
After the different shapes have been properly laid out on the wood, the next thing to do is to saw them out with a coping-saw. The wood is placed flat on a saw-bracket, pattern side up. This saw-bracket is fastened to the edge of a desk or a table top and should be adjusted in height so the top of it is about 6" below the child's chin. The child may stand or sit, when at work, whichever is most comfortable, but a standing position gives more freedom of movement.

The wood is held and guided on the saw-bracket with the left hand, while the right hand operates the coping-saw with an up-and-down motion in the V-shaped opening in the bracket.

The coping-saw is the principal tool needed for this work, and may be purchased with extra blades for about 25 cents. The frame is made of spring steel and holds the blade in tension. By pressing the frame against the edge of a table, it may readily be sprung enough to allow the blade to be put into the slots in the ends of the frame. There is a pair of end slots and a pair of side slots in the frame. The blade may be inserted into these slots with either the teeth edge or the smooth edge of the blade towards the frame. The points of the teeth should always point towards the handle of the frame. The frame is held with the handle down. The saw does the cutting as it is pulled downward. In working the saw, the blade must be kept perpendicular to the face of the wood. The blade should never be forced against the wood, as that will cause the wood to tear, and leave a ragged edge. Saw right to the line. Keep the saw going up and down to insure freedom and plenty of room for the blade, especially in turning corners. When removing it from the work, do not attempt to twist the blade or let the frame hang on it, as the blades are brittle and break easily.

When an opening is to be sawed out, bore a hole in the middle of the part to be cut out, remove the blade from the upper part of the frame, while holding it in place in the lower part with the thumb of the right hand. Slip the blade thru the hole from below, and replace it in the slot while pressing the upper part of the frame against the edge of the desk. When the opening has been cut, the saw may be removed by reversing the operation. In all cases, saw the edge of the wood to a finish as far as possible. Rough or fuzzy edges should be removed by filing and sand-papering.


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