rg@html@files@63311@63311-h@63311-h-12.htm.html#Page_91" class="pginternal">91, 98 „ transport, 112 Camera, 73–75 „ copying-, 81 „ direction of, 80 „ hand-, 74, 75 „ -legs, 81 „ pattern of, 73–74 „ setting up of, 80 „ size of, 74 „ -stand, 81 Camp requirements, 6 Carbolic acid, 89, 101 Carbonised papyri, 94 Card blackened for small stops, 75 „ -board for drawing, 68 „ slips, 78 „ tube, 74 „ with concentric circles, 71 Carefulness, means of securing, 34 Carrier-boys, 30, 41, 43 Carrying, 30, 32 Cartonnage, 52 Cartridge-paper, 109, 113 Cases, grain of wood in, 110 „ making of, 109–111 „ nailing of, 110 „ with bars, 106 Casting, 64–66 „ backs of frescoes, 97–98 Casts of statues, 172–173 „ plaster, 64–66 „ „ photographing from, 77 Celluloid, 71 Celtic pottery like pan-grave, 159–160 Cementing disintegrated granite, 87 „ sculptures in walls, 86, 171 Cemetery site, nature of, 11, 12 Chain of boys, frontispiece, 44 Chambers, contents of, 52 „ emptying of, 44 Charcoal, 47, 80, 90 „ dust, 76 Chemical knowledge, need of, 85, 75 Digging by amateurs, 1, 3, 48, 179, 180 „ purpose of, 1 „ regularity of, 28 Diktaean copper figures, 166 Dilettante work, 1, 3, 48 Diorite bowl, Crete, 163 „ statue, Crete, 158 Diospolis Parva, pottery from, 160 Direction of lighting, 77 Discoveries, age of, 175 „ casual, 170 Discrimination of sites, 9 „ „ style, 14, 17–18 „ „ walls, 46–47 Disintegration of granite, 87 „ „ stone by salt, 86 Disobedience to orders, 35 Distance from lens, 80 Distinguishing brick-walls, 46–47 Distortion in photography, 74 Divided rod, 54–55, 113 Doctoring of natives, 38 „ „ workmen, 37–38 Door-sills, 52 „ ways, 52 Double-plates, 116 Drab pottery at Mykenae, 148 Draughtsman wanted for corpus, 126 Drawing boards, 113 „ by lamplight, 62 „ facsimile, 5, 68 „ from squeezes, 62–63 „ interpretation in, 68 „ plan, 5, 68 „ thickness of lines in, 69, 115 „ vases from fragments, 70–71 Drawings, cutting up, 63 „ packing of, 63–64 „ posting of, 64 „ reduction of, 69 „ reproduction of, 68, 115 „ returned after use, 121 109, 113 Knife, cutting-out, development of, 15 „ dinner-, uses of, 46–47, 94 „ pen, 65, 93 Knossos, carving, 163 „ Egyptian figure from, 158 „ pottery, 158, 166 „ vase lid of Khyan, 159 „ vases from, 158, 163 Knowledge in recording, 49 „ requisite for excavating, 187 „ systematic, 123 Koptos, 151 Labelling objects, 52, 112 Labels in museums, 112, 171 „ „ packing, 112 Labourers, control of, 5, 7, 22–23 „ qualities of, 21 „ selection of, 20 „ training of, 5, 21–22 Lachish, pottery at, 17 Lamp, Cretan, 163 Languages, knowledge of, required, 5–6 Lantern-slides, 74, 81 Laws, present, concerning archaeology, 182–184 „ requisite, concerning archaeology, 185–188 Laying out for photographing, 80 Lead, treatment of, 102 Legal evidences, 136–138 „ proof accepted, 140–141 Legal uncertainties, 140–141 Length of bricks, 47 „ „ ropes, 46 Lens, distance from, 80 „ free-swinging, 76 „ wide-angle, 74 Lettering of plates, 116 Letters used for distinguishing sites, 51 Levelling-mirror, 58–59, 113 Levels of buildings, 173 „ „ pottery for dating, 144 „ „ walls, 52 Libyan influence, 159
/span> inventory of, 69 „ numbering of, 51 „ outlining of, 69–70 „ position of, 50, 52, 179 „ preparing, 76 „ scale of drawing, 69 Oblique lighting, 77 Observation, 9 Oiling of moulds, 61, 66 Organization of work, 5 „ „ workmen, 5, 24, 31 Order, historical, in plates, 115 Outlining of small objects, 69–70 Overseer or reis, 24–26 Overlapping images, 56 Overs, 121 Packer, 111 Packing frescoes, 97 „ glass, 108 „ materials, 109 „ pottery, 108–109 „ stones, 105–108 Pads in packing, 106, 107 Page-references to plates, 116, 120 Paint-brushes, 113 „ red, in cups, 166 Paintings on tombs as evidence, 144–145 Palestinian pottery, 17 Pan-graves, 159–160 Paper bags, 113 „ for drawing, 68, 113 „ „ packing, 109, 113 „ „ printing, 118 „ „ squeezing, 60, 113 „ moulds, 60–61 „ squeezes, 60–61, 64 Papyri, photographing of, 79 „ treatment of, 93–95 Paraffin wax, 87, 89, 90, 91, 96, 102, 112 Parcel-post boxes, Sarcophagi at Abydos, 43 „ „ Zuweleyn, 10 „ preservation of, 87, 90 Sauce-pan, cast-iron, 90 Saw-files, 112 Sawing, 105 Saws, 105, 112, 113 Scale-drawing, frame for, 72 „ mentioned on plate-heading, 115 „ of drawing for plates, 69, 115 „ „ „ „ tools, 69 „ „ „ „ vases, 69 „ „ payment, 29 „ „ plotting, 55 Scaling of bronze, 101 „ „ copper, 99 Scarabs, few posthumous, 149 „ restorations of, 149 „ seldom long in use, 150 Screw-driver, 113 Screws, 113 Sculpture, casts of, 172 „ cemented in walls, 86 „ lighting of, 131–132 „ museum of, 172 Sealing-wax moulds, 66–67 Search for fragments, 34–35, 102–104 Section-lines for stone vases, 70 Selection of facts in recording, 49 Separation of objects in museums, 49 Sequence dates, 129 Sequences in a mansion, 127 Serials published, 117 Series of forms of stone vases, 102 Sety II, 146, 153, 155 Sextant, box-, 55–56, 113 Shade-lines in drawing, 69 Sheet of card ruled, 72 Sheets of inventories, 69–70 Shifting of stuff, 42 Shutter, drop-, 75 Sieve, native, 112 „ wire, 112 Sifting earth, 35 Sighting-lines, 54 Signals for work, 75 „ pots, 108, 111 „ saucepans, 90 Tints, block, for vases, 70 Tomb groups, 48–49, 51 „ „ scattered, 49 „ of Sem-nefer, 78 „ -robbers, 45 Tombs, evidence from, 150–153 „ mixture of contents, 150 „ numbering of, 51 „ position of, 52 „ proportion of important, 12 „ reuse of, 150 „ unplundered, 12 „ wrecking of, 171 Tools necessary to work, 33, 112–113 „ provision of, 33 Tooth-brush, uses for, 67, 112 Topography, 33 Town, planning of, 52 „ site, clearance of, 41, 44 „ „ nature of, 10 „ „ rate of accumulation, 10–11 „ „ turned over, 41 Tracing out walls, 13, 41, 46–47 Transport of antiquities, 85, 97, 107–108, 112 Tray with poles, 107 „ wooden, 95 Treasure trove, 183 Trenching ground, 41, 43 Trial-pits, 41 Troy, black incised ware, 161, 167 Trucks, 43 Turning back, 41 „ over, 41, 43 Tutankhamen, 145, 153, 154 Uncertainties, legal, 140–141 Underground passages, 55 Undisturbed tombs, 12 Uniformity of scale, 115 Unpacker, THE ENDPrinted by R. & R. Clark, Limited, Edinburgh.