1. Chain of boys clearing the Osireion Front.
2.} Going up the desert 1
4. Tent-life 6
5. Hut-life 6
6. Temple at El Hibeh 9
7. Temple at Tanis 9
8. Mound at Defeneh 10
9. Cemetery of Zuweleyn 10
10. Copper and bronze adzes 14
11. Cutting-out knives 15
12. Typical forms of pottery 16
13. Lad and girl at Tanis 20
14. Three little Muhameds 20
15. Girls and boys at Tanis 24
16. Girls sorting durra 24
17. Line of carrier boys, Abydos 30
18. Heaps thrown out, Abydos 30
19. Lifting and carrying, Abydos 32
20. Carrying at Royal Tombs 32
21. Account card for wages 38
22. Carrier boys throwing, Abydos 41
23. Town site, turned over, Kahun 41
24. Cutting down top of work 42
25. Cemetery, Tell el Yehudiyeh 43
26. Clearing a tomb, Abydos 43
27. Chain at tomb of Usertesen II 44
28. Chains of men at tomb of Den 44
29. Plan measured from two lines 54
30. Method of plotting survey 56
31. Copy drawn on paper squeeze 62
32. System of numbering sheets 63
33. Paper squeeze 64
34. Plaster cast from paper 64
35. Inventory sheet 70
36. Frame for drawing vases 71
37. Weathered stone, sanded 71
38. Throwing sand; drop-shutter view 75
39. Girls resting; diagonal mirror view 75
40. Tablet, with black and white filling 76
41. Hypocephalus, with white filling 76
42. Wooden floor of Azab


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