@public@vhost@g@html@files@52830@52830-h@52830-h-5.htm.html#Page_148" class="pginternal">148. XIX, 20, 46. Merenptah, 44. Mertitefs, queen, 32. Middle kingdom style, 17, 18. statuary, 36-40. Min, statues of, 30. Modelling in pottery, 132. Mosaics of glass, 122. Moulding by pressure, 90. Moulds for casting copper, 99, 100, 102. for glazed ware, 118. of plaster, 144, 145. Mykenaean style of inlays, 92. Narmer, 31, 49. National arts, 157. Naturalism of early art, 17. later, 20. Necklace fastening, 91, fig. 109, 93. Necklets of silver, 95. Negress statuette, 43. New Kingdom, 18-20. statuary, 40-45. Nofert, head of, 33. Nubian sandstone, 27, 69. Obelisks, raising of, 77. transport of, 77. Observation in early art, 15. Organization, system of social, 16. Ovens for glazing, 117. Oxherd, 51. Ox, sacrifice of, 51. Pafaabast statuette, 94. Painting on tombs, 19. earliest, 55. in New Kingdom, 56-60. light and shade, 59. Palettes of slate, 13. Palm capital, 67. scenery, 4. Palm-stick construction, 63. Papyrus structures, 64. capital, 67. Pectorals of Senusert II, 87; Senusert III, 87; Amenemhat III, 88; Ramessu II, 93. Pedubast, 140. Pelicans, painting of, 56. Pepy, copper statue of, 99. Periods of art, 11-21. Persian glazing, 155. Pewter, 104. Plaited wire chains,