0-h-38.htm.html#Page_256" class="pginternal">256 Gay City, the, 266 Gemma, 243 Giselle, 236, 238, 277 Gitana, la, 231 Golden Wreath, 257 Gretna Green, 266 Handy Man, the, 266 Happy Shipwreck, the, 208 Hertha, 244 Horoscope, the, 240 Hungary, 253 Hurly Burly, 277 Hvika, 250 Ideala, 260 Impatience, l’, 101 Inspiration, 266 IphigÉnie en Aulide, 217 Irene, 260 Jack Ashore, 265 Japan, in, 266 Jugement de PÂris, le, 231, 245 Pas des DÉesses, 246 Lac des FÉes, 241 Laura and Lenze, 208 Lydie, 226 MÉdÉe et Jason, 201 Melusine, 260 Memnon, 259 Milliner Duchess, the, 288, 296 Mirza, 185 Monte Cristo, 282 Mountain Sylph, 254 MystÈres d’Isis, les, 217 Nadia, 260 Napoli, 266 Narcisse, 321 Nations, Les, Parisian Quadrille, 253 New York, 303 Nina the Enchantress, 260 Ninette À la Cour, 185 Nisita, 281 Old China, 287 Ondine, 241, 242 On the Square, 274 Or, Le Coq d’, 322 Orfeo, 281 Oriella, 261 Our Army and Navy, 260 Our Crown, 287 Palace of Pearl, 277 Papillons, les, 286 Paquita (Grisi), 239 Paquita (Alhambra), 274 Paris Exhibition, 106, 110, 158 Boileau, Nicolas, Sieur DesprÉaux, 196, 200 Bolm, Adolphe, dancer, 296, 299, 301 Bonnet, author, 61 Bordin, Maria, dancer, 272, 273 Bouffon, dance, 63, 74 Bourgeois, composer, 113 BourrÉe, dance, 318 Brancher, Mlle., dancer, 203 Branle (bransle) dance, 63, 64, 68, 69 Bright, Dora, composer, 296, 302, 315, 317 Brissac, Duc de, 56 Britta, Mlle., dancer, 274, 275 Brocard, Mlle., dancer, 209, 228 Broughton, Phyllis, dancer and actress, 249, 295 Browne, William, poet, 74 Brutton, W. M., architect, 271 Buckley, Reginald, 325 Bunn, manager Drury Lane, 238 Byng, G. W., musical director Alhambra, 265-268, 272-274 Cachucha, dance, 212 Calthrop, Dion Clayton, 275 Calverley, C. S., translation quoted, 34 Camargo, Marie-Anne de Cupis de, dancer, 115-117, 156-162, 223 Cambert, musician, 104, 113 Campion, Thomas, poet and musician, 74 Campra, composer, 113, 128, 138, 305 Canaries (Canary), dance, 69, 74 Canova, sculptor, 216 Canterbury Music Hall, 249 Captain, The, conventional character of 18th century Italian comedy, 121, 122 Caroso, author, 62 Carr, Osmond, Dr., 292 Carville, Mlle., dancer, 106 Casaboni, Josephine, dancer, 264-266 Casati, M., ballet master, 260 Cavallazi, Malvina, Mme., dancer, Glover, James W., composer, 271 Gluck, Christoph, composer, 172, 201 Goncourt, Edmond, 179, 187, 196 Goncourts, de, 138 Gorsky, Alexander A., ballet producer, 275 Gosselin, Mlle., dancer, “the boneless,” 203, 217 Grahn, Lucile, dancer, 223, 229, 231, 244-248 Granville, Violet, actress, 258 Gregory, Nazianzen, quoted, 49 GrÉtry, composer, 201 Greville, Eva, dancer, 250 Grey, Miss Lennox, singer and actress, 256 Grey, Sylvia, dancer, 251, 295 Grigolati troupe, 263 Grimaldi, 42 Grisi, Carlotta, 119, 164, 223, 229, 231, 235-239 Grisi, Giuditta, singer, cousin of Carlotta, 235 Grisi, Giulia, singer, cousin of Carlotta, 235 GuemÉnÉ, Prince de, 186 Guerrero, Mme., dancer, 268 Guimard, Madeleine, dancer, “le squelette des GrÂces,” 179-195, 199, 201, 202, 233 Haggard, Sir Rider, ballet founded on his Cleopatra, 280 Hahn, Reynaldo, composer, 320 Hall, Edward, chronicler, 72 Hamoche, actor, famed as Pierrot, 133 Handel, George F., composed “Terpsichore” for Mlle. SallÉ, 153 Hardouin, dancer, 112 Harlequin, 122, 123, 126, 133 Harlequinade, 41, 123 Harris, Sir Augustus, theatre manager, 277 Hastings, Charles, quoted, 43 Hawthorne, Ethel, dancer, 264 Haymarket Theatre (King’s), 151, 218 HeberlÉ, Mlle., dancer, 235 Heinel, Mme., dancer, wife of Gaetan Vestris, 168, 187 Henley, W. H., poet, 316 Henry, M., dancer, 23, 34, 39, 147 Lulli, Jean-Baptiste, composer, 104, 110, 113, 128, 138, 305 Lumley, manager of the Opera (Her Majesty’s), 223, 308 Luna, Mlle., dancer, 277 Lutz, Meyer, musician, 282 Lycurgus, 38 McCleery, R. C., scenic artist, 307 Maccus, prototype of Punch, 43, 121 Machiavelli, 215 Madrolle, French publicist, 214 Maine, Duchesse du, 114, 115, 122 Majiltons, acrobatic dancers, 254 Malibran, Maria, singer, 235 Malter, the brothers, dancers, 203 “Maneros,” 30 Manzotti, ballet producer, 24, 251 Mapleson, manager Covent Garden, 250 Marguerite of Lorraine, 56 Maria la Belle, Mlle., dancer, 271 Marie, Mlle., dancer, 262 Marie Antoinette, Queen, 173, 316 Marinette, character in French pantomime, 126 Marius, M., actor, 277 Marmontel, Jean FranÇois, writer, 184 Martell, F., Miss, dancer, 304 Martinetti, Paul, ballet producer, 280 Marvin, Fred, actor, 259 Mask first discarded by Gaetan Vestris in dancing, 167 Masque, 60, 72, 73, 82, 87 list of notable, 1585-1609, 74 Elizabethan, 308 Matachin, dance, 63 Mathews, Julia, actress, 254 Matthews, Miss, dancer, 259, 260 Maupin, Mlle. de, dancer, 112 Mauri, Rosita, dancer, 249 May, Miss Alice, actress, 258 May, Jane, Mlle., 119, 271 Mazurka, dance, 212 Melville, Mlle., dancer, 255 Menestrier, AbbÉ, quoted, 277 St. Leon, musician and ballet master, husband of Fanny Cerito, 231, 242, 243, 246 SallÉ, Marie, Mlle., dancer and mime, 115, 116, 123, 150-155, 158-160, 165, 172, 224, 282 SallÉ, brother to above, 151 Sampietro, Mlle., dancer, 260 San Carlo Theatre, Naples, 219, 240 Sangalli, Rita, dancer, 249 Santini, Signor, dancer, 271-273, 286 Santley, Kate, actress and dancer, 254 Santori, Mlle., dancer, 279 Sarabande, dance, 71, 318; by Destouches, 318 Saulnier, Mlle., dancer, 202 Savoy, Court of, ballets at, 89-91, 93-98 Scala, Flaminio, 121 Scala Theatre, London, 312 Scapin, conventional character of eighteenth-century Italian comedy, 122 Scaramouche, conventional character of eighteenth-century Italian comedy, 122, 126, 134 Sceaux, pantomime at, 114 SchneitzhÖffer, composer, 228 Schollar, Ludmilla, dancer, 320 Scott, George, manager Alhambra, 269 Scott, Sir Walter, 209, 210 Seale, Julia, Miss, dancer, 263, 264, 265, 266, 272, 274 Serpette, Gaston, composer, 259 Seymour, Katie, dancer, 281, 295 Sims, G. R., 309 Sinden, Bert, dancer, 281 Sinden, Topsy, dancer, 281, 294 Sirois, picture dealer, 132, 133 Sismondi, Mlle., dancer, 254, 255, 276 Skelley, Marjorie, dancer, 268 Slack, Edith, dancer, 266, 268, 135 DÉpart des Troupes, 132 Desmares, Mlle., 135 Embarquement pour l’Ile de CythÈre, l’ (Louvre), 135, 136, 140 FÊte Galante (Dresden), 136, 290 FÊtes VÉnitiennes, les (Edinburgh), 135, 138 Gamme d’Amour, la, 136 Gilles (Louvre), 133 Gilles et sa Famille (Hertford House), 133 IndiffÉrent, l’ (Louvre), 135, 140 Jaloux, les, 133 Joueur de Guitare (MusÉe CondÉ), 136 Jupiter et Antiope (Louvre), 136 LeÇon de Musique, la (Hertford House), 136 Menuet, le (Petrograd), 135 MÉzzetin, 133 Poisson en habit de Paysan, 134, 137 Surprise, la (Buckingham Palace), 136 Terrace Party, 290 Watts, Dr. Isaac, 144 Watts, Mrs. Roger, 325 Weaver, John, author of An Essay towards a History of Dancing, and History of Pantomimes, 62, 143; quoted, 145-147, 148 Wenzel, L., composer, 280, 281, 284-288 Weston’s Music Hall, Holborn, 249 Wiesenthal Sisters, dancers, 312 Wilde, William, manager of Alhambra, 252 Wilhelm, C., 24, 259, 276, 279-282, 284-292, 314, 326 Wilmot, Maud, dancer, 250 Wilson, Charles, stage-manager, Alhambra, 265-267, 271 Woodford, H., Secretary and Treasurer, Alhambra, 265 Yarnold, Fred, dancer, 262 Zacharias, Pope, bull suppressing “baladoires,” 50 Zanfretta, Mlle., 119, 282, 285, 286, 289 Zimmermann, Mlle. (Mme. Alexander GÉnÉe), dancer, 284 PRINTED BY WILLIAM BRENDON AND SON, LTD. PLYMOUTH, ENGLAND |