Pages vi, 2, 148, 220, and 222 are blank in the original. Ellipses match the original. Variations in spelling have been left as in the original. Examples include the following:
The following corrections have been made to the text: Page xv: Chapter VI. Metaphysics and Epistemology{original has Epistomology} Page 70: The psychology{original has pyschology} of conversion Page 93: him who practices{original has practises} the social virtues Page 165: reality have resulted in no consensus{original has concensus} of opinion Page 196: but in a law to which it{original has its} owes obedience Page 261: 'justice,' 'gratitude,' '{quotation mark missing in original}modesty,' Page 283: retained after their original{original has orignal} meaning Page 288: nothing but the highest development{original has devolpment} on our earth Page 325: philosopher who defined being as{original has a} the ideal Page 405: Henri Bergson: Essai{original has Essoi} sur les donnÉes immÉdiates de la conscience Page 434: Thomas À{original has Á} Kempis: Imitation of Christ. Page 436: Huxley, T. H.: Evolution and Ethics; Prolegomena.{original has Prologomena} [51:11] Vol. I, p. 60.{period is missing in original} [199:14] religion in these matters, cf.{original has Cf.} Descartes: [287:16] Translation by Haldane and Kemp{original has Komp} |