§ 77. Present Tendencies. Theory of the Judgment 187
§ 78. Priority of Concepts 188
§ 79. Æsthetics Deals with the Most General Conditions of Beauty. Subjectivistic and Formalistic Tendencies 189
§ 80. Ethics Deals with the Most General Conditions of Moral Goodness 191
§ 81. Conceptions of the Good. Hedonism 191
§ 82. Rationalism 193
§ 83. EudÆmonism and Pietism. Rigorism and Intuitionism 194
§ 84. Duty and Freedom. Ethics and Metaphysics 196
§ 85. The Virtues, Customs, and Institutions 198
§ 86. The Problems of Religion. The Special Interests of Faith 199
§ 87. Theology Deals with the Nature and Proof of God 200
§ 88. The Ontological Proof of God 200
§ 89. The Cosmological Proof of God 203
§ 90. The Teleological Proof of God 204
§ 91. God and the World. Theism and Pantheism 205
§ 92. Deism 206
§ 93. Metaphysics and Theology 207
§ 94. Psychology is the Theory of the Soul 208
§ 95. Spiritual Substance 209
§ 96. Intellectualism and Voluntarism 210
§ 97. Freedom of the Will. Necessitarianism, Determinism, and Indeterminism 211
§ 98. Immortality. Survival and Eternalism 212
§ 99. The Natural Science of Psychology. Its Problems and Method § 157. Socrates and the Self-criticism of the Philosopher 321
§ 158. Socrates's Self-criticism a Prophecy of Truth 323
§ 159. The Historical Preparation for Plato 324
§ 160. Platonism: Reality as the Absolute Ideal or Good 326
§ 161. The Progression of Experience toward God 329
§ 162. Aristotle's Hierarchy of Substances in Relation to Platonism 332
§ 163. The Aristotelian Philosophy as a Reconciliation of Platonism and Spinozism 335
§ 164. Leibniz's Application of the Conception of Development to the Problem of Imperfection 336
§ 165. The Problem of Imperfection Remains Unsolved 338
§ 166. Absolute Realism in Epistemology. Rationalism 339
§ 167. The Relation of Thought and its Object in Absolute Realism 340
§ 168. The Stoic and Spinozistic Ethics of Necessity 342
§ 169. The Platonic Ethics of Perfection 344
§ 170. The Religion of Fulfilment and the Religion of Renunciation 346
Chapter XI. Absolute Idealism 349
§ 171. General Constructive Character of Absolute Idealism 349
§ 172. The Great Outstanding Problems of Absolutism 351
§ 173. The Greek Philosophers and the Problem of Evil. The Task of the New Absolutism 352
§ 174. The Beginning of Absolute Idealism in Kant's Analysis of Experience 354
§ 175. Kant's Principles Restricted to the Experiences which they Set in Order 356
§ 176. The Post-Kantian Metaphysics is a Generalization of the Cognitive and Moral Consciousness as Analyzed by Kant. The Absolute Spirit 358
§ 177. Fichteanism, or the Absolute Spirit as Moral Activity 360


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