(The names of the authors of anonymous works are placed in parenthesis.) g@html@files@33936@33936-h@33936-h-6.htm.html#refanchor78" class="reflabel pginternal">78. | Decroix, E. Projet de langage phonÉtique universel pour la conduite des animaux. Bulletin de la SociÉtÉ nationale d'Acclimatation de France, Paris, 1898, Forty-fourth Year, pp.241ff. |
Noizet, GÉnÉral. Etudes philosophiques. Paris, H. Plon, 1864, Vol.1, pp.471ff. | |
Beard, G. M. See 65, Vol.10, p.471. | |
LeBon, G. See 70, p.120. | |
FlÜgel, O. Das Seelenleben der Tiere. 3rd Edition, Langensalza, H. Beyer und SÖhne, 1897, pp.50f. | |
Landois, H. Über das musikalische GehÖr der Pferde. Zeitshrift fÜr VeterinÄrkunde, Berlin, 1889, Jahrg. 1, No. 6. pp.237ff. | |
Foveau de Courmelles. Les facultÉs mentales des animaux, Paris, J. B. BailliÈre et fils, 1890, p.142. | |
ZÜrn, F. A. Die intellektuellen Eigenschaften (Geist und Seele) der Pferde. Pamphlet 8 of the Series: "Unsere Pferde." | |
Fillis, J. Tagebuch der Dressur. Translated from the French by J. Halperson and G. Goebel. Stuttgart, Schickhardt und Ebner, 1906, pp.322f. | |
Athenaeus. DipnosophistÆ. Book 12, 520 c. Edited by G. Kaibel. Leipsic, B. G. Teubner, 1890, Vol.3, pp.148f. | |
Aelianus, Cl. De natura animalium. Book 16, 23. Edited by R. Hercher. Leipsic, B. G. Teubner, 1864, Vol.1, p.401. | |
Julius Africanus, S. ??????, chapter 14. In: Veterum Mathematicorum Opera. Paris, Typographia Regia, 1693, P. 293. | |
GuÉnon, A. Influence de la musique sur les animaux et en particulier sur le cheval. (ChÂlons-sur-Marne), 1898, pp.83ff. | |
LÉpinay. L'hypnotisme chez le cheval. Revue de l'hypnotisme, Paris, 1903, Eighteenth Year, No. 5, pp.152f. | |
Fillis, J. GrundsÄtze der Dressur und Reitkunst. Translated from the French by G. Goebel. 3rd Edition, Stuttgart, Schickhardt und Ebner, 1905, pp.10f. | |
Manouvrier, L. Mouvements divers et sueur palmaire consÉcutifs À des images mentales. Revue philosophique, Paris, 1886, Vol.22, pp.204ff. | |
Gasparin, Cte A. de. Des tables tournantes, du surnaturel en gÉnÉral et des esprits. 2nd Edition, Paris, E. Dentu, 1855, Vol.1, Part 1. | |
Rivers, W. H. R. and E. Kraepelin. Über ErmÜdung and Erholung. Psychologische Arbeiten, edited by E. Kraepelin, Leipsic, 1895, Vol.1, pp.636f. | |
(Carpenter, W. B.). Spiritualism and its Recent Converts. Quarterly Review, London, 1871, Vol.131, No. 262, p.312. | |
Darwin, Chas. See 7, p.48. | |
Saint-Ange, de. Cours d'hippologie. 2nd Edition, Paris, chez Dumaine et chez Leneveu and Saumur, chez Mlle. Niverlet et chez Mlle. Dubosse, 1854, Vol.1, p.101. | |
Franzius, G. Die WÜnschelrute. Zentralblatt der Bauverwaltung, Berlin, 1905, Jahrg. 25, No. 74, pp.461f. | |
MÉnestrier, Cl. Fr. La philosophie des images Énigmatiques. Lyon, J. Guerrier, 1694, pp.483f. | |
Angell's Text-book of General Psychology.New Edition. By James Rowland Angell, Professor and Head of the Department of Psychology in the University of Chicago. Fourth Edition, Revised and Enlarged. ix+468 pp.8vo.$1.60. The fourth edition contains a large amount of new material, chiefly empirical in character. To offset this addition, many of the more strictly theoretical discussions have been condensed. The old material has been rearranged and many new drawings have been supplied. Charles H. Judd, University of Chicago:—I regard it as a most excellent text. Its clear and thoroly interesting style will, I am sure, make it very attractive to students. It is complete and compact. Indeed it is a capital presentation of modern psychology. Seashore's Elementary Experiments in Psychology.By Carl Emil Seashore, Head of the Department of Philosophy and Psychology in the State University of Iowa. ix+281pp.12mo.$1.00. A supplement to a regular text-book in elementary psychology. It provides experiments for one laboratory period a week for one semester. Frank Drew, State Normal School, Worcester, Mass.:—The range of experiments and the simplicity of their presentation are admirable. They will deepen insight. Jones's Logic, Inductive and Deductive.By Adam L. Jones, Professor in Columbia University. ix+304pp.12mo.$1.00. The aim of this text-book is to present, in as concrete a form as is possible, the rudiments of Logic, considered as method. Jastrow's Psychology of Stereoscopic Vision.By Joseph Jastrow, Professor in the University of Wisconsin. [Inpress.] Bode's Logic.By W. H. Bode, Professor in the University of Illinois. $1.00. HENRY HOLT AND COMPANY NEW YORK |