seitz. *World’s Work. 21: 14248-51. Ap. ’11. Parcels Post and the Retailer. Fremont Rider. Negative ReferencesPamphlets and Documents*Bogardus, W. P. Why Parcels Post Is Not a Good Thing for This Country. 8p. pa. Iowa Retail Hardware Ass’n. Address A. R. Sale, Iowa Retail Hardware Association, Mason City, Iowa. *Burrows, Charles W. Further Thoughts on Parcels Post: With an Examination of Postmaster-General Meyer’s Recommendations. 19p. pa. Address Charles W. Burrows, 633 Euclid Av., Cleveland, Ohio. *Burrows, Charles W. One Cent Letter Postage, Second Class Mail Rates, and Parcels Post: Address Delivered before the National Hardware Ass’n, March 30, 1911. pp. 11-25. Address Charles W. Burrows, 633 Euclid Av., Cleveland, Ohio. Congressional Record. 40: 3476-82. Mr. 7, ’06. Parcels Post: Speech in the House of Representatives. Gilbert N. Haugen. *French, F. E. Parcels Post: Address before the Southern Merchant’s Ass’n, Nashville, Tenn., February 28-March 3, 1911. Leaflet No. 8. 15p. pa. American League of Associations. Address the American League of Associations, Room 343, Rand-McNally Bldg., Chicago, Ill. *Haugen, Gilbert N. Parcels Post and Postal Savings Banks: Speech in the House of Representatives, March 13, 1908. 8p. pa. Govt. Ptg. Office. Reprinted from the Congressional Record. 42: 3548-51. Mr. 17, ’08. [Address Gilbert N. Haugen, Representative, Washington, D. C.] Hutsinpillar, C. A. Parcels Post: Address Delivered before the Annual Convention of the Ohio Hardware Ass’n, February 23, 1904, 3p. pa. gratis. Address C. A. Hutsinpillar, Ironton, Ohio. *Maxwell, George H. Perils of Parcels Post Extension. Leaflet No. 7. 35p. pa. American League of Associations. Reprinted in the Hearings before the Committee on the Post-Office and Post-Roads, April 20-29, 1910. [Address American League of Associations, Room 343, Rand-McNally Bldg., Chicago, Ill.] Menace of a Parcels Post. 40p. pa. Address S. R. Miles, Mason City, Iowa. Miles, S. R. Extracts from an Address Delivered before the Federated Commercial Clubs of Minnesota, January 17, 1908. 14p. pa. Address S. R. Miles, President, National Retail Hardware Dealers Ass’n, Mason City, Iowa. *Ordway, John A. Parcels Post: Address before the New England Drygoods Ass’n, March, 1911. Leaflet No. 9. 15p. pa. American League of Associations. Address the American League of Associations, Room 343, Rand-McNally Bldg., Chicago, Ill. Parcels Post: from the Standpoint of an Iowa Editor. Parcels Post Circular No. 3, Series 1911. 4p. pa. Iowa Retail Hardware Association. Address A. R. Sale, Iowa Retail Hardware Ass’n, Mason City, Iowa. *Parcels Post Problem: From the Standpoint of the Towns and Small Cities. 30p. pa. National Hardware Bulletin. Address M. L. Corey, Secretary, National Retail Hardware Association, Argos, Ind. Shall the Country Towns Be Destroyed by a Local Rural Parcels Post. Pamphlet No. 5. Home Advancement Series. 30p. pa. American League of Associations. Most of this pamphlet is a reprint of pp. 274-96 of the Report of the Hearings before the Committee on the Post-Office and Post-Roads, April, 1910. [Apply to M. L. Corey, Argos, Ind.] *Smith, S. C. Parcels Post: Speech in the House of Representatives, March 3, 1908. 15p. pa. ’08. Govt. Ptg. Office. Reprinted from the Congressional Record. 42: 2928-31. Mr. 3, ’08. [Address S. C. Smith, Representative, Washington, D. C.] Spofford, C. W. A. B. C. of Parcels Post; A. Catechism, 11p. pa. Trans-Mississippi Commercial Congress, Proceedings, 1907. pp. 232-40. Parcels Post. Magazine References*Independent. 70: 72-3. Ja. 12, ’11. Objections to the Parcels Post. Allan W. Clark. Independent. 70: 185. Ja. 26, ’11. Parcels Post Again. Sylvester C. Smith. *Journal of Political Economy. 16: 417-35. Jl. ’08. Shall the Scope of Governmental Functions Be Enlarged so as to Include the Express Business? Albert N. Merritt. North American Review. 174: 807-19. Je. ’02. Defects and Abuses in Our Postal System. Henry A. Castle. Parcels Post. pp. 812-4. North American Review. 178: 222-34. F. ’04. Postal Service. E. F. Loud. Parcels Post. pp. 224-6. Outlook. 96: 794. D. 3, ’10. Parcels Post. George P. Engelhard. SELECTED ARTICLES ON THE PARCELS POST |