FIGURE | PAGE | 1. | Chain of boys clearing the Osireion | Front. | 2.} | Going up the desert | 1 | 3.} | 4. | Tent-life | 6 | 5. | Hut-life | 6 | 6. | Temple at El Hibeh | 9 | 7. | Temple at Tanis | 9 | 8. | Mound at Defeneh | 10 | 9. | Cemetery of Zuweleyn | 10 | 10. | Copper and bronze adzes | 14 | 11. | Cutting-out knives | 15 | 12. | Typical forms of pottery | 16 | 13. | Lad and girl at Tanis | 20 | 14. | Three little Muhameds | 20 | 15. | Girls and boys at Tanis | 24 | 16. | Girls sorting durra | 24 | 17. | Line of carrier boys, Abydos | 30 | 18. | Heaps thrown out, Abydos | 30 | 19. | Lifting and carrying, Abydos | 32 | 20. | Carrying at Royal Tombs | 32 | 21. | Account card for wages | 38 | 22. | Carrier boys throwing, Abydos | 41 | 23. | Town site, turned over, Kahun | 41 | 24. | Cutting down top of work | 42 | 25. | Cemetery, Tell el Yehudiyeh | 43 | 26. | Clearing a tomb, Abydos | 43 | 27. | Chain at tomb of Usertesen II | 44 | 28. | Chains of men at tomb of Den | 44 | 29. | Plan measured from two lines | 54 | 30. | Method of plotting survey | 56 | 31. | Copy drawn on paper squeeze | 62 | 32. | System of numbering sheets | 63 | 33. | Paper squeeze | 64 | 34. | Plaster cast from paper | 64 | 35. | Inventory sheet | 70 | 36. | Frame for drawing vases | 71 | 37. | Weathered stone, sanded | 71 | 38. | Throwing sand; drop-shutter view | 75 | 39. | Girls resting; diagonal mirror view | 75 | 40. | Tablet, with black and white filling | 76 | 41. | Hypocephalus, with white filling | 76 | 42. | Wooden floor of Azab |
|   |