By MICHAEL C. DANK A collection of full-size toy patterns. Toys which make a strong appeal to the child. Each pattern sheet presents a particular class of toys including Jointed Animals, Animal Rocker Toys, Wheeled Platform Toys, Lever Toys, String Toys, Freak Toys, Novelties, etc. While intended to be worked out in wood many are equally well adapted for cardboard. Toy-making at home from these patterns is a fine hobby for the boy from six to twelve years of age, and in the school is a fascinating manual training activity. These patterns are based upon the author's long experience in the teaching of toy-making in public and private schools and summer camps. They are well presented on sheets size 10-1/2 x 14 inches and are enclosed in a portfolio with an attractive design in color. Price, 80 cents. MANUAL TRAINING TOYS for the BOYS WORKSHOP By HARRIS W. MOORE.—A popular boys' book illustrating 42 projects overflowing with "boy" interest. The drawings are full-page and show each project complete and in detail. A descriptive text accompanies giving full information as to materials needed and how to proceed with the simple tools required. Price, $1.50. COPING SAW WORK By BEN W. JOHNSON.—Presents drawings and suggestions for a course of work in thin wood that is full of fun for the children, and affording ample means for training in form study, construction, invention and careful work. A helpful guide for the teacher of the fourth grade. Price, 30 cents. KITECRAFT and KITE TOURNAMENTS By CHARLES M. MILLER.—An authoritative and comprehensive treatment of kitecraft. The book deals with the construction and flying of all kinds of kites, and the making and using of kite accessories. Also aeroplanes, gliders, propellers, motors, etc. Four chapters are devoted to presenting a detailed description of kite flying tournaments. Abundantly illustrated and attractively bound. Price, $1.75. BIRD HOUSES BOYS CAN BUILD By ALBERT F. SIEPERT.—A book of rare interest to boys. It is written in the boy spirit and combines the charm of nature with the allurements of continuation work in wood. It illustrates hundreds of bird houses and shows working drawings of various designs, also feeders, shelters, sparrow traps, and other bird accessories. The common house nesting birds are pictured and described with information regarding houses, foods, etc., suitable for each. A pleasing and practical book for wide-awake boys. Price, 65 cents. Send for Descriptive Catalog. THE MANUAL ARTS PRESS