| PAGE | Frontispiece.—Portraits painted in wax, from Roman Mummies, Hawara. | Map.—Position of Places in Egypt named in this Volume | 10 | 1. | The Pyramids of Gizeh | 11 | 2. | My Tomb at Gizeh | 12 | 3. | Triangulation of Pyramids, Gizeh | 15 | 4. | Granite Casing Third Pyramid | 17 | 5. | Temple of Third Pyramid | 18 | 6. | Casing beneath Rubbish North of Pyramid. Arab Hole above it | 20 | 7. | Mace-head of Khafra | 23 | 8. | Pyramid Doors | 24 | 9. | Pivot Hole of Door and Cutting of Roof; South Pyramid Dahshur | 24 | 10. | Sawn Basalt | 26 | 11. | Tubular Drill Hole | 26 | 12. | Granite Drill Core | 26 | 13. | Graving in Diorite | 27 | 14. | Section of Bowl turned with Radius Tool | 27 | 15. | Plummet of Khufu | 28 | 16. | Gizeh Pyramids from the Desert | 28 | 17. | Temple of Tanis from East End; Pylon in distance | 29 | 18. | Stele of Ptolemy II | 31 | 19. | Gold Ring | 33 | 20. | Bakakhuiu | 34 | 21. | Hieroglyphics, with Hieratic Form and Explanation | 35 | 22. | Ruins of Fort, with Arab Cemetery | 36 | 23. | Cypriote Soldier | 37 | 118 | 90. | Agricultural Tools of Wood | 119 | 91. | Fire Apparatus | 119 | 92. | Set of Tools, Vases, and Mirror | 120 | 93. | Clay Toys, Twelfth Dynasty | 121 | 94. | Objects from Maket Tomb | 123 | 95. | Flint Hippopotamus, Twelfth Dynasty | 127 | 96. | Bronze Pans, Nineteenth Dynasty | 128 | 97. | Bronze Interlocking Hinges | 129 | 98. | Bronze Tools | 129 | 99. | Coffin Head of Anen the Tursha Official | 130 | 100. | Wooden Statuettes of a Priestess, and the Lady Res | 131 | 101. | Hittite Harper | 132 | 102. | Phoenician Venus Mirror | 132 | 103. | Aegean Vases | 133 | 104. | Blue and Yellow Glass Bottle | 133 | 105. | Blue-glazed Vases | 134 | 106. | Blue-glazed Bowls | 135 | 107. | Ivory Duck Box | 137 | 108. | Pyramid of Medum | 138 | 109. | Court of Temple | 141 | 110. | Section of Pyramid | 142 | 111. | Columns of Third Dynasty | 143 | 112. | Forms of Rubbish-heap, and of Ruins of Building | 157 | 113. | Houses in the Delta, with Rain-proof Domes | 168 | 114. | Houses in Middle Egypt |
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