
Map of Ancient Egypt 8
Amarna Tablets 11
Courtesy, British Museum
Map of Akhetaton, the City of Akhenaton 15
Commemorative Scarab of Amenhotep III 18
Courtesy, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Rogers Fund, 1935
Amenhotep III 18
Courtesy, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Akhenaton and Nofretete 21
Courtesy, The Brooklyn Museum
Seated Figure of Akhenaton 22
Courtesy, the Louvre
Seated Figure of Akhenaton (detail) 22
Courtesy, The Oriental Institute, University of Chicago
A Princess at Akhetaton 24
Courtesy, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Princess Manyet-aton 24
Courtesy, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Gift of Theodore M. Davies, 1907
King Tutankhamon 25
Courtesy, The Oriental Institute, University of Chicago
The Estate of a Nobleman 29
Courtesy, The Oriental Institute, University of Chicago
Hapi, God of the Nile 32
Courtesy, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
The Beneficent Aton 35
Courtesy, The Egyptian Expedition, The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Akhenaton Worshiping Aton 37
Courtesy, The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Amarna Style Head 59
Courtesy, The Oriental Institute, University of Chicago
Queen Nofretete 59
Courtesy, The Oriental Institute, University of Chicago
The Throne of Tutankhamon 63
Courtesy, The Cairo Museum
Tutankhamon and His God 63
Courtesy, The Louvre
Horemhab 65
Courtesy, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Everit Macy, 1923

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