Baker Studies in Biblical Archaeology


This new series of monographs describes the findings of archaeology in a form which is intelligible to the nonspecialist as well as to the scholar. It enables the general reader as well as the more serious student of Scripture to read and study the Bible in the illuminating light of archaeological discoveries.

Archaeology of the Jordan Valley by Elmer B. Smick

Summarizes in popular form the progress made by the modern archaeological movement in the Jordan Valley. Numerous sketches, photographs, and maps.

The Nag Hammadi Gnostic Texts and the Bible by Andrew K. Helmbold

A complete treatment of the Nag Hammadi Gnostic texts, called by some the most important discovery of the century.

The Dead Sea Scrolls and the Bible by Charles F. Pfeiffer

The complete story of the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Qumran Community, from the first discovery to the latest archaeological research.

Babylon and the Bible by Gerald A. Larue

A brief history of Babylon from its beginning to the time of Nebuchadnezzar. Also a comparison of the laws of Hammurabi with those of Israel.

Jerusalem: A Study in Urban Geography by I. W. J. Hopkins

A study of the city of Jerusalem, particularly its geographic setting with maps, charts, and diagrams making this book an authoritative geographic guide that will be consulted often.

The Philistines and the Old Testament, by Edward E. Hindson

Demonstrates from history and archaeology the significant place the Philistines occupy in the early history of Israel.

The Nabataeans in Historical Perspective, by John Irving Lawlor

A comprehensive, illustrated study of the Nabataeans, a people and nation who occupied areas east and southeast of the Dead Sea from 700 B.C. to A.D. 100. Dr. Nelson Glueck described the Nabataeans as “... one of the most remarkable people that ever crossed the stage of history.”

Ras Shamra and the Bible by Charles F. Pfeiffer

Describes the discovery of the ancient city of Ugarit at Ras Shamra and also explains the significance of the Ras Shamra Tables.

Tell el Amarna and the Bible by Charles F. Pfeiffer

The fascinating story of the archaeological findings at an ancient Egyptian city which flourished fourteen and fifteen centuries before Christ.

The Holy Land by Michael Avi-Yonah

The most reliable and comprehensive text available on the historical geography of the Exilic, Intertestamental, New Testament and post New Testament periods.

BAKER BOOK HOUSE, Grand Rapids, Michigan

Canada: G. R. Welch Co., Toronto
South Africa: Word of Life Wholesale, Johannesburg
Australia: S. John Bacon Pty. Ltd., Melbourne
New Zealand: G. W. Moore Ltd., Auckland


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