
* Before figures means that the reference is to a foot-note on the pages indicated.

d class="c3">141, 142
Bullock, Mrs. Waller O. *28
Buchanan, Doctor Joseph 13
In politics 14
Sketch of 14
Resigns 14
Burning of first University building 3
Burning of New Medical Hall 55, 161
Burning of Old Medical Hall 44
Bush, Benjamin Dudley 119
Bush, Doctor James M. 17, 63, 90, *91, 92, *115, 163
Biographical sketch of 114
As a teacher 117
Born 114
Character in his profession 116
Children of 119
Death of 119, 120
Degree of A. B. 114
Degree of M. D. 114
In Kentucky School of Medicine 115
Parentage of *114
Married 119
Opinion of Doctor Rogers on 116
Professor of Anatomy 17
Professor Adjunct in Transylvania 115
Removed to Lexington 114
Writings of 117, 118, 119
Bush, Miss Nannie M. *119
Bush, Captain Thomas J. *119
Caldwell, Doctor Charles 7, 31, 34, 35, 38, 40, 43, 46, 57, 64, 81, *82, 83, 84, 86, 87, 102
Biographical sketch of 47
Address on the L. & O. R. R. Cross, Doctor James Conquest 106, *132
Biographical sketch of 105
Born 105
Character of 106
Dean of the Faculty 105
Dismissed from Transylvania 105
Made medical professor 63
Professor in Transylvania 105
Writings of 105
Daguerre's wonderful discovery 91
Dallam, Major William S. 90
Dallam, Frances Paca 90
Davidge, Professor John B. 122
Davidson, Reverend Robert 157
Decline of the Transylvania Medical Department 157
Causes of 57
Dedication of Morrison College 90
Description of New Medical Hall 162, 163
Description of Old Medical Hall 44
Difficulty of travel in early times 31
Difficulty of procuring anatomical material 61
Director, first, of Transylvania Seminary 3
Donation of Reverend John Todd 2, 3
Donations of physicians of Lexington, etc. 43
Douglass, William, case of 66
Driver, Absolom 163, 164
Drake, Doctor B. P. 156
Drake, Doctor Daniel 7, 15, 32, 38, 107
Biographical sketch of 40
Advice to young practitioners 42
Born 40
Died 42
Founds school in Cincinnati 41
Gross's description of *42, 54
In Louisville Medical Institute 41
In Medical College of Ohio 41
In Philadelphia 41
Professor in Transylvania 41
Resigns 33
Resigns from Transylvania 41
Writings of 41
Yandell's description of 99, 100
Law College established 6
Lawrence, Mr. Byrem *94
Lawson, Doctor Leonidas, biographical sketch of 130
As practitioner 131
Graduate in Transylvania 130
In Kentucky School of Medicine 131
In University of Louisiana 131
Practice in Cincinnati 130
Professor in Ohio Medical College 130, 131
Professor in Transylvania 130
Writings of 130, 131
Lawson, Miss Louisa 131
Leavy, William 38, *46
Leavy, William A. 38
Letcher, Doctor Samuel M. 156
Biographical sketch of 146
Death of 147
In Civil War 147
Professor in Transylvania Medical Department 146
Letter of Doctor Mitchell to Benjamin Gratz 109, *110
Lexington & Ohio Railroad begun 58
Lexington & Ohio Railroad completed 58
Lexington, early advantages of 30
Lexington endows Transylvania University with $70,000 *56
Lexington, population of 57, 58
Lexington Reporter *43, 59
Light, George C. *46
Loan, city of Lexington to Medical College 43
Location of Botanic Garden *39
Lofty aims of John B. Bowman *100
Lynch, Reverend Thomas H. *133
Mangum, Senator W. P. 129
Marshall, Doctor Alexander K., biographical sketch of 155
Education of 155
Death of 156
Marshall, Honorable Thomas A. *133
"Marshall, Tom" 163
Marshall, Doctor Louis 155
McCalla, John M. 38
McClellan, Doctor George 107, 121, 122
McCoun, Reverend B. H. *133
McCullough, J ml@files@31816@31816-h@31816-h-2.htm.html#Page_103" class="pginternal">103
Appearance of 104
As army surgeon 97
As botanist 93
As city councilman 104
As editor 101
As experimental chemist 103, 104
As lecturer 103
As practitioner 90
As teacher 93
As toxicologist 98
As writer 101
Assists Doctor Yandell 89
At Rensselaer School 89, *89
Attacked by Louisville controversialists *102
Born 88
Brings first daguerreotype outfit to Lexington 92
Comes to America 88
Comes to Lexington 89
Character, by a colleague 104
Character of his teachings 92
Cholera of 1833 90
Controversy on the removal of the school to Louisville 101, 102
Dean of the Faculty 90
Degree of M. D. 90
Death of 104
Discovery of phosphates 99
Donates apparatus *90
Early education 88
Emeritus Professor 101
Examination of calculi 92
Experiments with gun-cotton, etc. 92
Extracts from letters of 91
Herbarium 93
In agriculture and horticulture 101
In Arkansas geological survey 98, 99
Inaugurates the Kentucky Geological Survey 94
In Civil War 96, 97
In the Eclectic Institute 89
In the Kentucky Geological Survey 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99
Lectures at Pittsburg 89
Marries 48, 53, 57, 63, 64, 66, 77, 89, 90, 158
Biographical sketch of 83
As editor and writer 87
Called to Chemical Chair in Transylvania 83
Character of 83
Character of Doctor Cooke, by *78
Criticises Doctor Caldwell 48
Death of 88
During Civil War 86
Early education 83
Forgives Doctor Caldwell 49
Goes to Memphis 86
Ordained Presbyterian minister 87
President of College Physicians and Surgeons 87
President of Medical Society 87, 88
Professor in Medical Institute 85, 86
Professor in Transylvania 83
Removes to Louisville 85
Succeeds Doctor Caldwell 86
Resigns from Louisville school 86
Yandell, Doctor Wilson 83

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