Dedication v
George Town Ghosts vii
Foreword ix
I. Beginnings of a Town 3
II. The Original Town and Its People 13
III. The Taverns, Shops, and Schools 24
IV. The Streets of George Town and Some of the Happenings 40
V. Washington and L'Enfant in George Town 51
VI. Below Bridge Street 65
VII. Along Bridge (M) Street 80
VIII. High Street, Prospect Avenue, the College, the Convent, and the Threlkelds 104
IX. Along First Street (N) from Cox's Row to High Street (Wisconsin Ave.) 125
X. Gay (N) Street—East to Rock Creek 135
XI. The Three Philanthropists 161
XII. The Seminary, Washington (30th) Street and Dumbarton Avenue 179
XIII. Third Street, Beall (O) Street, West (P) Street 208
XIV. Stoddert (Q) Street 224
XV. Tudor Place and Congress (31st) Street 261
XVI. Evermay, The Heights and Oak Hill 281
Bibliography 311
Index 313


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