

Abbott, Dr. E. A., on the Gospels, 86–8;
on pain, 238

Acts, The, criticisms regarding, 89

Adonis, 133

Æsculapius, 131–2

Agnostic Annual, The, cited, 340–3, 362, 366–7

Albigenses, 407

Alexander of Armagh, Archbishop, on war, 407

Allen, Grant, cited, 149–51, 390

Allin, Rev. T., “larger hope,” 36

America, 4;
the religions of ancient, 144–7;
northern tribes, 303–4

Apocryphal Gospels, 135, 138

Apollo, 127–9

Apollonius of Tyana, 132

Apologetics, 29–36, 41–70, 71–6, 90–113, 115–21, 128–9, 156–7, 158–61, 175–96, 208–18, 220–65, 273–314, 318–23, 349–51, 357, 367, 370–1, 381, 382–4, 386–9, 391–3, 395–8, 404, 407–8

Argentine, The, 4

Aristotle, 267;
on happiness, 325–6

Armitage, Professor E., cited, 220

Arnold, Sir Edwin, cited, 188, 232

Arnold, Matthew, cited, 286–7;
definition of religion, 376

Ascension, The, 65–8, 99

Asoka, King, edicts of, 274

Athanasian Creed, 35, 101, 369, 381

Auto-suggestion, 258, 336 note, 401

Avebury, Lord, cited, 303


Bab, The martyrdoms, 297;
mythical version, 380

Bacchus, 127, 130, 131, 133

Balfour, A. J., his philosophical works, 34

Barnardo, The late Dr., 402

Barnes, Dr. W. E., on the Athanasian Creed, 35

Barry, Dr. W., on Renan, 23 note

Bayley, Dr., in his work Verbal Inspiration, 101

Beal, S., in his work The Romantic History of Buddha, 138, 387, 389–90

Behring, Professor, cited, 202 note

Belgium, 4, 399

Benn, A. W., cited, 346, 383, 385

Besant, Sir Walter, cited, 278

Bethesda, Pool of, 47

Bible criticism, 71–114;
a summary of, 76–90

Birmingham, Bishop of, cited, 156.
(See also Gore, Dr.)

Birrell, the Right Hon. Augustine, on Patriotism and Christianity, 374, 408

Blatchford, Robert, his attack upon religion, 10, 26;
in God and My Neighbour, 182–3, 209–10

Bonwick, James, cited, 130

Booth, “General,” 402

Brath, Stanley de, cited, 337

Brinton, Dr. Daniel, cited, 133–4

Bruce, The late Rev. A. B., on Jesus, 84

BÜchner, Ludwig, “Why Lead a Moral Life?” 342

Buckle, cited, 369

Buddha, remarkable parallels, 123–6;
“Christian accretions?” 136–140, 389–90;
birth, 387;
Buddhism, 277, 292, 313, 315, 344

Budge, Dr. Wallis, cited, 135, 295, 386

Bunsen, in his work The Angel Messiah, 139, 387

Butler, Bishop, in Analogy of Religion, 375

Butler, Slade, cited, 389


Caird, Mona, cited, 401

Calcutta, Late Bishop of, cited, 408

Callaway, Dr., cited, 134

Campbell, Rev. R. J., “New Theology,” 395

Canterbury, Archbishop of, on rational thought, Preface; cited, 263

Canterbury, Dean of, on the Old Testament, 101;
cited, 319.
(See also Wace, Dean.)

Carlisle, Bishop of, on the need for an examination of evidences, 16–7.
(See also Diggle, Bishop.)

Carlyle, his opinions regarding historical Christianity, 23

Carnegie, Andrew, on the Christian Church, 407

Cecil, Lord Hugh, on the decay of the Faith, 2

Chaffee, General, on the intelligent Chinaman, 309 note 2

Chaillu, Du, on eating the god, 151

Chet Ram, 397

Cheyne, Canon, on Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph, 78;
on the prophets, 81–2;
on Messianic beliefs, 82;
his appeal to Churchmen and scholars, 90;
on Oriental influences, 162

China, 307–11, 399

Christian Commonwealth, The, cited, 53–4

Christian scientists, 258 note 1, 389, 400

Christianity, the power for good of, 273–85;
the danger attending the overthrow of, 286–90;
the spread of, 290–96, 397–98

Christmas, remarks on the date of, 390–1

Church-goers, percentage of, 14

Church Times, The, cited, 72–4, 75–6, 109, 118–21, 211–2, 213 note

Clairvaux, Bernard of, on the immaculate conception, 69

Clarion, The, cited, 10, 39

Clarke, Dr. Samuel, in Truth and Certainty of Christian Revelation, 379

ClÉmenceau, G., the champion of truth, 288

Clodd, Edward, cited, 180–1, 393;
“Why Lead a Moral Life?” 343;
his diagram of development, 394

Cobden, on the attitude of the clergy, 275

Colenso, Bishop, on the Pentateuch, 351

Comte, Auguste, 7, 269, 362

Conclusions, Final, 322–3, 375–8

Confucianism, 38, 134, 308–11, 332

Confucius, birth of, 129

Conscience, 243–7

Constantine, Emperor, 291–4

Conte, Professor le, cited, 377

Contemporary Review, The, cited, 220, 374, 407, 408

Contentio Veritatis, 44–5

Conversion, 251–7

Conway, Dr. Moncure, 39;
on spiritualism, 384

Copernicus, 379

Cox, Rev. Sir G. W., cited, 133, 141

Cox, Rev. Samuel, on miracles, 51 note

Crantock, Vicar of, on the inferiority of woman, 283

Creation, Bible story of the, a myth, 71, 95–6;
irreconcilable with science, 188–97

Criminality, 333–5, 399–400

Cross, The, 133–4, 136, 146, 165, 389, 392

Cumont, Professor Franz, in Les MystÈres de Mithra, 392

Cuvier, 393–4

Cyanic theory, 377


Daily Graphic, The, cited, 391, 401–2

Daily Telegraph, The, “Do We Believe?” 3; cited, 322 note, 391

Daniel, 81–2

Daruma, Wa, 260

Darwin, Charles, in The Descent of Man, 170, 174–5, 198–9, 203, 206–8, 228;
on natural selection, 172–3, 393;
on sexual selection, 393;
in The Origin of Species, 180; cited, 209;
belief in a deity not universal, 302–3;
autobiography, 311–12

Darwinism, 171–3

David, 81

Davids, Prof. Rhys, cited, 139–40, 387, 388

Dead, Book of the, 134

Deluge, The, 78, 95

Denmark, 4, 399

Deuteronomy, its nature, 80–1

Devil-possession, 56–7, 383

Dickinson, Lowes, on conversions, 61

Diggle, Bishop, cited, 16–7, 299, 350

Driver, Dr., in his book on Genesis, 75–6


Earth, The antiquity of, 379

Easter, remarks on the date of, 390–1

Ecuador, 4

Eliot, George, cited, 364

Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 14, 39

Encyclo. Bib., 30; cited, 75, 162, 390;
contributors, 384–5;
notes from, 77–90

Encyclo. Brit., on Buddhism, 123 note;
on mythology, 157;
cited, 234, 246, 395

Esperanto, 408

Essenism, argument from, 162–3

Ethical societies, 336

Eucharist, The Holy, parallels, 119, 143, 145–53, 165, 168, 390, 392;
explanation of origin, 151–4

Eusebius, cited, 104, 162, 293

Evil, man not responsible, 235–40;
man responsible (?), 240–3

Evolution, the doctrine of, 169–73;
average person’s ideas on, 173–5;
attitude of the Church, 175–80;
cruelty of the process, 180–8;
proofs of our origin, 197–208;
clashes with the Christian dogmas, 188–97, 208–18

Exodus, legendary, 78

Experience, Religious, 251–64


Fall, The, denial of, 73, 75–6, 88;
an allegory, 95;
overthrow of the doctrine of, 208–18

Farrar, Dean, concerning Josephus, 103;
on Christian accretions, 134–5;
on miracles, 383;
Jesus’ birth in a cave, 386;
in The Bible and the Child, 404

Fasts, parallels, 130–1

Fathers, The Church, 88, 166, 284

Fielding, H., cited, Preface, 14 note, 361–2

First Cause, the existence of a, 221–2;
an Intelligence, 223–30;
a Beneficent Intelligence, 230–51, 264–5

Five thousand, Feeding of the, 49, 383

Flint, Dr. Robert, cited, 184–5, 222, 226, 228–9, 234, 236–7, 240, 242, 292, 298, 301–2

Fohi, the sage, 126–7

Fo-pen-Hing, 390

Forlong, General, cited, 138

Fortnightly Review, The, cited, 247, 304, 401

France, 4, 8, 407

Frauds, Pious, 92, 108, 161, 166, 403–4

Frazer, Dr. J. G., cited, 117, 147, 149–50, 151, 153, 304, 305–6

Freewill, 247–51

Friga, The goddess, 128

Froude on the Reformation, 8

Fuegians, Magic among the, 304–5

Galilee, The Sea of, 111

Genesis, legendary, 75, 78, 95, 178, 188–97, 349

Gerard, Father, on the gravity of the situation, 3;
on The Riddle of the Universe, 381

Germany, 4, 269, 271

Germany, Emperor of, cited, 235, 371;
alluded to, 375 note 2

Gibbon, on the prodigy of the darkness, etc., 104;
cited, 292–3, 369

Gibbon, Rev. J. Morgan, 24;
cited, 381

Gladstone, W. E., on slavery, 39–40;
on Genesis, 178, 189–95

Gloucester, The late Bishop of, on the “Higher Criticism,” 100;
on evolution, 175–6

God, a personal, 230–2;
Theistic arguments examined, 219–72;
an unknown God, 376

Godet, on miracles, 49–50

Gore, Dr. (formerly Bishop of Worcester), on the Fall, 213–16.
(See also Birmingham, Bishop of.)

Gospels, The, criticisms regarding, 82–9, 97–100, 101.
(See also Bible Criticism.)

Gothenburg, remarks on the Gothenburg system, 399

Goulburn, Dean, 30

Gould, F. J., “Why Lead a Moral Life?” 341–2;
his books of moral lessons, 403

Grove, Lady, 401


Haddon, A. C., cited, 306

Haeckel, cited, 170–1, 201, 204, 206–7, 377, 393;
The Riddle of the Universe, 381

Hammurabi Code, The, 80;
account of, by Chilperic Edwards, 385

Harnack, Dr., 87 note;
in his book What is Christianity?, 68–9, 91–2

Harris, Rev. Charles, in his work Pro Fide, 238, 265

Harte, Richard, cited, 395, 400–1

Hartmann, cited, 211

Hastings’s Dictionary, 385

Hearn, Lafcadio, in Kokoro, 329

Hegel, 271–2

Henslow, Professor George, on directivity, 225;
on natural selection, 392

Henson, Canon, on the Resurrection, 63;
cited, 94, 286, 369

Hercules, 127, 129

Hibbert Journal, The, cited, 19 and note, 63, 78, 93;
the editor questions the moral supremacy of Christendom, 332–3;
cited, 376

Higgins, Godfrey, cited, 155, 389

Hindoos, 13, 64–5, 152, 220, 255, 256, 257, 289–90, 356, 384.
(For parallels in their sacred books, see Krishna.)

Historians, The silence of, 102–5, 111

Hobhouse, L. T., his work Morals in Evolution, 403

Holland, 4

Holland, Canon Scott, on the Agnostic, 25, 367, 380–1

Holyoake, George Jacob, 282, 356

Horton, Dr., on the surrender of the old ideal, 2–3;
on miracles, 53–4

Horus, 107, 127, 130, 131, 132, 295, 388

Hoste, Rev. D. E., on devil possession, 383

Huitzilopochtli, 144

Humboldt, Alexander von, cited, 134

Hume, on Philosophy, 271

Huxley, Professor, on miracles, 41–2;
on visions, 59;
on the slow progress of palÆontology, 171;
reply to Mr. Gladstone, 178;
denies a benevolent ruler, 181;
on Genesis, 189–90, 192–6;
on man’s place in nature, 200, 204 note;
cited, 209;
on catastrophes, 235;
cited, 296;
belief in a deity not universal, 303;
his pleasure in art, 312–3;
on “cheap” Agnosticism, 318;
“Why Lead a Moral Life?” 339–40;
definition of religion, 362 note 2

Huxley, Mrs. T. H., in her poem Browning’s Funeral, 355


Ignatius, Father, on the supernatural, 44;
his visions, 60–1

Illingworth, Dr. J. R., cited, 128–9;
in Divine Immanence, 231–3

Independent Review, The, cited, 61, 331, 353, 378

India, safety of women in, 289–90;
life in, 384;
famines, 402

Ingersoll, Colonel, 178, note

Instinct, The religious, universality of, 298–314.
(See also Experience, Religious.)

International Journal of Ethics, The, cited, 260

Intolerance, Religious, 368–70, 380–1, 404, 405

Intoxication, The religious experiences of, 261

Irish R. C. Church, 31, 382

Isaiah, 81, 82

Isis, 107, 135, 295, 388

Italy, 4, 8, 280, 408.
(See also Robertson, Dr. Alexander.)

Ito, Marquis, religion unnecessary, 344


James, Professor W., in The Varieties of Religious Experience, 251–5, 260–1;
cited, 396–7

Japan, 257, 259, 279–81, 287, 289, 290, 297 note, 313–4, 321–2, 328–33, 398

Japan Evangelist, The, cited, 398

Japan Times, The, cited, 329

Jeffreys, Rev. H. S., on the Japanese, 398

Jeremiah, 82

Jerome, St., on Buddha’s birth, 387

Jesus Christ, according to the “higher” critics, 84–5;
picture of, 107, 386;
alleged sinlessness of, 108;
ignorance of, 109–14;
on social problems, 284;
as judge, 370;
as Prince of Peace, 370–1;
hard sayings, 33, 101–2, 270, 370.
(See also Miracles, Gospels, and Mythology, Comparative.)

Jevons, F. B., 305

Jews, victims of persecution, 289, 368;
effect of dispersion, 290

Job, 81

John, St., authorship and date of Gospel, 98

Jonah, 81;
the whale story a solar myth, 155–6

Josephus, 103–4

Joshua commanding the sun, 50–1, 52–3

Journal of Education, The, cited, 264


Kant, cited, 234, 247–8

Keasbey, Professor, cited, 393

Kelman, Rev. John, in Ideals of Science and Faith, 22

Kelvin, Lord, on the existence of a vital principle, 18

Kepler, 379

Kingsborough, Lord, cited, 130, 133;
his work Mexican Antiquities, 388

Kingsley, Charles, on Darwin’s views, 176–7;
on Cardinal Newman, 246

Kirkpatrick, Dr., on Bible criticism, 76 note;
admissions in his book The Divine Library of the Old Testament, 94–7;
on inspiration, 97

Knowling, Dr., on the Virgin Birth, 387

Krishna, remarkable parallels, 121–3;
the controversy, 136–42;
death of, 387

Kropotkin, Prince, cited, 338;
“Why Lead a Moral Life?”, 343–4


Laing, S., cited, 338, 379;
sale of his books, 380

Laity, attitude of, 6–17

Lancet, The, cited, 202, 334

Lang, Andrew, cited, 304

Lankester, Professor Ray, supports Haeckel, 19–20;
on recent discoveries, 380, 393

Lao Kiun, the sage, 126–7

Lawson-Forster, Rev. J., on the Russian Church, 405

Lazarus, the raising of, 88

Lecky, on witchcraft, 397

Leuba, James H., on Professor James’s theories, 260, 261

Liddon, Canon, on using our intellect, Preface;
on miracles, 44, 45; cited, 298, 395

Life, plan for the reproduction of, 241–2;
human sentiment as to a future, 315–6;
theories regarding, 376–7;
Family Tree of, 394

Lightfoot, Bishop, on the work called Supernatural Religion, 55–6;
on the Essenes, 162

Literary Guide, The, cited, 380

Lock, Dr., on Driver’s Genesis, 75

Locke, John, cited, 244

Lodge, Sir Oliver, his religious position, 18–9, 380;
views concerning Haeckel, 19–20;
cited, 376

Loisy, AbbÉ, on the Resurrection, 64;
cited, 91, 92

Lombroso, Professor Cesare, on spiritualistic phenomena, 396

London, Bishop of, on the growing disbelief, 2;
on In Relief of Doubt, 381;
on miracles, 49, 50–1, 383–4;
on Bible criticism, 76;
not intellectually ashamed, 89–90;
New Testament stronger for criticism, 100;
on Mariolatry, 259;
cited, 277 note, 278, 288;
on the instinct of prayer, 298–9

Loofs, Dr., his attack on Haeckel, 20

Lourdes, 60.
(Special note on p. 69 of first edition.)

Love, Sexual, 228, 241–2, 263

Lucretius, in De Rerum Natura, 314

Luke, St., authorship and date of Gospel, 87, 98

Lundy, Rev. J. P., in Monumental Christianity, 134, 158–9

Luther, Martin, religious experiences of, 60;
Lutheran Churches, 49

Lydston, Dr., cited, 334

Lyall, Sir A. C., on magic and religion, 305

Lyell, Sir Charles, cited, 200–1, 393


McCabe, Joseph, defence of Haeckel, 19 note and 382;
a modern monastery, 381;
cited, 223–6, 279, 281–3, 285, 402

Macaulay, Lord, on the Roman Catholic Church, 275

McEwen, Dr., cited, 334

McGee, W. J., cited, 303–4

Mackenzie, The late Rev. H., in the Hulsean Prize Essay, 293–4, 397–8

Maclear, Dr., on The Evidential Value of the Holy Eucharist, 148

Magic, 304–7

Magus, Simon, 132

Mallock, W. H., cited, 179

Manchester, Archdeacon of, on the Fall, 216–18;
on what it is to be a Christian, 221, 395;
on revivalism, 264.
(See also Wilson, Archdeacon J. M.)

Manchester, The late Bishop of, on the sacred volume, 102

Manchester, Bishop of, on development, 391–2

Manen, Professor W. C. van, on Paul, 89

Manifesto to all the clergy of the Church of England, A notable, 211

Mansel, Dean, objections to the new interpretations of Christianity, 34–5;
on miracles, 382

Margoliouth, Rev. D. S., argument of the, 62

Mark, St., authorship and date of Gospel, 87, 97–9

Martyr, Justin, cited, 127–8, 386;
on the Mithraic communion, 392

Martyrs, the noble army of, 296–7

Mason, Canon H. J., cited, 319

MaspÉro, G. C. C., cited, 281

Matthew, St., authorship and date of Gospel, 87, 97–9

Maxim, Sir Hiram, on “ecclesiastical sugar,” 380

Megasthenes, 141

Mercury, 107, 127

Metchnikoff, Professor Elie, in The Nature of Man, 199, 202–3, 206, 208, 227–8;
tribute to, 202 note

Metternich Stele, 135

Mexico, The religion of Aztec, 144–7

Middleton, Conyers, on the temples of Æsculapius, 388

Mikado, The, cited, 259 note

Militarism, curses of, 372 note

Mill, John Stuart, 39;
cited, 264

Milman, Dean, cited, 127

Milton, his views, 188–9;
quoted, 196–7

Miracles, 41–70;
the fundamental, 55–70;
Harnack on, 91–2;
parallels, 121–36

Mithra, 129, 130, 132–3

Mithraism, argument from, 163–8, 392

Moabite stone, 79

Mohammedans, 255, 256, 265, 275, 303, 356.
(At the Delhi Durbar, p. 17 of first edition.)

Mooney, G., cited, 304

Moore, Rev. Herbert, in The Christian Faith in Japan, 313–4, 329–30

Moorhouse, Rev. A., on “The Inspiration of the O. T.,” 93–4

Moral instruction, Systematic, note on, 345–6

Moral Instruction League, cited, 345;
objects of, 402–3

Morality, “Why Lead a Moral Life?”, 323–45;
when Rationalism paramount, 365–7

Moray, Bishop of, on the danger of extending sympathy to the Agnostic, 381

Morison, James Cotter, on miracles, 42–3

Morley, John, cited, 347, 348

Morrison, Dr. W. D., cited, 399–400

Moses, 51, 74–5, 78–9, 96–7

Mozley, Dr., on miracles, 382

MÜller, Professor Max, cited, 117–8, 138, 158, 343

Murray, Major Stewart, cited, 371–2;
views commented upon, 405–6

Music, emotion excited by, 261–3

Mysticism, 251–7

Myth, The solar, 154–9

Mythology, Comparative, 115–68

Naruse, Professor Jinzo, on the position of women, 279–80

Nature, cruelty of, 180–8, 235–40, 406

Newman, Cardinal, cited, 210, 245–7, 344–5, 383

Newman, Francis William, 246–7

Newton, 379

Nineteenth Century and After, The, cited, 31 note, 167–8, 178 note, 181, 290, 331, 338 note, 339, 344, 389

Nitobe, Professor Inazo, cited, 134;
in Japan by the Japanese, 328–9;
in Bushido, 330 note 1

Nordau, Max, cited, 315


Odin, 128

Okakura, Professor, cited, 344

Oldenberg, Professor H., cited, 306

Origin, Our animal, 197–208

Orr, Dr. James, cited, 176

Osiris, 129, 132, 295

Owen, Sir Richard, 393


Packard, Professor, cited, 393

Paine, Thomas, 178 note

Paley, cited, 42, 229–30

Pali inscriptions, 79

Parallels, in ancient religions, 121–42;
in primitive beliefs, 142–54;
in solar myths, 154–62;
in Essenism and Mithraism, 162–8

Parkhurst, Dr., cited, 133

Parsees, 13, 356

Patriarchs, unhistorical, 77–8

Pattison, Rev. Mark, cited, 3–4

Paul, St., witness of, 56–9;
genuineness of the Epistles of, 89–90;
teaching of, 284, 316

Pausanias, cited, 131–2

Peace, 276, 370–5.
(See also War.)

Pentecost, gifts at, 98

Persecution, 292, 294, 351, 368–9, 397, 398.
(See also Tolerance and Intolerance.)

Perseus, 127

Peru, The religion of ancient, 147

Peters, Dr., in his book The Early Hebrew Story, 78

Petrie, Flinders, cited, 281 note

Pfleiderer, cited, 139

Philo, 83–4, 112

Philosophy, Note on, 266–72

Picton, J. Allanson, cited, 340–1

Pitakas, The, 139

Pithecanthropus erectus, 393

Plato, 128

Plutarch, cited, 130

Pobiedonostseff, 289

Poor, Churches’ interest in the, 37–8, 367–8, 382

Prayer, 258–61, 298–14, 335–7, 400–1

Proctor, on hypnotism, 400

Progressive revelation, The theory of a, explained, 115–21;
remarks upon, 142–3, 150–1, 156–60, 166, 320, 348

Prometheus, 133, 134

Prophecy, destructive criticisms concerning, 73–4, 95–7

Psalms, The, a composite book, 81, 97

Psychical Research, Society for, cited, 61, 258 note, 315–6;
spiritualistic phenomena, 395–6;
phenomena of hypnotism, 400–1

Pusey, Dr., cited, 30, 35


Quetzalcoatl, 128, 130, 133


Rainbow, 51–2

Rationalism, definition of, 339 note 2;
the outlook for, 365–75

Rationalist Press Association, 3, 28 note;
memorandum of, 339 note 2

Reade, Winwood, cited, 181–2, 297, 354

Red Sea, The crossing of the, 51, 78

Relics, Faked, 80, 403–4

Renan, his conclusions, 23

Resurrection, The, 56–65;
attacks upon, 72–3;
the Higher Critics on, 85–6, 113–4;
parallels 122, 124, 132, 134, 141, 147, 150, 155, 165, 390–1

Revelation, Book of, 90, 370

Revivalism, 263–4

Ripon, Bishop of, cited, 63, 332

Roberts, Evan, 60

Robertson, Dr. Alexander, cited, 245 note, 382, 404

Robertson, J. M., cited, 137–8, 144–7, 163–6

Robinson, Canon C. H., cited, 82, 112, 156

Robinson, Dr. J. Armitage, cited, 94, 97–9, 106, 108.
(See also Westminster, Dean of.)

Romanes, cited, 209

Romissi, Signor Carlo, cited, 408

Roosevelt, President, 180, 402

Rosetta stone, 79

Russia, 4;
“miracle” witnessed in, 67

Russian Church, conduct of the, 289, 405, 407


Salisbury, Bishop of, on religious indifference, 2

Sanday, Dr., cited, 48, 69–70

Scepticism, new outburst of, 25–9

Schiller, F. C. S., cited, 315–16

Schmiedel, Professor, cited, 85–7

Science, advance of, 4–5, 379;
not reconciled with Christianity, 17–25, 41–2, 157, 188–97, 222, 239

Science, “Christian,” 110 note, 258 note 1, 388–9, 400

Scottish Churches, 31

Senart, cited, 138–9, 140

Sermon on the Mount, 98–9

Seydel, cited, 139

Shebbeare, Rev. C. J., cited 93

Shinto, 313–4, 359 note, 390

Sinclair, Archdeacon W. M., cited, 109–10

Situation, The gravity of, Chap. I.

Slavery, 39–40, 404

Smith, Dr. A. H., in Chinese Characteristics, 307–11

Smith, Rev. George Adam, cited, 111

Smith, Rev. David, cited, 48, 67, 110

Smith, Mr. W., in his Dictionary, 53, 385

Smith, Professor W. R., cited, 143

Social problems, 367–8, 399–402

Socrates, 129

Spain, 4

Spencer, Prof. Baldwin, cited, 304

Spencer, Herbert, cited, 152–4, 286–7, 360;
ethical philosophy, 338

Spinoza, cited, 231

Stanbridge, cited, 153

Standard, The, cited, 211 note, 380, 396

Stanton, Mrs. Cady, cited, 282

Stead, Mr. W. T., 408

Stephen, Sir Leslie, 45, 356;
cited, 342–3, 359–60, 364–5

Storr, Rev. V. F., on Genesis, 349

Strange, T. Lumsden, cited, 64–5.
(See 384.)

Streatfield, Rev. G. S., cited, 177

Sudja, reported miracle at, 67

Summary, A, 317–23

Sumner, Archbishop, 200–1

Supernatural Religion, the work called, 55–6;
the author cited, 340, 363–4

Suyematsu, Baron, cited, 330–1

Swedenborg, Emanuel, 59–60


Tablet, The, cited, 3

Tacitus, The celebrated passage in, 103, 385–6;
cited, 132

Taoism, 134, 308

Taylor, Jeremy, 37 note

Temperance, legislation required, 399

Temple, Archbishop, cited, 175, 370–1

Ten Commandments, Tables containing the, 79–80

Tennyson, quoted, 378

Tertullian, cited, 389, 392

Tezcatlipoca, 145

Theism defined, 219–72

Theodosius, Emperor, 292, 294

Thompson, Sir Henry, in his essay The Unknown God, 376

Thorne, Guy, in When it was Dark, 287–9

Tolerance, Religious, 16, 24–5, 30, 35–6, 359, 380–1

Tolstoi, Leo, his renunciation of Christian dogmas, 23

Topinard, Dr. Paul, cited, 266–70

Torrey, Dr., 24, 178

“Tradition,” thoughts on, 105–7

Trench, Archbishop, 383

Trevelyan, G. M., cited, 353, 378

Tribune, The, cited, 399

Trine, Ralph Waldo, on character building, 259–60

Truth, The, “should it be told?” 346–65;
ultimate truth, 361, 377–8

Tsar, The, 375

Tylor, cited, 211 note


Urquhart, Rev. John, in his pamphlet Roger’s Reasons, 72, 178, 191.
(A reply to “Roger” appeared on pp. 208–9 of the first edition of this book.)


Valentinian, Emperor, 294

Vaughan, Father Bernard, cited, 235

Veda, Hymns of the, 141

Vegetation gods, 148–51

Vespasian, Emperor, 132

Virgin-birth, 19, 68–70, 72, 83–4, 99;
parallels, 121, 126–9, 133, 295, 387, 388

Vishnu Purana, cited, 387

Visions, 56, 58–62, 251–7

Voysey, Rev. Charles, cited, 4, 368


Wace, Dean, cited, 71–2, 166, 190–1, 210, 349–50.
(See also Canterbury, Dean of.)

Wade, Sir Thomas, cited, 307

Waggett, Rev. P. N., cited, 21–2, 226, 229–30, 249–50

Wallace, Dr. Alfred Russel, cited, 19 note, 183–4, 186–7, 342

War, Outlook regarding, 370–5, 405–8.
(See also Peace.)

Warschauer, Dr., cited, 30 note, 186, 277, 299, 311

Weismann, cited, 173, 261 note, 398

Wells, H. G., cited, 334, 337 note

Welsh, Rev. R. E., cited, 185–6, 381–2

Wesley, John, 61

Westcott, Bishop, cited, 33, 52–3, 290–1, 293, 295–6, 383

Westermarck, Dr., cited, 404–5

Westminster, Dean of, cited, 35, 63, 177–8.
(See also Robinson, Dr. J. A.)

Whitworth, The late Rev. W. A., cited, 290

Williams, Professor Monier, cited, 122, 123, 141

Wilson, Archdeacon, cited, 13, 66–7, 94, 367.
(See also Manchester, Archdeacon of.)

Winchester, Bishop of, cited, 72–5

Woman, Christianity the best friend of, 277–85;
the piety and pliability of, 293–4

Wordsworth, on the Author of Carnage, 407

Zola, the champion of truth, 288

Zoroaster, 127, 130



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