A Sad Sight. DEAR Wife, I’ve seen the saddest sight, I ever yet have seen; A mother begging at a gate. She looked so pale and lean. She had three children, by her side, Their clothes were old and poor; She said her husband came home drunk, And turned them from the door. The little children had no shoes, And they were nearly froze. She said: “The trouble I have had There is nobody knows.” She said: “I work most night and day,” And this, too, is what she said: “Most all my wages go for drink, She said: “I don’t know what to do, “We have no place to go; “I know the children can’t live long “Out in this sleet and snow.” “I know they are very hungry, “And, I know they are very cold,” She said: “My man drinks all the time, “And all our things are sold.” “He often cries, and talks to me, “And says it is a shame— “And he tries so hard to quit it, “That I know he is not to blame.” “I never say a word to him, “It would only make things worse— “The men who vote it in his road, “Are the men I blame the worst.” decoration |