
The shapes of people, animals and birds on the plates that follow are drawn full size. They are intended to be made of wood, and may be transferred by any one of the following methods:

(a) Place a piece of transparent paper, known as tracing paper, over the drawing in the book, and with a soft, sharp lead pencil, trace all the lines on the drawing. Cut out the traced shape with a pair of scissors. Place it on the wood, and with pencil trace along the edge of the paper pattern.

(b) Make a tracing and paste it on the wood.

(c) Place a piece of carbon paper on the wood, carbon side down. On this, place the tracing in position and fasten it down with two thumb tacks. With a hard pencil, or a stylus, go over all the lines of tracing. Pressure should be applied as the lines are being traced so that they may show plainly on the wood.

(d) Rub the back of the tracing with graphite (the lead of the pencil). Place it on the wood, and with a hard pencil, or a stylus, trace the lines.

(e) When a permanent pattern is desired for class use, place the tracing on a piece of cardboard, and transfer the outline by method c or d, indicated above. With a sharp, pointed knife or shears cut the cardboard accurately to line. Place this template on the wood, and with a sharp pencil, held vertically, draw lines around the edge of the template. This method serves well for class work.


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