BALCH, THOMAS BLOOMER: Reminiscences of Georgetown. BRYAN, W. B.: A History of the National Capital. BUSEY, SAMUEL C.: Pictures of the City of Washington in the Past. CAEMMERER, H. PAUL, Ph.D.: The Life of Pierre Charles L'Enfant. CLARK, ALLEN C.: Life and Letters of Dolly Madison. CORCORAN, W. W.: A Grandfather's Legacy. COLUMBIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY: Record of the. DODGE, HARRISON H.: Dodge Family Memoirs. EVANS, HENRY R.: Old George Town on the Potomac. HALL, MRS. BASIL: The Aristocratic Journey. HEIN, O. L., LT. COL., U. S. A.: Memories of Long Ago. HINES, CHRISTIAN: Early Recollections of Washington City. JACKSON, RICHARD P.: Chronicles of Georgetown. LATHROP, GEORGE AND ROSE: A Story of Courage. LATIMER, LOUISE PAYSON: Your Washington and Mine. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS: Old Newspapers. MACKALL, SALLY SOMERVELL: Early Days of Washington. TAGGART, H. T.: Old George Town. TORBERT, ALICE COYLE: Doorways and Dormers of Old George Town. TOWNSEND, GEORGE ALFRED: Washington Outside and Inside. GAHN, BESSIE WILMARTH: Original Patentees of Land at Washington Prior to 1700.