- Map of Ancient Egypt 8
- Amarna Tablets 11
- Courtesy, British Museum
- Map of Akhetaton, the City of Akhenaton 15
- Commemorative Scarab of Amenhotep III 18
- Courtesy, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Rogers Fund, 1935
- Amenhotep III 18
- Courtesy, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
- Akhenaton and Nofretete 21
- Courtesy, The Brooklyn Museum
- Seated Figure of Akhenaton 22
- Courtesy, the Louvre
- Seated Figure of Akhenaton (detail) 22
- Courtesy, The Oriental Institute, University of Chicago
- A Princess at Akhetaton 24
- Courtesy, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
- Princess Manyet-aton 24
- Courtesy, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Gift of Theodore M. Davies, 1907
- King Tutankhamon 25
- Courtesy, The Oriental Institute, University of Chicago
- The Estate of a Nobleman 29
- Courtesy, The Oriental Institute, University of Chicago
- Hapi, God of the Nile 32
- Courtesy, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
- The Beneficent Aton 35
- Courtesy, The Egyptian Expedition, The Metropolitan Museum of Art
- Akhenaton Worshiping Aton 37
- Courtesy, The Metropolitan Museum of Art
- Amarna Style Head 59
- Courtesy, The Oriental Institute, University of Chicago
- Queen Nofretete 59
- Courtesy, The Oriental Institute, University of Chicago
- The Throne of Tutankhamon 63
- Courtesy, The Cairo Museum
- Tutankhamon and His God 63
- Courtesy, The Louvre
- Horemhab 65
- Courtesy, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Everit Macy, 1923