And yet so subtle is the connection in the eternal life between the soul’s best moments and the Source of them, that I felt unready for my joy until it had His blessing whose Love was the sun of all love, and whose approval was sweeter than all happiness. Now, it was a part of that beautiful order of Heaven, which we ceased to call accident, that while I had this wish upon my lips, we saw Him coming to us, where we still stood alone together in the open field. We did not hasten to meet Him, but remained as we were until He reached our side; and then we sank upon our knees before Him, silently. God knows what gain we had for the life that we had lost below. The pure eyes of the Master sought us with a benignity from which we thanked the Infinite Mercy that our own had not need to droop ashamed. What weak, earthly comfort could have been worth the loss of a moment such as this? He blesses us. With His sacred hands He blesses us, and by His blessing lifts our human love into so divine a thing that this seems the only life in which it could have breathed. By-and-by, when our Lord has left us, we join hands like children, and walk quietly through the dazzling air, across the field, and up the hill, and up the road, and home. I seek my mother, trembling, and clasp her, sinking on my knees, until I hide my face upon her lap. Her hands stray across my hair and cheek. “What is the matter, Mary?—dear Mary!” “Oh, Mother, I have Heaven in my heart at last!” “Tell me all about it, my poor child. Hush! There, there! my dear!” “Your poor child? ... Mother! What can you mean?”— What can she mean, indeed? I turn and gaze into her eyes. My face was hidden in her lap. Her hands stray across my hair and cheek. “What is the matter, Mary?—dear Mary!” “Oh, Mother, I have Heaven in my heart at last!” “Tell me all about it, my poor child. Hush! There, there! my dear!” “Your poor child? Mother! What CAN this mean?” She broods and blesses me, she calms and gathers me. With a mighty cry, I fling myself against her heart, and sob my soul out, there. “You are better, child,” she says. “Be quiet. You will live.” Upon the edge of the sick-bed, sitting strained and weary, she leans to comfort me. The night-lamp burns dimly on the floor behind the door. The great red chair stands with my white woollen wrapper thrown across the arm. In the window the magenta geranium droops freezing. Mignonette is on the table, and its breath pervades the air. Upon the wall, the cross, the Christ, and the picture of my father look down. The doctor is in the room; I hear him say that he shall change the medicine, and some one, I do not notice who, whispers that it is thirty hours since the stupor, from which I have aroused, began. Alice comes in, and Tom, I see, has taken Mother’s place, and holds me—dear Tom!—and asks me if I suffer, and why I look so disappointed. Without, in the frosty morning, the factory-bells are calling the poor girls to their work. The shutter is ajar, and through the crack I see the winter day dawn on the world. Standard and Popular Library Books SELECTED FROM THE CATALOGUE OF HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN AND COMPANY. John Adams and Abigail Adams. Familiar Letters of, during the Revolution. 12mo, $2.00. Oscar Fay Adams. Handbook of English Authors. 16mo, 75 cents. Handbook of American Authors. 16mo, 75 cents. Louis Agassiz. Methods of Study in Natural History. Illus. 16mo, $1.50. Geological Sketches. Series I. and II., each 16mo, $1.50. A Journey in Brazil. Illustrated. 8vo, $5.00. Thomas Bailey Aldrich. Story of a Bad Boy. Illustrated. 12mo, $1.50. Marjorie Daw and Other People. 12mo, $1.50. Prudence Palfrey. 12mo, $1.50. The Queen of Sheba. 16mo, $1.50. The Stillwater Tragedy. 12mo, $1.50. From Ponkapog to Pesth. 16mo, $1.25. Cloth of Gold and Other Poems. 12mo, $1.50. Flower and Thorn. Later Poems. 12mo, $1.25. Poems, Complete. Illustrated. 8vo, $5.00. Mercedes, and Later Lyrics. Crown 8vo, $1.25. American Commonwealths. Virginia. By John Esten Cooke. Oregon. By William Barrows. (In Preparation.) South Carolina. By Hon. W. H. Trescot. Kentucky. By N. S. Shaler. Maryland. By Wm. Hand Browne. Pennsylvania. By Hon. Wayne MacVeagh.
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