- A.
- Ability, inherited, 4
- sporadic, not inherited, 5
- driven out, 3, 4, 8, 21
- favoured by war, 98
- Administration depends on character, 1
- Advance checked by communism, 20, 21
- checked by education, 73–75
- due to individual, 78, 80
- gained by saving waste, 79
- Agriculture, elaboration of, 101
- to be saved from townsmen, 54
- Amusement, passion for, 20, 82, 83
- Anarchism, product of great states, 67
- Armaments, big, needful, 98
- war by, 97
- Artificial conditions encourage variation, 5
- Athletics, needed by the unfit, 82
- Atrophy of mind, 7–9
- Aurelian, 36
- Automatic lives of majority, 79
- B.
- Barbaric society, complex, 21
- Bartholomew's Day, 1662, 41
- Benevolence, scope of, v.
- Betting, 19
- Birth rate, waste of high, 85
- Bricklayers' Union, influence of, 31
- Building, dear in England, 31
- Bye-laws, value of, 44
- C.
- Capacity, see Ability.
- Capital used for income, 47
- Capitalists, result of diminishing, 50
- Catastrophes produced by small causes, 42
- Cattle, competition among, 25
- Change, gradual, to be allowed, 43
- effect of, 13, 63
- violent, injurious, 41
- Character, the basis of society, 1
- production of, 2
- subject to natural law, 2
- low type at present, 15–19
- killed by municipalising, 26
- grown by experience, 74
- Checks, better use of, 99
- Children, later more able, 86
- maintenance of, 8, 60, 86–88
- Chinese labour, n
various ages, 6
- atrophy of, 7–9
- unchanged in nature, 11–12
- Monopolies, 9, 96
- Moral standard typical of a society, 68
- Morality, relative standard of, 67–68
- Municipalising enterprises, 26
- N.
- Nationalisation of land, 53–55
- Nationalities, use of various, 93
- New Testament teaching, 23, 24
- Norse poor law, 22, 86
- O.
- Officialism, 9
- Old age pensions, 59
- Oman, Prof., 29
- P.
- Pasts have all been present, vii.
- Patriotism killed by separate groups, 71
- Permanence of type of man, 10–12
- Peters, Carl, opinion of, 20
- Physical changes similar to mental, 2–7
- Pleasures, low type of, 17–19
- Polybius on history, iv.
- Poverty results from opportunity, 5
- Prayer, Book of Common, proscribed, 40
- Present time, apparent importance of, vii.
- Prices, consequence of regulating, 37, 38
- Primogeniture diminished, 45
- effect of, 45, 46
- Private enterprise most effective, 9
- Prodigal son, his rights, 24
- Profits to be earned from wealth, 30–32
- Profit-sharing, 92, 99
- Proletariat, support of, 30–32
- Property parted in life, 44, 49
- Proscriptions, disastrous effect of, 4
- Provinces parted from Rome, 36
- R.
- Radicalism contrary to evolution, 42
- Railway stations, faulty, 16
- Railways, effects of, 56, 66
- Rapidity, gain by, 81
- Reasoning interest obliterated, 74
- Regulation pattern men, 74
- Relatives, responsibility of, BRADBURY, AGNEW & CO. LD., PRINTERS, LONDON AND TONBRIDGE.