A Lost Hero Frontispiece
The Express from Columbia 11
The Enterprise of the Summerville Merchant 12
In the Group at the Station stood a white Boy 13
The Boy tested the Halter, and patted the Horse 15
Stray Goats and Mules gazed expectantly 17
An old Negro came up 19
He plodded slowly up the Track 21
Snapped his Halter, and broke away 23
He got down on his Hands and Knees and crawled 24
Birds seemed to sing through the Air 25
Had the End of the World come? 27
They ran 31
The pauper Dog 32
They were only Cows 33
Run for 't! Run! 37
As they came abreast of the second little Station 41
I sole for Two Thousand Dollars onct 43
The ragged old Arm that felled it down 45
The little One climbed like a Monkey upon A Shelf 47
The old Man seized the Torpedoes 48
This comforted the Lad incredibly 49
"I stump ye!" 53
The strong, black Fist was clinched 55
He laid one Torpedo on each Rail 57
PapÄ! PapÄ! 62
A little huddling Figure 63
The locality where the Train stood was examined thoroughly
Had the curiosity to pick up the Rags 72
Finis 74


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