Budge, E. A. W., By Nile and Tigris, I (London: 1920), pp. 133-144 Pendelbury, J. D. S., Tell el-Amarna (London; 1935) Peet, Thomas Eric; Woolley Leonard; Frankfort, Henri; Pendelbury, J. D. S., et al. The City of Akhenaten (Parts I-III), 4 volumes (London; 1923-51) HistoryAldred, C., “The End of the El ’Amarna Period,” Journal of Egyptian Archaeology XLIII (1957), pp. 30-41 Baikie, James, The Amarna Age (New York: 1926) Bratton, Fred Gladstone, The First Heretic: The Life and Times of Ikhnaton the King (Boston: 1961) Gardiner, A. H., “The So-called Tomb of Queen Tiye,” Journal of Egyptian Archaeology, XLIII (1957), pp. 10-25 Meyer, Eduard, Geschichte des Altertums, II (Stuttgart: 1955), pp. 303-426 Seele, K. C., “King Ay and the Close of the Amarna Age,” Journal of Near Eastern Studies, XIV (1955), pp. 168-180 Weigall, Arthur, The Life and Times of Akhnaton (London: 1923) Art and Tomb InscriptionsDavies, N. deGaris, The Rock Tombs of El Amarna (Archaeological Survey of Egypt), 6 volumes (London: 1903-08) Frankfort, Henri, ed. The Mural Paintings of El ’Amarneh (London: 1929) Sandman, M. Texts from the Time of Akhenaton (Brussels: 1938) ReligionAnthes, H., “Die Maat des Echnaton von Amarna,” Journal of the American Oriental Society, Supplement 14 (1952) The Amarna TabletsTextsBetzold, C., and Budge, E. A. W., The Tell El Amarna Tablets in the British Museum (London: 1892) Winckler, H. and Abel, L., Der Thontafelfund von El Amarna (Berlin: 1889-90) Transcription and TranslationAlbright, W. F., and Mendenhall, George, “Akkadian Letters,” in Pritchard, J. B., ed., Ancient Near Eastern Texts (2nd edition) (Princeton: 1955), pp. 482-490 Gordon, C. H., “The New Amarna Tablets,” Orientalia XVI (1947), pp. 1-21 Knudtzon, J. A., Die El-Amarna Tafeln (with commentary by O. Webber and glossary by E. Ebeling (Leipzig: 1907-15) Mercer, S. A. B., The Tell el-Amarna Tablets (Toronto: 1939) Schroeder, O., Die Tontafeln von El-Amarna (Berlin texts only), (Leipzig: 1915) Thureau-Dangin, F., “Nouvilles lettres d’el-Amarna,” Revue d’Assyriologie et d’archeologie orientale, XIX (1922), pp. 91-108 StudiesAlbright, W. F., “Cuneiform Material for Egyptian Prosopography, 1500-1200 B.C.” Journal of Near Eastern Studies, V (1946), pp. 9-25 “The Egyptian Correspondence of Abimilki, Prince of Tyre,” Journal of Egyptian Archaeology, XXIII (1937) pp. 190-203 “The Letters of ‘Abdu-Kheba, Prince of Jerusalem,” Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research, Supplementary Studies, 1950 Campbell, Jr., Edward F., “The Amarna Letters and the Amarna Period,” Biblical Archaeologist, XXIII (1960), pp. 2-22 Van der Meer, P. “The Chronological Determination of the Mesopotamian Letters in the El Amarna Archives,” Ex Oriente Lux, Jaarbericht No. 15, pp. 75-84 |