SONNET LXXII. PiÙ volte Amor m' avea gi- detto: scrivi. HE

SONNET LXXII. PiÙ volte Amor m' avea gi- detto: scrivi. HE WRITES WHAT LOVE BIDS HIM. White --to my heart Love oftentimes had said-- Write what thou seest in letters large of gold, That livid are my votaries to behold, And in a moment made alive and dead. Once in thy heart my sovran influence spread A public precedent to lovers told; Though other duties drew thee from my fold, I soon reclaim'd thee as thy footsteps fled. And if the bright eyes which I show'd thee first, If the fair face where most I loved to stay, Thy young heart's icy hardness when I burst, Restore to me the bow which all obey, Then may thy cheek, which now so smooth appears, Be channell'd with my daily drink of tears. Macgregor.


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