* Before figures means that the reference is to a foot-note on the pages indicated.
d class="c3"> 141, 142 | Bullock, Mrs. Waller O. | *28 | Buchanan, Doctor Joseph | 13 | In politics | 14 | Sketch of | 14 | Resigns | 14 | Burning of first University building | 3 | Burning of New Medical Hall | 55, 161 | Burning of Old Medical Hall | 44 | Bush, Benjamin Dudley | 119 | Bush, Doctor James M. | 17, 63, 90, *91, 92, *115, 163 | Biographical sketch of | 114 | As a teacher | 117 | Born | 114 | Character in his profession | 116 | Children of | 119 | Death of | 119, 120 | Degree of A. B. | 114 | Degree of M. D. | 114 | In Kentucky School of Medicine | 115 | Parentage of | *114 | Married | 119 | Opinion of Doctor Rogers on | 116 | Professor of Anatomy | 17 | Professor Adjunct in Transylvania | 115 | Removed to Lexington | 114 | Writings of | 117, 118, 119 | Bush, Miss Nannie M. | *119 | Bush, Captain Thomas J. | *119 | Caldwell, Doctor Charles | 7, 31, 34, 35, 38, 40, 43, 46, 57, 64, 81, *82, 83, 84, 86, 87, 102 | Biographical sketch of | 47 | Address on the L. & O. R. R. | Cross, Doctor James Conquest | 106, *132 | Biographical sketch of | 105 | Born | 105 | Character of | 106 | Dean of the Faculty | 105 | Dismissed from Transylvania | 105 | Made medical professor | 63 | Professor in Transylvania | 105 | Writings of | 105 | Daguerre's wonderful discovery | 91 | Dallam, Major William S. | 90 | Dallam, Frances Paca | 90 | Davidge, Professor John B. | 122 | Davidson, Reverend Robert | 157 | Decline of the Transylvania Medical Department | 157 | Causes of | 57 | Dedication of Morrison College | 90 | Description of New Medical Hall | 162, 163 | Description of Old Medical Hall | 44 | Difficulty of travel in early times | 31 | Difficulty of procuring anatomical material | 61 | Director, first, of Transylvania Seminary | 3 | Donation of Reverend John Todd | 2, 3 | Donations of physicians of Lexington, etc. | 43 | Douglass, William, case of | 66 | Driver, Absolom | 163, 164 | Drake, Doctor B. P. | 156 | Drake, Doctor Daniel | 7, 15, 32, 38, 107 | Biographical sketch of | 40 | Advice to young practitioners | 42 | Born | 40 | Died | 42 | Founds school in Cincinnati | 41 | Gross's description of | *42, 54 | In Louisville Medical Institute | 41 | In Medical College of Ohio | 41 | In Philadelphia | 41 | Professor in Transylvania | 41 | Resigns | 33 | Resigns from Transylvania | 41 | Writings of | 41 | Yandell's description of | 99, 100 | Law College established | 6 | Lawrence, Mr. Byrem | *94 | Lawson, Doctor Leonidas, biographical sketch of | 130 | As practitioner | 131 | Graduate in Transylvania | 130 | In Kentucky School of Medicine | 131 | In University of Louisiana | 131 | Practice in Cincinnati | 130 | Professor in Ohio Medical College | 130, 131 | Professor in Transylvania | 130 | Writings of | 130, 131 | Lawson, Miss Louisa | 131 | Leavy, William | 38, *46 | Leavy, William A. | 38 | Letcher, Doctor Samuel M. | 156 | Biographical sketch of | 146 | Death of | 147 | In Civil War | 147 | Professor in Transylvania Medical Department | 146 | Letter of Doctor Mitchell to Benjamin Gratz | 109, *110 | Lexington & Ohio Railroad begun | 58 | Lexington & Ohio Railroad completed | 58 | Lexington, early advantages of | 30 | Lexington endows Transylvania University with $70,000 | *56 | Lexington, population of | 57, 58 | Lexington Reporter | *43, 59 | Light, George C. | *46 | Loan, city of Lexington to Medical College | 43 | Location of Botanic Garden | *39 | Lofty aims of John B. Bowman | *100 | Lynch, Reverend Thomas H. | *133 | Mangum, Senator W. P. | 129 | Marshall, Doctor Alexander K., biographical sketch of | 155 | Education of | 155 | Death of | 156 | Marshall, Honorable Thomas A. | *133 | "Marshall, Tom" | 163 | Marshall, Doctor Louis | 155 | McCalla, John M. | 38 | McClellan, Doctor George | 107, 121, 122 | McCoun, Reverend B. H. | *133 | McCullough, J
ml@files@31816@31816-h@31816-h-2.htm.html#Page_103" class="pginternal">103 | Appearance of | 104 | As army surgeon | 97 | As botanist | 93 | As city councilman | 104 | As editor | 101 | As experimental chemist | 103, 104 | As lecturer | 103 | As practitioner | 90 | As teacher | 93 | As toxicologist | 98 | As writer | 101 | Assists Doctor Yandell | 89 | At Rensselaer School | 89, *89 | Attacked by Louisville controversialists | *102 | Born | 88 | Brings first daguerreotype outfit to Lexington | 92 | Comes to America | 88 | Comes to Lexington | 89 | Character, by a colleague | 104 | Character of his teachings | 92 | Cholera of 1833 | 90 | Controversy on the removal of the school to Louisville | 101, 102 | Dean of the Faculty | 90 | Degree of M. D. | 90 | Death of | 104 | Discovery of phosphates | 99 | Donates apparatus | *90 | Early education | 88 | Emeritus Professor | 101 | Examination of calculi | 92 | Experiments with gun-cotton, etc. | 92 | Extracts from letters of | 91 | Herbarium | 93 | In agriculture and horticulture | 101 | In Arkansas geological survey | 98, 99 | Inaugurates the Kentucky Geological Survey | 94 | In Civil War | 96, 97 | In the Eclectic Institute | 89 | In the Kentucky Geological Survey | 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99 | Lectures at Pittsburg | 89 | Marries | 48, 53, 57, 63, 64, 66, 77, 89, 90, 158 | Biographical sketch of | 83 | As editor and writer | 87 | Called to Chemical Chair in Transylvania | 83 | Character of | 83 | Character of Doctor Cooke, by | *78 | Criticises Doctor Caldwell | 48 | Death of | 88 | During Civil War | 86 | Early education | 83 | Forgives Doctor Caldwell | 49 | Goes to Memphis | 86 | Ordained Presbyterian minister | 87 | President of College Physicians and Surgeons | 87 | President of Medical Society | 87, 88 | Professor in Medical Institute | 85, 86 | Professor in Transylvania | 83 | Removes to Louisville | 85 | Succeeds Doctor Caldwell | 86 | Resigns from Louisville school | 86 | Yandell, Doctor Wilson | 83 |