4. broiled, 73. broth, 242. fried, 74. pie, 72. pot-pie, 73. roast, 72. salad, No. 1, 76. No. 2, 77. soup, 18. stewed, 75. tea, 251. white fricasseed, 76. Chitterlings, or calves' tripe, 51. Citron melon, preserved, 230. Clams, fried, 33. stewed, 32. fritters, 32. soup, 19. Clear blanc mange, 150. Cocoa, 235. Cocoa-nut cake, 208. jumbles, 195. pound-cake, 188. pudding, No. 1, 128. No. 2, 128. Cod, boiled, 22. fish cakes, 23. Coffee, 271. to roast, 270. Cold custard, 162. slaw, 92. College pudding, 149. Common ginger-bread, 199. mustard, 276. paste, 122. pound-cake, 187. Composition cake, 212. Cordial, blackberry, 256. Corned beef, 42. Corn, boiled green, 89. fritters, 89. oysters, 90. salad, 97. soup, 19. Cottage cheese, 267. cheese-cake, 125. Crabs, boiled, 34. soft, 34. Cranberry jelly, No. 1, 223. No. 2, 224. sauce, 103. tarts, 134. Cream, apple, 163. sauce, 104. of tartar cakes, 181. Crumpets, or flannel cakes, 171. Scotch, 172. Crullers, 206. plain, 286. Cucumbers, fried, 62. reed-bird, 67. rhubarb, 137. ripe currant, 279. ripe peach, 134. veal pot, 45. Pig's feet, soused, 56. Pigeon pie, 65. roasted, 64. stewed, 64. Pine-apple jam, 233. preserved, 228. Plain apple pudding, No. 3, 130. crullers, 286. cup-cake, 216. fried veal, 48. ginger-bread, 199. Plain jumbles, 195. omelette, 260. paste, 122. veal pie, 44. Plum cake, New York, 185. pies, 135. preserved, 232. pudding, 145. Poached eggs, 260. Pone, Indian, 174. Pork, leg of, corned and boiled, 55. steaks, 55. stuffed leg of, 55. Porter sangaree, 259. Port wine jelly, 247. Potatoes, boiled, No. 1, 78. No. 2, 79, bread, 274. cakes, 81. fried, No. 1, 79. No. 2, 80. No. 3, 80. No. 4, 80. jelly, 247. kale, 81. pudding, 133. roasted, 81. rolls, 165. salad, 82. sausage, 83. yeast, 273. Potted herring, 27. shad, No. 1, 25. No. 2, 26. Pound-cake, No. 1, 186. No. 2, 187. cocoa-nut, 188. common, 187. Indian, 189. Preserved citron melon, 230. fresh figs, 230. green-gages, 24. Punctuation has been standardised. Both "buttermilk" and "butter-milk" were used in this text. Both "lukewarm" and "luke-warm" were used in this text. Both "oatmeal" and "oat-meal" were used in this text. Both "green gage" and "green-gage" were used in this text. Both "pine apple" and "pine-apple" were used in this text. In the contents, under Rabbit, word "fricaseed" changed to "fricasseed" The remaining corrections made are indicated by dotted lines under the corrections. Scroll the mouse over the word and the original text will appear. Article 69, word "seive" changed to "sieve" (through a sieve to take) Article 104, word "FRICASEED" changed to "FRICASSEED" (FRICASSEED RABBIT) Article 432, word "untill" changed to "until" (in water until tender) Article 454, word "dispepsia" changed to "dyspepsia" (apt to produce dyspepsia) Article 545, word "britania" changed to "Britannia" (be silver or Britannia metal) Article 575, removed dittograph "it" (cut it it into) Article 577, word "Farenheit" changed to "Fahrenheit" (54° of Fahrenheit) Article 577, word "thorougly" changed to "thoroughly" (and worked thoroughly) In the index, word "Salaeratus" changed to "SalÆratus" (SalÆratus, to prepare, 264.) |