Frontispiece.—Portraits painted in wax, from Roman Mummies, Hawara.
Map.—Position of Places in Egypt named in this Volume 10
1. The Pyramids of Gizeh 11
2. My Tomb at Gizeh 12
3. Triangulation of Pyramids, Gizeh 15
4. Granite Casing Third Pyramid 17
5. Temple of Third Pyramid 18
6. Casing beneath Rubbish North of Pyramid. Arab Hole above it 20
7. Mace-head of Khafra 23
8. Pyramid Doors 24
9. Pivot Hole of Door and Cutting of Roof; South Pyramid Dahshur 24
10. Sawn Basalt 26
11. Tubular Drill Hole 26
12. Granite Drill Core 26
13. Graving in Diorite 27
14. Section of Bowl turned with Radius Tool 27
15. Plummet of Khufu 28
16. Gizeh Pyramids from the Desert 28
17. Temple of Tanis from East End; Pylon in distance 29
18. Stele of Ptolemy II 31
19. Gold Ring 33
20. Bakakhuiu 34
21. Hieroglyphics, with Hieratic Form and Explanation 35
22. Ruins of Fort, with Arab Cemetery 36
23. Cypriote Soldier 37
90. Agricultural Tools of Wood 119
91. Fire Apparatus 119
92. Set of Tools, Vases, and Mirror 120
93. Clay Toys, Twelfth Dynasty 121
94. Objects from Maket Tomb 123
95. Flint Hippopotamus, Twelfth Dynasty 127
96. Bronze Pans, Nineteenth Dynasty 128
97. Bronze Interlocking Hinges 129
98. Bronze Tools 129
99. Coffin Head of Anen the Tursha Official 130
100. Wooden Statuettes of a Priestess, and the Lady Res 131
101. Hittite Harper 132
102. Phoenician Venus Mirror 132
103. Aegean Vases 133
104. Blue and Yellow Glass Bottle 133
105. Blue-glazed Vases 134
106. Blue-glazed Bowls 135
107. Ivory Duck Box 137
108. Pyramid of Medum 138
109. Court of Temple 141
110. Section of Pyramid 142
111. Columns of Third Dynasty 143
112. Forms of Rubbish-heap, and of Ruins of Building 157
113. Houses in the Delta, with Rain-proof Domes 168
114. Houses in Middle Egypt


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