| PAGE | A Lost Hero | Frontispiece | The Express from Columbia | 11 | The Enterprise of the Summerville Merchant | 12 | In the Group at the Station stood a white Boy | 13 | The Boy tested the Halter, and patted the Horse | 15 | Stray Goats and Mules gazed expectantly | 17 | An old Negro came up | 19 | He plodded slowly up the Track | 21 | Snapped his Halter, and broke away | 23 | He got down on his Hands and Knees and crawled | 24 | Birds seemed to sing through the Air | 25 | Had the End of the World come? | 27 | They ran | 31 | The pauper Dog | 32 | They were only Cows | 33 | Run for 't! Run! | 37 | As they came abreast of the second little Station | 41 | I sole for Two Thousand Dollars onct | 43 | The ragged old Arm that felled it down | 45 | The little One climbed like a Monkey upon A Shelf | 47 | The old Man seized the Torpedoes | 48 | This comforted the Lad incredibly | 49 | "I stump ye!" | 53 | The strong, black Fist was clinched | 55 | He laid one Torpedo on each Rail | 57 | PapÄ! PapÄ! | 62 | A little huddling Figure | 63 | The locality where the Train stood was examined thoroughly | 67 | Had the curiosity to pick up the Rags | 72 | Finis | 74 |