| Page | Dedication | v | George Town Ghosts | vii | Foreword | ix | Chapter | | I. | Beginnings of a Town | 3 | II. | The Original Town and Its People | 13 | III. | The Taverns, Shops, and Schools | 24 | IV. | The Streets of George Town and Some of the Happenings | 40 | V. | Washington and L'Enfant in George Town | 51 | VI. | Below Bridge Street | 65 | VII. | Along Bridge (M) Street | 80 | VIII. | High Street, Prospect Avenue, the College, the Convent, and the Threlkelds | 104 | IX. | Along First Street (N) from Cox's Row to High Street (Wisconsin Ave.) | 125 | X. | Gay (N) Street—East to Rock Creek | 135 | XI. | The Three Philanthropists | 161 | XII. | The Seminary, Washington (30th) Street and Dumbarton Avenue | 179 | XIII. | Third Street, Beall (O) Street, West (P) Street | 208 | XIV. | Stoddert (Q) Street | 224 | XV. | Tudor Place and Congress (31st) Street | 261 | XVI. | Evermay, The Heights and Oak Hill | 281 | Bibliography | 311 | Index | 313 |