
1. That London doubles in forty years, and all England in three hundred and sixty years.

2. That there be, A.D. 1682, about 670,000 souls in London, and about 7,400,000 in all England and Wales, and about 28,000,000 of acres of profitable land.

3. That the periods of doubling the people are found to be, in all degrees, from between ten to twelve hundred years.

4. That the growth of London must stop of itself before the year 1800.

5. A table helping to understand the Scriptures, concerning the number of people mentioned in them.

6. That the world will be fully peopled within the next two thousand years.

7. Twelve ways whereby to try any proposal pretended for the public good.

8. How the city of London may be made (morally speaking) invincible.

9. A help to uniformity in religion.

10. That it is possible to increase mankind by generation four times more than at present.

11. The plagues of London is the chief impediment and objection against the growth of the city.

12. That an exact account of the people is necessary in this matter.


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