
A Grandfather's Legacy, 168.
Abbott, John, 85, 215.
William R., 215.
"Abby, Aunt," 185.
Acheson, Dean G., 250.
Acrolophos, 303.
Adams, James Truslow, 14.
President John Quincy, 77, 254.
Addison, Mrs. Arthur, 113.
Henry, 85, 107, 130.
Colonel and Mrs. John, 274.
Rev. Walter, 199.
Adlum, Major, 134.
Adler, Morris, 301.
Aged Woman's Home, 106.
Allen, Robert S., 180.
Alsop brothers, 179.
American Colonization Society, 101.
Analostan Island, 22.
Anchor Tavern and Oyster House, 30.
Anderson, James, 21.
Aristocratic Journey, The, 157.
Arnold's Bakery, 108.
Asbury, Francis, 74.
Augur, Gen. Christopher Colon, 179.
"Aunt Hannah," 142.
Auriol, Vincent, 113.
Aztec Society, 112.
Bailey, William, 58.
Baker, Hon, Newton D., 155, 307.
Balch, Dr. Stephen Bloomer, 69, 134, 141, 209.
Rev. Stephen Bloomer, 67.
Thomas, 69.
Baley, Jesse, 50.
Bank of Columbia, 33.
Baptist Church, 135.
Barron, Commodore James, 157.
Barrymore. John, 207.
Beall, Alexander, 11, 25.
Brooke, 270, 289.
Catherine, 298.
Eliza, 287.
Elizabeth, 68.
George, 11, 141.
Harriot, 270, 289.
John, 26, 279.
Josiah, 10, 11.
Lloyd, 279.
Mrs. Margaret, 284.
Thomas, 8, 10, 58, 97, 141, 144, 160, 253, 262, 288.
Ninian, 5, 7, 8, 183.
Beall's Levels, 11.
Beanes, Dr. William, 99.
Beatty, Charles, 17, 30, 58, 182.
William, 52.
Beauvoir School, 137.
Belin, Hon. F. Lamot, 281.
Bell, Alexander Graham, 119.
Alexander Melville, 119.
Miss Aileen, 120.
Chichester, 120.
David Charles, 120.
Bellamy, George Anne, 14.
Belt, Rev. Addison, 34.
James, 182.
Joseph, 24, 25, 26, 27.
Tobias, 9.
Benevolent Society, 106.
Benning, 4.
Benton, Jessie, 185.
Thomas Hart, 183.
Berleith, 17.
Berry, Horatio, 217.
Jerry, 97.
Mary Ellen, 239.
Philip Taylor, 194, 217.
Beverley, Robert, 302.
Bible Society, 76.
Biddle, Hon. and Mrs. Francis E., 279.
Billings, Dr. John S., 143.
Mrs. Mary, 197.
Blackford, Col. B. Lewis, 246.
Bladensburg, 14.
Blaine, James G., 308.
Blake, Dr. James Heighe, 135.
Bleig, George, 74.

Bliss, Robert Woods, 252, 304.
Blodget, Samuel, 58, 92.
Bloomer, Dr. Stephen, 83.
Blount, Henry F., 304.
Bodisco, Baron Alexander de, 98, 140, 202, 291, 295.
Madame, 204, 292.
Boggs, Paymaster, 191.
Bonaparte, Jerome, 82.
Boncer, Christian, 26.
Bonsal, Mrs. Stephen, 219.
Boone, John, 86.
Booth, John Wilkes, 280.
Boston Sentinel, The, 42.
Bowers, Claude, 244.
Bowie, Washington, 200, 224.
Boyce, Jane, 306.
Mrs. Mary McEwen, 306.
Braddock, General Edward, 13.
Bradley, Abraham, 66, 83, 280.
Joseph Habersham, 280.
Joseph Henry, 279, 280.
Mrs. Thomas, 281.
William A., 66.
Brandywine, Battle of, 16.
Brandywine, U. S. S., 129.
Bright, Sen. Jesse D., 288.
Bronaugh, Hamilton, 205.
Brooke, Ann, 301.
Elizabeth, 142.
Col. Richard, 301.
Colonel Thomas, 142.
Brown, Dr. Gustavus, 121.
Joel, 74.
Bruce, Harriot, 86.
Col. Normand, 28.
Richard, 86.
Bull, James, 47.
Maria Louisa, 254.
Bureau of Standards, 134.
Burnes, David, 58.
Burnett, Charles C., 35.
Burr, Aaron, 67.
Busey, Dr. Samuel, 137.
Bushrod, Hannah, 287.
Caemmerer, Dr. H. Paul, 52.
Caille, Monsieur, 35.
Calder, James, 69, 83.
Calhoun, James E., 303.
John C., 303.
Calvert, Eleanor, 66, 264.
Campbell, John, 15.
Canal, Chesapeake and Ohio, 77.
Potomac, 77.
Caperton, Hugh, 134.
Mrs. Hugh, 104.
Capital Traction Company, 113.
Transit Company, 155.
"Carcassonne, The," 251.
Carlile, Henry, 38.
Carlton, Joseph, 17.
Carpenter & Co., 217.
Carr, Overton, 58.
Carroll, Bishop, 116.
Charles, 256.
Daniel, 56, 58, 59, 256.
John, 116.
Carter, Anne, 289.
Col. John, 289.
Casanave, Peter, 17, 44, 80 , 253.
Cassin, Commodore, 214.
James, 181, 185.
Mrs. James, 180.
William Deakins, 182.
Catholic Home for Aged Ladies, 218.
Cedars, The, 125.
"Century House," 299.
Chandler, Captain, 220.
Walter S., 37, 257.
Chapin, Katharine Garrison, 279.
Chapman, Edward, 192.
Frances Isabella, 192.
Judge Henry Henley, 192.
Jane, 192.
Chatham, Thurmond, 113.
Cherry Lane, 40.
Chevy Chase, 25, 280.
Club, 183.
Chew, Cassandra, 86.
Harriot, 86.
Mary, 86.
Christ Church, 87, 160, 174, 212, 276.
Christian Science Church, 136.
Cissel, George W., 275.
City Tavern, 30.
Clagett, James, 33.
Rev. Thomas, 67, 86.
Clarke, Thomas, 160.

Cleveland, President and Mrs., 171.
Coakley, Magdalen, 131.
Cochrane, John T., 217.
Cohen, Ben, 297.
College, Georgetown, 103.
Colonial Apartments, 183.
Columbia Boat Club, 138.
Foundry, 78.
Phonograph Co., 121.
Columbian Academy, 134.
Library, 134.
Compton, Donna Otie, 273.
Mary, 273.
Congress, Continental, 16.
Conjurer's Disappointment, 11.
Constitution, 128.
Cooke, Henry D., 243, 30.
Earle, George, 126.
Joseph, 18.
Early Days of Washington, 191, 291.
East Lane, 40.
Eaton, William, 35.
Ebenezer (church), 76.
Edes Home, 187.
Margaret, 19, 187.
"Elderslie," 306.
Eliason, John, 74.
Ellicott, Andrew, 61.
Elliot, Jonathan, 117.
Elliott, Richard, 83.
Elliston, Herbert, 287.
Elverson, Nelly, 305.
English, Miss Lydia, 183.
Epiphany School, 214.
Episcopal Church of the Ascension, 173.
Eustis, Hon. George, 169.

Mrs. William Corcoran, 252.
Evening Star, The, 275.
"Evermay," 281.
Club, The, 283.
Farmers' and Butchers' Market, 109.
"Federal House," 202.
Federal Republican, The, 91.
Federalists, 85.
Ferguson, Robert, 11.
Fierer, Charles & Co., 32.
Fifer Largo, 8.
Finley, Mrs. David E., 202.
Finney, Jimmy, 97.
Fisher, H. W., 107.
Fishing Lane, 40.
Fleeson, Doris, 208.
Fleete, Henry, 3.
Flournoy, Rev. Parke P., 219.
Forrest, Bladen, 108.
"Forrest Hill," 191.
Forrest Hall, 202.
Forrest, Stoddert, and Murdock, 16.
Forrest, Uriah, 16, 58, 93.
Forrestal, James E., 113.
Fort Duquesne, 13.
Fort McHenry, 101.
Foster, Sir Augustus, 45, 254.
Foundry Methodist Church, 74.
Fountain Inn, 30, 48.
Fowler, Colonel, 141, 216.
Foxall, Catherine, 76, 153.
Henry, 70, 153, 156.
Mary Ann, 76, 196.
Frankfurter, Justice, 191.
Franklin, Dr. (Benj.), 19.
Freeland, Agnes, 151.
Sarah Norfleet, 151.
Freeman, Dr. Douglas S., 204.
Fremont, General C., 185.
French, A., 81.
Colonel W. E. P., 155.
Frick Art Reference Library, 131.
Friendly, Alfred, 276.
"Friendship," 298.
Frizzle, Bull, 79.

Frogland, 11.
Fulton, Robert, 82.
Furvey, Rachel, 86.
Gadsby's Tavern, 26.
Gannt, John M., 18.
Clare, 130.
Gantt, John M., 81, 160.
Garden Club, Georgetown, 72.
Garden Clubs of America, 72.
Gardette, Mr., 32.
Gardiner, Miss Jennie, 219.
George Town Academy, 36, 46.
George Town Weekly Ledger, The, 23.
George Town Wool, 19.
George Washington University, 172.
"Georgetown," 204.
Georgetown College, 70, 116, 165.
Georgetown College and Convent, 17.
Germantown, Battle of, 16.
Getty, Hetty, 97.
Gillespie, James, 206.
Glee Club, Georgetown, 101.
Glyn, Elinor, 220.
Godeys, 214.
Gordon, Elizabeth Dodge, 248.
George, 9, 10, 11.
J. Holdsworth, 246.
Josephine, 248.
Margaret R., 248.
William A.. 127, 135, 161, 180.
William A., Jr., 246, 248.
Gordon's Inspection House, 87.
Govan, Archibald, 22.
Grace Church, 66.
Graham, Philip, 288.
Grant, General, 209.
Lewis, 281.
Grayson, Admiral and Mrs. Cary T., 256.
Greeley, General Adolphus, 210.
Green, Alice, 98.
George, 93.
Hill, 63.
Pyle, 245.
Mrs. Zola, 245.
Greenleaf, James, 58.
"Greenwood," 137.
Greenway, Mrs. Isabella, 220.
Grinnell Arctic Expedition, 177.
Grosvenor, Mrs. Gilbert, 119.
Gunston Hall, 214.
"Halcyon House," 109.
Hall, Mrs. Basil. 157.
Halleck, Gen. H. W., 295.
Hamilton, Alexander, 279.
Thomas, 28.
Hanewinckel, William Frederick, 224.
Hanson, Alexander Contee, 91.
Harkness, Richard, 191.
"Harlem," 90.
Harper's Magazine, 204.
Harrison, Thomas, 160.
Virginia, 160.
Harrover, Miss, 185.
Harry, Harriot Eliza, 271.
Harward, Ann, 76.
Haw, John Stoddert, 160, 213.
Lucinda Stoddert, 215.
"Hayes," 105.
Haynes, Aaron, 45.
Hazel's Stable, 209.
Hedges, Nicholas, 182.
Heiberg, Colonel and Mrs., 201.
Heighe, Glorvina, 135.
"Heights, The," 299.
Hein, Charles, 133.
Col. O. L., 133.
Samuel, 132.
Henderson, Thomas, 213.
Henry Brand & Co., 35.
Herr, Abraham H., 202, 276.
Austin, 276.
Herring Hill, 180.
Heugh, Andrew, 10, 15.
"Highlands, The," 256.
Hight, Mrs., 109.
Hill, Louis, 273.
Hinckley, Howard, 257.
Hines, Christian, 27.
Hoban, James, 38.
Hobbs, Miss, 159.
Hollerith, Hermann, 286.
Hollingsworth, Col., 224.
Holmead, Anthony, 58.
Holy Hill, 131.
Holy Trinity Catholic Church, 116.
Home for the Blind, 291.
Hood, Admiral Sir Samuel, 90.

Hope, Eleanor, 227.
Hopkins, Diana, 130.
Harry, 130.
Mrs. Mary, 121.
Rev. Matthew, 121.
Howard, Governor, 56.
Nathaniel, 172.
Hubbard, Roberta, 120.
Hull, Captain Isaac, 128.
Prince, 45.
Humboldt, Baron, 169.
Humbolt, 82.
Hume, Thomas L., 209.
Hunter, William, 130.
Hyde, Anthony, 182.
Granville, 182.
Thomas, 183, 252.
Ihlder, Mr. and Mrs. John, 250.
Impartial Observer and Washington Advertiser, 47.
Independence, Declaration of, 70.
Indians, 4.
Nacotchankes, 4.
Anacostians, 4.
Industrial Home School, 9.
International Business Machines Corporation, 286.
Iran, Shah of, 113.
Irving, Washington, 82.
Islands, 65.
Analostan, 65.
Mason's, 65.
My Lord's, 65.
Barbadoes, 65.
Iturbide, Prince, 98.
Jackson, Andrew, 78, 92, 183.
Samuel, 253.
James, Reverend Mr., 200.
Jancerez, A. L., 35.
Jefferson, Thomas, 4, 58, 70, 199, 254.
Jersey, 90.
John Glassford & Company, 14.
Johns, Margaret, 224.
Captain Richard, 35.
Sarah, 289.
Thomas, 18.
Johnson, Andrew, 183.
Thomas, 58, 59.
Thomas, Jr., 18.
Joiner, Robert, 42.
Jones, John, 44.
Joseph Semmes's Tavern, 31.
Josepha, Anna Maria, 254.
Joyce, Col. John J., 295.
Kearns, Francis, 30.
Keith, James, 129.
Rev. Ruel, 213.
Kennon, Mrs. Beverley, 106, 204, 261.
Mrs. Britannia W., 265.
Martha, 154.
Martha Custis, 266.
Key, Francis Scott, 99, 208, 213.
Philip Barton, 18, 31, 95, 200, 208.
Keys, The, 40.
Kilty, Hon. Mr., 56.
King, William, 18, 31, 87.
Kings Arms, 25.
Kirk, Alexander, 298.
S. and Sons, 35.
Thomas, 34.
Kirk's School, 163.
Knave's Disappointment, 11.
Knox, Mrs. McCook, 208.
McCormick, Mrs. Ruth Hannah, 252.
McCoy, Mrs. Frank R., 273.
McCraith, Richard, 243.
McDermott, Maria, 119.
McDonald (Alexander, Mary), 42.
Andrew, 32.
McGrath's Company, 43.

McIlvaine, Rev. Charles, 215.
McKenney, Henrietta, 196.

Samuel, 74, 196, 212.
Summerfield, 275.
McLaughlin, Charles, 30.
McLean, Mrs. Evalyn Walsh, 298.
McPherson, John D., 283.
McVean, Dr. James, 216.
Rev. James, 6, 181.
Margaret, 181, 286.
Melvin, James, 83.
Memories of Long Ago, 133.
Merrimac, 136.
Merry, Anthony, 82.
Methodist Church, 161.
Methodist Episcopal Church, 197.
Meyer, Hon. and Mrs. Balthasar, 208.
Sylvia, 208.
"Middlebrook," 90.
Middleton, Miss, 143.
Mikado, 108.
Military Academy, 63.
Miller, Benjamin F., 251.
Mrs. Benjamin, 218.
Hezekiah, 143.
Mitchell, Miss Kate, 303.
Maffitt, John, 83.
Monroe, James, 92, 254.
Monrovia, 103.
"Montrose," 300.
Moore, Clement, 213.
Frederick L., 279.
Morris, Anthony, 254.
Commodore Charles, 128.
Gouveneur, 196.
Louise, 167.
Mrs., 113.
Rebecca, 254.
Robert, 58, 70, 196.
Morrow, Hon. Dwight, 288.
Morsell, Judge, 219.
Morton, William, 213.
"Mount Airy," 137.
"Mount Alban," 254.
Mount Alto Hospital, 23.
Mount Vernon, 51, 173.
Mount Zion Methodist, 179.
Mountz, John, 85.
Murdock, John, 10, 17.
William, 17, 52.
Museum, The, 33.
Myers, John, 213.
Napier, Lord and Lady, 169.
National Gallery of Art, 160, 202.
Naval Agent, 37.
Observatory, U. S., 134.
Neale, Rev. Francis, 116, 118.
Needham, John, 10.
Newbold, John L., 258.
Lydia, 257, 258.
New Orleans, Battle of, 93.
Nicholson, Commodore, 245.
John, 58.
Nicolls, William, 224.
"Normanstone," 305.
Norwood, Dr. William, 213.
Nourse, Major Charles, 254.
Major Charles Joseph, 136.
Elizabeth, 136.
Miss Emily, 106, 247.
Joseph, 83, 247, 253.
Miss Mary, 267.
Miss Rosa, 267.
"Oak Hill," 83, 189.
Cemetery, 167.
"Oak View," 95, 269.
"Oaks, The," 161, 300.
Odell, Thomas, 24.
Oden, Benjamin, 58.
Oeller's Hotel, 63.
Oertel, Reverend Mr., 200.
Old Houses in Georgetown Heights, 161.
"Old White," 172.
Old Yarrow, 206.
Olney Institute, 219.
O'Neal, John Carter, 289.
O'Neale, Peggy, 308.
O'Neill, Bernard, 10.
Order of Poor Clares, 118.
Orme, James, 83.
John, 25, 26.
Rev. John, 26, 288.
Lucy, 26.
William B., 283.
Otie, Bishop James Hervey, 273.
Oueston family, 137.
Oulahan, Richard V., 218.

Ould, Mattie, 130.
Judge Robert, 130.
Owens, Isaac, 74.
Pairo, family, 112.
Pancost, Wm., 38.
Parrott, Mrs. Jane. 68.
Richard, 305.
Parrott's Mill, 19.
Patrenotre, Monsieur, 305.
"Patmos," 69.
Patton, Mrs. James D., 217.
Payne, John Howard, 91, 308.
Peabody Educational Fund, 177.
Peabody, George, 151, 174.
Pearson, Drew, 180.
Peirce, Edward, 58.
James, 58.
Pendleton, Mr., 270.
Dr. William, 172.
Perrie, James, 10.
Perry, Commodore, 72.
Perthshire, 13.
Peter, Alexander, 153.
America, 264.
Ann Thomas Beall, 288.
Armistead, 153.
Armistead, Jr., 261.
Dr. Armistead, 140, 186, 266.
Britannia, 264.
Columbia, 264.
David, 289, 302.
Mrs. David, 289.
Elizabeth, 67.
Major George, 150, 151, 153, 175, 266.
George Washington, 306.
Jane, 302.
John, 10, 50, 83, 86, 142.
Margaret, 142.
Robert, 10, 14, 47, 58, 66, 87, 105.
Mrs. Robert, 80, 142.
Sallie, 149.
Thomas, 64, 262, 306.
Mrs. Thomas, 64, 266, 275.
Walter G., 265.
Peter's Grove, 289.
Square, 66.
Philadelphia, 128.
Philip, Henry, 156.
Philippe, Louis, 65, 82.
Phillips, E., 34.
Pichon, Monsieur, 69.
Pick, Mrs., 81.
Pickrell, Annie Graham, 209.
John, 213.
Pinckney, William, 173.
Piney Branch, 5.
Pious Ladies, The, 119.
Pitt, George, 30.
Plater, Ann, 151.
Rebecca, 93.
Thomas, 90, 200.
Podestad, Marquis de, 219.
Pollock, Isaac, 253.
Pompean Hall, 29.
Poore, Ben Perley, 239, 240.
Post, Dr., 144.
Potomac Fire Engine Co., 37.
Fire Insurance Company, 104.
Powell, Genevieve, 273.
John Wesley, 272.
Presbyterian Church, 275.
Sabbath School, 182.
President's House, 38.
"Pretty Prospect," 11, 109.
Prince Georges County, Md., 9.
Princeton, 275.
Prospect Cottage, 115.
"Prospect House," 113.
Prout, William, 58.
"Quality Hill," 115.
Radford, Admiral, 245.
Sophy, 245.
Randolph, John, 82.
Read, Isabella, 144.
Jane, 144.
Red Devil, The, 99.
Redin, Catherine, 155.
Richard Wright, 153.
William, 153.
Reed, Dr. Walter, 245.
"Red Top," 269.
Reintzel, Daniel, 11.
Reverend Addison Belt's School, 163.
Richardson, Thomas, 10, 18, 52.
Ridgely, Anna Key, 128.
Elizabeth, 123.

Riggs, Bank, 26, 104.
Elisha, 165, 175.
George W., 165.
Riley, Marianna, 141.
"Riley's, Dr.," 140.
Ritchie, Dr. Lewis, 131.
Mary, 208.
Rittenhouse, Fannie, 252.
Loulie, 258.
Robbins, Warren Delano, 252.
Roberdeau, Mr. 61.
Roberts, Owen J., 210, 214.
Robertson, Thomas, 160.
Robinson, Margaret, 298.

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