
The references contained in this bibliography have been selected on the score of availability in English for the general reader and beginning student of philosophy. But I have sought wherever possible to include passages from the great philosophers and men of letters. These are placed first in the list, followed by references to contemporary writers and secondary sources.


Plato: Republic, especially Book VII. Translations by Jowett and Vaughan. Theaetetus, 172 ff. Translation by Jowett.

Aristotle: Ethics, Book X. Translation by Welldon.

Marcus Aurelius: Thoughts. Translation by Long.

Epictetus: Discourses. Translation by Long.

Bacon: The Advancement of Learning.

Emerson: Representative Men—Plato; or the Philosopher. Conduct of Life—Culture. Essays, Second Series—Experience.

Royce, Josiah: Spirit of Modern Philosophy. Introduction.

Hibben, J. G.: Problems of Philosophy. Introduction.


Plato: Republic, Books II and III. Translation by Jowett. (Criticism of the poets as demoralizing.)

Wordsworth: Observations Prefixed to the Second Edition of the Lyrical Ballads.

Shelley: Defence of Poetry.

Everett, C. C.: Poetry, Comedy, and Duty. (discussion of the Philosophy of Poetry.) Essays, Theological and Literary. (On the Poetry of Emerson, Goethe, Tennyson, Browning.)

Caird, Edward: Literature and Philosophy. (Wordsworth, Dante, Goethe, etc.)

Royce, Josiah: Studies of Good and Evil. Essay on Tennyson and Pessimism.

Santayana, George: Poetry and Religion. (Philosophy of poetry; Greek Poetry, Shakespeare, etc.)

Sneath, E. H.: Philosophy in Poetry: A Study of Sir John Davies's Poem, "Nosce Teipsum."

Chapters III and IV, Religion.

Plato: Republic, Book III. Translations by Jowett and Vaughan. (Criticism of religion from the stand-point of morality and politics.)

St. Augustine: Confessions. Translation by Pusey. (Document of religious experience.)

Thomas À Kempis: Imitation of Christ. Translation by Stanhope. (MediÆval programme of personal religion.)

Spinoza: Theological-political Treatise. Translation by Elwes. (One of the first great pleas for religious liberty and one of the first attempts to define the essential in religion.)

Kant: Critique of Pure Reason—the Canon of Pure Reason. Translation by Max MÜller. Critique of Practical Reason. Translation by Abbott in Theory of Ethics. (Defines religion as the province of faith, distinguishes it from knowledge, and relates it to morality.)

Schleiermacher: On Religion. Speeches to its Cultured Despisers. Translation by Oman. (Ponderous, dogmatic in its philosophy, but profound and sympathetic in its understanding of religion.)

Arnold: Literature and Dogma. (On the essence of religion as exemplified in Judaism and Christianity.)

Sabatier, A.: Outlines of a Philosophy of Religion based on Psychology and History. Translation by Seed. Religions of Authority and the Religion of the Spirit. Translation by Houghton. (These books emphasize the essential importance of the believer's attitude to God.)

James, William: The Varieties of Religious Experience. (A rich storehouse of religion, sympathetically interpreted.)

Everett, C. C.: The Psychological Elements of Religious Faith. (A study in the definition and meaning of religion.)

Caird, Edward: Evolution of Religion. (Indoctrinated with the author's idealistic philosophy.)

Fielding, H.: The Hearts of Men. (A plea for the universal religion. Special feeling for Indian religions.)

Harnack, A.: What is Christianity? Translation by Saunders. (Attempt to define the essence of Christianity.)

Palmer, G. H.: The Field of Ethics, Chapters V and VI. (On the relation of ethics and religion.)

Brown, W. A.: The Essence of Christianity. (Special study of the definition of religion.)

Jastrow, M.: The Study of Religion. (Method of history and psychology of religion.)

Smith, W. Robertson: The Religion of the Semites. (Excellent study of tribal religions.)

Clarke, W. N.: What Shall We Think of Christianity? (An interpretation of Christianity.)

Leuba, J. H.: Introduction to a Psychological Study of Religion. In The Monist, Vol. XI, p. 195.

Starbuck, E. D.: The Psychology of Religion.


Plato: Republic, Book VII, 526 ff. Translations by Jowett and Vaughan. Phaedo, 96 ff. Translation by Jowett.

Berkeley: Alciphron, the Fourth Dialogue. Siris, especially 234-264. (On the failure of the scientist to grasp the deeper truth respecting causes and substances.)

Descartes: Discourse on Method. Translation by Veitch.

Spinoza: On the Improvement of the Understanding. Translation by Elwes.

Kant: Critique of Pure Reason—Transcendental Æsthetic and Transcendental Analytic. Translation by Max MÜller. (Studies of the Method of Science.)

Ward, James: Naturalism and Agnosticism. (Full but clear account of recent development of natural science, and criticism of its use as philosophy.)

Mach, Ernst: Science of Mechanics. (Historical and methodological.)

James, William: Principles of Psychology, Vol. II, Chap. xxviii. (Emphasizes the practical interest underlying science.)

Royce, Josiah: The World and the Individual, Second Series, Man and Nature. (Interpretation of the province of natural science from the stand-point of absolute idealism.)

Pearson, Karl: The Grammar of Science. (The limits of science from the scientific stand-point.)

Clifford, W. K.: Lectures and Essays: On the Aims and Instruments of Scientific Thought; The Philosophy of the Pure Sciences; On the Ethics of Belief.

Huxley, T. H.: Method and Results. (The positivistic position.)

Muensterberg, Hugo: Psychology and Life. (Epistemological limitations of natural science applied to psychology, from idealistic stand-point.)

Fullerton, G. E.: A System of Metaphysics, Part II.

Taylor, A. E.: Elements of Metaphysics, Book III.


Plato: Dialogues, especially Protagoras and Theaetetus. Translation by Jowett. (The actual genesis of special problems.)

Kuelpe, Oswald: Introduction to Philosophy. Translation by Pillsbury and Titchener. (Full and accurate account of the traditional terms and doctrines of philosophy.)

Hibben, J. G.: Problems of Philosophy. (Brief and elementary.)

Sidgwick, Henry: Philosophy, its Scope and Relations.

Paulsen, Friedrich: Introduction to Philosophy. Translation by Thilly.

Baldwin, J. M.: Dictionary of Philosophy. (Full, and convenient for reference.)

Ferrier, J. F.: Lectures on Greek Philosophy. (Interpretation of the beginning and early development of philosophy.)

Burnet, J.: Early Greek Philosophy. Translation of the sources.

Fairbanks, A.: The First Philosophers of Greece.

Gomperz, Th.: Greek Thinkers, Vol. I. Translation by Magnus. (On the first development of philosophical problems.)

Palmer, G. H.: The Field of Ethics. (On the relations of the ethical problem.)

Puffer, Ethel: The Psychology of Beauty. (On the relations of the Æsthetical problem.)


Lucretius: On the Nature of Things. Translation by Munro. (Early materialism.)

Hobbes: Metaphysical System. Edited by Calkins. Leviathan, Part I. (Modern materialism.)

Buechner, Louis: Force and Matter. Translation by Collingwood. (Nineteenth century materialism.)

Janet, Paul: Materialism of the Present Day. Translation by Masson.

Lange, F. A.: History of Materialism. Translation by Thomas.

Haeckel, Ernst: The Riddle of the Universe. Translation by McCabe. ("Monism of Energy.")

Clifford, W. K.: Lectures and Essays: The Ethics of Belief; Cosmic Emotion; Body and Mind. (Positivism.)

Huxley, T. H.: Evolution and Ethics; Prolegomena. (Distinguishes between the moral and natural.) Science and Hebrew Tradition; Science and Christian Tradition. (Controversies of the naturalist with Gladstone and Duke of Argyle.)

Spencer, Herbert: First Principles. (The systematic evolutionary philosophy.) Principles of Ethics. (Ethics of naturalism.) The Nature and Reality of Religion. (Controversy with Frederick Harrison.)

Balfour, A. J.: Foundations of Belief, Part I. (On the religious, moral, and Æsthetic consequences of naturalism.)

Pater, Walter: Marius the Epicurean. (Refined hedonism.)

Romanes, G. J.: Thoughts on Religion. (Approached from stand-point of science.)

Bentham, J.: Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation. (Utilitarian.)

Stephen, L.: Science of Ethics. (Evolutionary and social.)


Plato: Theaetetus. Translation by Jowett. (Exposition and criticism of Protagoras.)

Berkeley: Three Dialogues between Hylas and Philonous; Principles of Human Knowledge.

Hume: An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding.

Schopenhauer: The World as Will and Idea. Translation by Haldane and Kemp.

Mill, J. S.: An Examination of Sir William Hamilton's Philosophy, X-XIII.

Clifford, W. K.: Lectures and Essays: On the Nature of Things in Themselves. (Panpsychism.)

Deussen, Paul: Elements of Metaphysics. Translation by Duff. (Following Schopenhauer and Oriental philosophy.)

Paulsen, Fr.: Introduction to Philosophy. (Panpsychism.)

Strong, C. A.: Why the Mind Has a Body. (Panpsychism.)

James, William: Reflex Action and Theism, in The Will to Believe. (Morality and religion of individualism.)


Parmenides: Fragments. Arrangement and translation by Burnet or Fairbanks.

Plato: Republic, Books VI and VII. Translations by Jowett and Vaughan. Symposium, PhÆdrus, PhÆdo, Philebus. Translation by Jowett.

Aristotle[437:A]: Psychology. Translations by Hammond and Wallace. Ethics. Translation by Welldon.

Spinoza: Ethics, especially Parts I and V. Translations by Elwes and Willis.

Leibniz: Monadology, and Selections. Translation by Latta. Discourse on Metaphysics. Translation by Montgomery.

Marcus Aurelius: Thoughts. Translation by Long.

Epictetus: Discourses. Translation by Long.

Caird, Edward: The Evolution of Theology in the Greek Philosophers. (The central conceptions of Plato and Aristotle.)

Joachim: A Study of the Ethics of Spinoza.


Descartes: Meditations. Translation by Veitch.

Kant: Critique of Pure Reason. Translation by Max MÜller. Critique of Practical Reason. Translation by Abbott, in Kant's Theory of Ethics.

Fichte[437:A]: Science of Ethics. Translation by Kroeger. Popular Works: The Nature of the Scholar; The Vocation of Man; The Doctrine of Religion. Translation by Smith.

Schiller: Æsthetic Letters, Essays, and Philosophical Letters. Translation by Weiss. (Romanticism.)

Hegel[437:A]: Ethics. Translation by Sterrett. Logic. Translation, with Introduction, by Wallace. Philosophy of Mind. Translation, with Introduction, by Wallace. Philosophy of Religion. Translation by Spiers and Sanderson. Philosophy of Right. Translation by Dyde.

Green, T. H.: Prolegomena to Ethics.

Emerson: The Conduct of Life—Fate. Essays, First Series—The Over-Soul; Circles. Essays, Second Series—The Poet; Experience; Nature. (The appreciation of life consistent with absolute idealism.)

Wordsworth: Poems, passim.

Coleridge: Aids to Reflection. The Friend.

Royce, J.: Spirit of Modern Philosophy. (Sympathetic exposition of Kant, Fichte, Romanticism, and Hegel.) The Conception of God. (The epistemological argument.) The World and the Individual, First Series. (Systematic development of absolute idealism; its moral and religious aspects.)

Caird, Edward: The Critical Philosophy of Kant. (Exposition and interpretation from stand-point of later idealism.)

Everett, C. C.: Fichte's Science of Knowledge.

McTaggart, J. M. E.: Studies in Hegelian Dialectic. Studies in Hegelian Cosmology.


[434:A] For further contemporary writings on this topic, see foot-notes under §§ 199, 200, 203.

[436:A] For histories of philosophy, see supplementary bibliography at end.

[437:A] The Metaphysics of Aristotle, Fichte, and Hegel must be found by the English reader mainly in the secondary sources.


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