I.—GENERAL. Rogers: Student's History of Philosophy. (Elementary and clear; copious quotations.) Weber: History of Philosophy. Translation by Thilly. (Comprehensive and compact.) Windelband: A History of Philosophy. Translation by Tufts. (Emphasis upon the problems and their development.) Erdmann: History of Philosophy. Translation edited by Hough; in three volumes. (Detailed and accurate exposition.) Ueberweg: A History of Philosophy. Translation by Morris and Porter, in two volumes. (Very complete; excellent account of the literature.) II.—SPECIAL PERIODS. Ferrier: Lectures on Greek Philosophy. (Excellent introduction.) Marshall: Short History of Greek Philosophy. (Brief and clear.) Zeller: Pre-Socratic Philosophy. Translation by Alleyne. Socrates and the Socratic Schools. Translation by Reichel. (Full and accurate.) Gomperz: Greek Thinkers. Translated by Magnus, in four volumes. (Very full; especially on Plato. Goes no further than Plato.) Burnet: Early Greek Philosophy. (Translations of fragments, with commentary.) Fairbanks: The First Philosophers of Greece. (Translations of fragments, with commentary.) Turner: History of Philosophy. (Excellent account of Scholastic philosophy.) Royce: The Spirit of Modern Philosophy. (Very illuminating introductory exposition of modern idealism.) Falckenberg: History of Modern Philosophy. Hoeffding: History of Modern Philosophy. Translation by Meyer, in two volumes. (Full and good.) |