
Several methods are employed in fastening parts together in toy-making. Where parts are joined together permanently, a thin coat of liquid glue should be rubbed on the joining surfaces with a small paddle, and then fastened with several brads. Where possible, these brads should reach thru the parts just enough to be clenched on the other side (A, Fig. 5).

Fig. 5
Fig. 5

A movable joint is secured by one flat-headed nail which acts as a pivot, on which one or more of the parts turn. The nail must reach thru the wood far enough to allow the end to be bent back like a staple and be driven into the wood.

A loose joint is required in some toys so that the parts may swing without friction. A flat-headed nail is used as a pivot, and holes, a little bigger than the nail, are bored thru all but one of the parts to be joined together. The part that will be nearest to the point of the nail has no hole bored in it, for it should fit tight. The nail must reach thru the joint far enough so that it may be bent back, staple-like, and when the point is driven back into the wood, the joint should swing freely. The nail may be bent with round-nose pliers (B, Fig. 5).


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