The First Rattle of the Rattlesnake.One day about this time Master Raymond was sitting in the porch of the Red Lion, thinking over a sight he had just seen;—a man had passed by wearing on the back of his drab coat a capital I two inches long, cut out of black cloth, and sewed upon it. On inquiry he found the man had married his deceased wife's sister; and both he and the woman had been first whipped, and then condemned to wear this letter for the rest of their lives, according to the law of the colony. Master Raymond was puzzling over the matter not being able to make out that any real offence had been committed, when who should walk up to the porch but Master Joseph Putnam. After a hearty hand-shaking between the two, they retired to Master Raymond's apartments. "Well, how are things getting along at Salem?" "Oh, about as usual!" "Any more accusations?" "Plenty of them, people are beginning to find out that the best way to protect themselves is "I saw that a good while ago." "And when a girl or a woman is accused, her relatives and her friends gather around her, and implore her to confess, to save her life. For they have found that not one person who has been accused of being a witch, and has admitted the fact, has been convicted. "And yet it would seem that a confession of witchcraft ought to be a better proof of it, than the mere assertion of possible enemies," responded Master Raymond. "Of course—if there was any show of reason or fairness in the prosecutions, from first to last; but as it is all sheer malice and wickedness, on the part of the accusers, from the beginning to the end, it would be vain to expect any reasonableness or fairness from them." "We must admit, however, that there is some delusion in it. It would be too uncharitable to believe otherwise," said Master Raymond thoughtfully. "There may have been at the very first—on the part of the children," replied Master Putnam. "They might have supposed that Tituba and friend "No, I give up Mistress Ann, she is possessed by a lying devil," admitted Master Raymond. "It is well she does not hear that speech," said Joseph Putnam. "Why?" "Because, up to this time, you seem to have managed to soften her heart a little." "I have tried to. I have thought myself justified in playing a part—as King David once did you know." "It is that which brings me here. I met her at the house of a friend whom I called to see on some business a day or two ago." "Ah!" "She said to me, in that soft purring voice of hers, 'Brother Joseph, I hear that your good friend Master Raymond is still in Boston.' I answered that I believed he was. 'When he took leave of me,' she continued, 'I advised him Master Raymond studied a moment over it in silence. Then he said:—"It is the first warning of the rattlesnake, I suppose. How many do they usually give before they spring?" "Three, the saying goes. But I guess this rattlesnake cannot be trusted to give more than one." "I was convinced I saw your brother Thomas as I came ashore from the Storm King the other day." "Ah, that explains it then. She understands it all then. She understands it all now just as well as if you had told her." "But why should she pursue so fiendishly an innocent girl like Dulcibel, who is not conscious of ever having offended her?" "Why do tigers slay, and scorpions sting? Because it is their nature, I suppose," replied Master Putnam philosophically. "Because, Mistress Dulcibel openly ridiculed and denounced her and the whole witchcraft business. And you will note that there has not been a single instance of "Yes,—there has been one case—your own." "That is true—because I am Thomas Putnam's brother. And, dupe and tool as he is of that she-wolf, and though there is no great amount of love lost between us—still I am his brother! And that protects me. Besides they know that it is as much any two men's lives are worth to attempt to arrest me." "And then you think there is no special enmity against Dulcibel?" "I have not said so. Jethro Sands hates her because she refused him; Leah Herrick wants her driven away, because she herself wants to marry Jethro, and fears Jethro might after all, succeed in getting Dulcibel; and Sister Ann hates her, because—" "Well, because what?" "Oh, it seems too egotistical to say it—because she knows she is one of my dear friends." "She must dislike you very much then?" "She does." "Why?" "Oh, there is no good reason. At the first, she was inclined to like me—but I always knew she "And so you think she hates Dulcibel, mainly because you love her?" "That is about the shape of it," said Master Putnam drily. "That Dulcibel feels for me the affection of a sister, only intensifies my sister-in-law's aversion to her. But then, you see, that merely on the general principle of denouncing all who set themselves in opposition to the so-called "Well, for my part, I think the whole affair can only be accounted for as being a piece of what we men of the world, who do not belong to any church, call devilishness," said Master Raymond hotly. "You see," responded Master Putnam, "that you men of the world have to come to the same conclusion that we church members do. You impute it to 'devilishness' and we to being 'possessed by the devil.' It is about the same thing. And now give me an idea of your latest plans. Perhaps I can forward them in some way, either here or at Salem." |